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8 Free Tools to Visualize Information on Twitter

8 Free Tools to Visualize Information on Twitter
There’s a lot of noise on Twitter. People use a variety of ways to filter through that noise, from following specific lists, finding like-minded people through third party sites, or using a variety of services and websites to find the information that matters to them on Twitter. Another interesting way to filter through what is being said on Twitter, and better yet, analyse it, is to visualize it. This is certainly not a new idea, and we’ve written about some services in the past that will allow you to do just that. With the world around Twitter constantly growing and developing, it’s no surprise that since then there are a ton more services allowing you to visualize your followers, Twitter stream and your own personal Twitter stats. Portwiture Portwiture is definitely one of the more unique visual Twitter apps that you’ll find. Portwiture matches the content of your tweets to photographs that have been uploaded to Flickr. Tori’s Eye TweetStats Trendistic TwitterMap 5K Twitter Browser

Deconstructing the genius of Twitter coach, Michael Todd | RADSMARTS Meet Michael Todd, my Twitter coach. I follow him because he teaches me how to improve my use of Twitter in practical and clever ways. For your convenience, I have deconstructed ten things that Michael does differently. 1. Michael’s tweets are full of excellent advice on getting the most out of your online platforms, especially Twitter. 2. You can trust Michael to signpost relevant and useful links on a regular basis. 3. This is a nice twist – something I’m now going to implement. 4. Michael keeps the ‘me’ of social me-dia to a refreshing minimum. 5. I love how Michael is very responsive. 6. Michael adds his own fresh thinking in a style the inspires and motivates. 7. Hash tags can be annoying to read on Twitter, but Michael demonstrates and consistent and useful approach. 8. For example, his Twips hashtags are a very handy source of Twitter tips. 9. Michael uses full stops before @Replies so that all his followers can benefit from the dialog. 10. One thing Michael isn’t is spammy!

A Guide to Inspiration for Writers, Photographers and Designers - TNW Lifehacks Inspiration is just a website away, sometimes you need to know where to look. Whether it’s communities, tutorials, or other forms of inspiration, there’s no end to the ways you can motivate and inspire yourself, and possibly even come up with a masterpiece in the process. While there are links and concepts that are specific to each creative skill, there are a few places just about anyone can go for creative inspiration regardless of what the final product is going to be. By perusing movie posters and album art, photographers can mimic, or build on the concept, while writers can create a story that goes with the image. Another key place to look is in the professional world. Designers, writers and photographers shouldn’t limit themselves to just one era. While Project 365 is a concept specific to photographers, committing to putting pen to paper on a daily basis, or attempting to design something no matter how small, every day, can also be a good way to get your creative juices flowing.

Communicating Through Infographics - Noupe Design Blog Mar 03 2011 With so many diverse infographics out there there’s always something aptly for everyone. A big shout out to all the artists, illustrators, designers, researchers and writers who made these educational wonderful infographics possible. Today we present to you a nice roundup of infographics — there should be one for all the different interests. Educational Infographics Social Media High School How the Internet Can Help Chronic Disease Sufferers How Internet Users Feel The Need To Belong How Android Is Taking Over The Future is Now The Journey of Amazon Social Media Brands The Jazzy Rise of WordPress Wikipedia Turns 10 — Happy Birthday! What’s Next for WikiLeaks? The Rise And Fall of Yahoo! The Venturesome History of Web Search Engines Media Wheel: Visualizing Daily Activities Europe Trails The US In Productivity When Social Goes Wrong How Coffee Affects The Global The Evolution of the Geek Everything You Need To Know About The iPad2 Fastest Ways to Lose Customers How Do Colors Affect Purchases?

7 Twitter Strategies for Growing a Great Following You’re likely on Twitter. But are you connecting with the right people? Do you want to build a quality Twitter following? If so, keep reading. In this post we will explore sometimes obvious, yet seldom implemented, techniques of building a following on Twitter as well as few methodologies you may have not considered but should find quite useful. The inspiration for this post came from the book Twitter Power by Joel Comm. Let’s get started. #1: Look for people you already know This one is a no-brainer but it often goes unexecuted. You can tell Twitter to cull the list of contacts from your existing accounts on Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and LinkedIn. This method is limited to web-based email and unfortunately there is no simple way to search your Outlook contacts for Twitterers. But there is a way around that: Open a free web-based email account such as Gmail or Yahoo! Done! There are additional implications, of course. #2: Twijazzle your blog So how do you Twijazzle your blog? Amen, brother Joel. How?

6 Tools That Allow You To Write Longer Twitter Tweets So for those times when you want to stay within the Twitterverse without posting a dozen tweets, there are several options available to do just that. Here are 6 possibilities you should check out, which allow you to write longer Tweets on Twitter. TwitLonger Topsy’s is the site I use via the Twitter desktop client, Tweetie, when I need to get beyond 140 characters. When you go over the character limit, a pop-up message asks if you want to post your “too long” tweet to TwitLonger. You can also of course write a longer tweet directly on the TwitLonger site, signing in with your existing Twitter account. The site points out that your Twitter privacy settings are not reflected in Twitlonger, but it does recommend that you not use its services for sending direct messages. There are several Twitter-related web and mobile applications that support TwitLonger, including TweetList, Twizzle (iPhone/iPod Touch), Twitepad (iPad), and Touiteur (Android). JumboTweet ezTweets TinyPaste XLTweet

Ahijuna Estudio | Disegno & Musique Best Urban Infographics Ever - Cities The inimitable Yuri Artibise who has devoted himself to the Herculean task of making one of the country's most unwalkable cities (Phoenix), walkable, offers up on his Yurbanism blog a selection of his favorite urban infographics. Artibise's top 5 include The Broad Street Cholera Outbreak of 1854(which was perhaps the first urban data visualization); Massimo Vignelli's iconic New York Subway Map (1972); Eric Fischer's Flickr-photo generated exploration of "Where Tourists Really Flock"; Wired's awesome "What a Hundred Million Calls to 311 Reveal About New York" (hint: its residents are noise-averse and generally displeased with taxi cabs); and Thumb's vibrant "Ring Roads of the World" that renders ugly urban sprawl into something gorgeous. Artibise lists a few other favorites such as the National Building Museum's "Cost of Owning a Car." At GOOD, we can't get enough of this stuff so Yuri, thanks for adding us to your list!

30+ Twitter Tools for Research « Ana ADI 30+ Twitter Tools for Research Posted by Ana ADI on November 6, 2010 · 28 Comments NOTE: If you find this blog post useful please bookmark it. For some time now, I am doing my best to participate in a Twitter chat dedicated to social media measurement, #smmeasure, as a means of exploring what practitioners do and of discovering new tools. TwentyFeet is a rather new platform dedicated to aggregating statistics related to Twitter and Facebook accounts. TwitterAnalyzer provides a variety of activity evolution metrics including user activity (number of tweets, chats, subjects, hashtags, links) and follower metrics (online followers, growth rate, density map, RTing accounts) and user interaction (mentions). TweetEffect visualizes the fluctuations of followers for designated account. Xefer is an alternative to TweetStats. TwitterCounter track the activity of an account showing the fluctuations in numbers of followers, followed accounts and tweets. Reach Influence Volume/Trends Sentiment Archive

Twitpic Brings Video to Twitter 30 Energy-Infused Free Photoshop Web Design PSD Files Pixel perfect webdesign requires a lot of attention to detail, as well as the use of various elements that will enhance the user interface for the design. With modern design, jQuery sliders, tag clouds, media players, icons and buttons all need to work together harmoniously in a given design. However, it can be hard to come up with all of these designs on your own. Once you have the given style, however, it becomes much easier to develop the rest of your theme. Additionally, for beginners, it’s often hard to learn professional web design skills that are on the cutting edge. Free Photoshop web design PSD files can help with all of these situations, and most designers have a few of their favorite resources bookmarked. In this post, we’ve gathered up the sequel to our 30 Supercharged Free Photoshop PSD Files for Web Designers and Developers, by gathering up 30 energy-infused, cutting edge free Photoshop PSD files for web design. Enjoy! Notepaper Blog Comments Free PSD 3D Dart and Target PSDs
