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Simple Cloud Computing for Developers

Simple Cloud Computing for Developers
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Representational State Transfer Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. REST (representational state transfer) est un style d'architecture pour les systèmes hypermédia distribués, créé par Roy Fielding en 2000 dans le chapitre 5 de sa thèse de doctorat[1]. Il trouve notamment des applications dans le World Wide Web. Contraintes[modifier | modifier le code] Une architecture REST doit respecter les contraintes suivantes : Client-serveur : les responsabilités sont séparées entre le client et le serveur. Description[modifier | modifier le code] Assimilation à un protocole ou un format[modifier | modifier le code] Ce style architectural s'applique tout autant à la réalisation d'applications pour un utilisateur humain qu'à la réalisation d'architectures orientées services destinées à la communication entre machines. RPC ainsi que SOAP ne sont pas des styles d'architecture mais des protocoles. Avantages de REST[modifier | modifier le code] Inconvénients de REST[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ (fr) Thèse de Roy T.

Linkbynet A Baseline for Front-End Developers 12 Apr 2012 edit I wrote a README the other day for a project that I'm hoping other developers will look at and learn from, and as I was writing it, I realized that it was the sort of thing that might have intimidated the hell out of me a couple of years ago, what with its casual mentions of Node, npm, Homebrew, git, tests, and development and production builds. Once upon a time, editing files, testing them locally (as best as we could, anyway), and then FTPing them to the server was the essential workflow of a front-end dev. We measured our mettle based on our ability to wrangle IE6 into submission or achieve pixel perfection across browsers. Many members of the community -- myself included -- lacked traditional programming experience. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript -- usually in the form of jQuery -- were self-taught skills. Something has changed in the last couple of years. Whatever it is, I think we're seeing the emphasis shift from valuing trivia to valuing tools. JavaScript Testing The End

OVH dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks: A huge list of frontend development resources I collected over time. Sorted from general knowledge at the top to concrete problems at the bottom. cunning ramblings in codecraft – Pseudo-random Contributions to the Global Mind-meld 7 awesome browser features New APIs for the web seem to be released every week. It would be cool to be able to use them, but if you need to make sites for the average user, you won’t be able to implement them for years – right? Wrong. Exploring the latest and greatest of the web platform means you get to use the best tools at your disposal for your users and help push the web forward. Here is a number of different features – some old, some new, all underused – that can be implemented quickly on your site, and will be almost guaranteed to improve the experience. 01. If you have ever browsed the internet over hotel Wi-Fi, 2G, or any other ungodly slow connection over the past few years, you will have undoubtedly encountered FOUT (flash of unstyled text). The reason is that historically, browsers hide text from the user until the custom font has been loaded. Monitoring font rendering on the web has always been tricky, because we’ve never had a way to know whether or not a font has been loaded. 02. <! And that’s it!

The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps | Yeoman Opa, un nouveau langage pour le développement d’applications Web Après des années d’efforts, nous sommes heureux d’avoir libéré le code d’une nouvelle technologie Web nommée Opa. La licence choisie est la GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPLv3). Cette dépêche a pour but de vous expliquer ce qu’est, et n’est pas, Opa. Opa, c’est quoi ? Opa est une technologie de développement d’applications Web distribuées. C’est un nouveau langage de programmation fortement couplé à une bibliothèque Web standard qui remplit toutes les fonctions : de serveur d’applications Web, à serveur de base de données. En un mot, Opa ne dépend pas des piles serveurs actuelles (à la Apache / PHP / MySQL / Symfony). Opa est spécialement conçu pour le Web et spécifie l’ensemble des aspects de l’application : Pourquoi un nouveau langage ? En développant Opa, nous avions deux objectifs : Opa fait‐il le café ? Désolé, mais non. Opa n’est aujourd’hui pas non plus fait pour s’intégrer directement avec des langages ou des bases de données existants. Le code, les binaires, la doc

Browser Statistics, OS Market Share, and Technology Usage News Find the latest Browser Statistics, OS Market Share, and Technology Usage news below. We do our best to screen the news provided here for relevance and accuracy, but the links to articles found here are from 3rd parties so occassionally less pertinent materials get published. Please feel free to contact us to report other relevant articles, or to let us know of any material that should be removed. 8600 total records found. Displaying records 1 - 100 on page 1 out of 86 total page(s) Showing records per page. Opera Browser Unveils Free Unlimited Desktop VPN Opera / Canada News / 9/20/16 “If people knew how the internet truly works, I believe they all would use a VPN,” said Krystian Kolondra, SVP of Opera browser for desktops, in a blog post. Opera's Free VPN Arrives on Desktop Opera / PCMag India / 9/20/16 Security-conscious Web surfers can now tap into the company's free and unlimited virtual private network via the Opera desktop browser. Ofcom to get power to fine providers over...

Posts Web Animations Conformance requirements are expressed with a combination of descriptive assertions and RFC 2119 terminology. The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. However, for readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification. All of the text of this specification is normative except sections explicitly marked as non-normative, examples, and notes. Examples in this specification are introduced with the words “for example” or are set apart from the normative text with class="example", like this: Informative notes begin with the word “Note” and are set apart from the normative text with class="note", like this: Note, this is an informative note. This specification defines a number of procedures. Some procedures assert an invariant condition.

Pourquoi le protocole HTTPS va devenir la norme ? | AntheDesign Google via son navigateur Chrome va commencer à signaler les sites non sécurisés à partir de janvier 2017. Cette évolution confirme la volonté de Google de voir tous les sites internet migrer vers le protocole HTTPS. Pourquoi cette évolution et quelles sont les conséquences pour les éditeurs de site web ? Certains sites n’utilisant pas le protocole HTTPS seront signalés dans quelques mois sur Chrome 56. Google a annoncé l’évolution de son navigateur Google Chrome son blog réservé aux développeurs. Les pages web non sécurisées seront signalées dans la barre d’adresse du navigateur. Signalement des sites non sécurisés sur Google Chrome à partir de janvier 2017 Les premières pages web concernées par ce signalement de Google Chrome seront toutes celles où nous laissons des informations potentiellement confidentielles. Qu’est ce que le protocole HTTPS ? Qu’est-ce que le protocole HTTPS ? Pour rappel, le protocole HTTP permet : Comment identifier un site sécurisé ? La dernière annonce de Google

The A11Y Project
