Japanese Classical Literature at Bedtime ANIME NEWS: 'Zetman' anime adaptation to air in April 2012 After buying up more than 3.5 million copies of the "Zetman" sci-fi hero manga, fans demanded more, wanting to see their favorite superhero in an anime adaption. They'll finally get their wish as "Zetman," currently serialized in Shueisha Inc.'s Young Jump weekly magazine by Masakazu Katsura, will get an animated TV series adaptation in April 2012, its official website announced. Osamu Nabeshima, best known as director of "D.Gray-man" and "Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas," will take the helm. Hirotoshi Takaya, who has worked on many popular titles including "Kekkaishi" and "The Superior Reideen," will provide character designs. Music will be written by composer Gabriele Roberto, who provided the score for the live-action film "Paco and the Magic Book." The anime will be produced by leading anime company TMS Entertainment Ltd. Further details, such as the broadcaster and airtime, have not been released, but it appears certain that the anime will draw much attention from fans of the manga.
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TextFugu Online Japanese Textbook Teaching reading IS rocket science - Louisa Moats Before you start reading, and before you start writing, you’re going to learn how to pronounce nearly all the “sounds” of the Japanese language. If you can’t pronounce anything, you won’t be able to read or write anything either. If you learn how to pronounce something while you’re learning to read and write it, you’ll run into overload. By learning pronunciation first (without knowing how to read or write anything) you’re essentially breaking the process up into smaller pieces and ultimately saving yourself a lot of time. In order to learn the pronunciation, though, we’re going to use hiragana. So, let’s get going, eh? 前 →
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