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Software Development Tutorials By Jakob Jenkov

Software Development Tutorials By Jakob Jenkov
Related:  excpectocodo

10 More Puzzle Websites to Sharpen Your Programming Skills My recently published Six Revision guest post, 10 Puzzle Websites to Sharpen Your Programming Skills, got a great response, hitting the front page of Hacker News, Reddit, and doing fairly well on Digg too. Lots of comments were left pointing out some sites which weren't included in my list, so I'm following up here with a list of 10 more top programming puzzle websites: 1. Code Chef Code Chef has lots of practice puzzles, and monthly competitions with cash prizes. The Sphere Online Judge contains 1871 different programming problems. 3. The aim with code golf is to submit a solution using the fewest characters possible.Solutions can be submitted in Perl, Python PHP or Ruby. 4. Over 2600 great programming puzzles, and also regular contests. 5. An online competition site that automatically checks your submissions. 6. The code jam is a programming contest from Google. 7. 8. A British version of the computing olympiad. 9. 10. A site dedicated to practical Java programming problems.

Styling form controls with CSS, revisited Over two years ago, in September 2004, I posted an article called Styling form controls. My intention with that article (and its follow-up, Styling even more form controls) was to show that attempting to use CSS to make form controls look similar across browsers and operating systems in an exercise in futility. It simply cannot be done. Since discussions about applying CSS to form controls continuously crop up, new versions of browsers and operating systems, and entirely new browsers have been released since September 2004, it was time for an update. Because of all this I spent way too much time creating a total of 224 screenshots showing the effects of various CSS rules applied to form controls. I have created a demo page for each type of form control: Each page contains screenshots from each of the tested platforms, as well as a set of styled form controls that you can use to check the results in browsers that I did not include. So what does this experiment show?

Java Tutorial | Learn Java Our core Java programming tutorial is designed for students and working professionals. Java is an object-oriented, class-based, concurrent, secured and general-purpose computer-programming language. It is a widely used robust technology. What is Java? Java is a programming language and a platform. Java is a high level, robust, object-oriented and secure programming language. Java was developed by Sun Microsystems (which is now the subsidiary of Oracle) in the year 1995. Platform: Any hardware or software environment in which a program runs, is known as a platform. Java Example Let's have a quick look at Java programming example. class Simple{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Hello Java"); } } class Simple{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Hello Java"); } } Test it Now Application According to Sun, 3 billion devices run Java. Types of Java Applications 1) Standalone Application 2) Web Application 3) Enterprise Application 4) JavaFX

How to write a simple operating system in assembly language (C) 2013 Mike Saunders and MikeOS Developers This document shows you how to write and build your first operating system in x86 assembly language. It explains what you need, the fundamentals of the PC boot process and assembly language, and how to take it further. The resulting OS will be very small (fitting into a bootloader) and have very few features, but it's a starting point for you to explore further. After you have read the guide, see the MikeOS project for a bigger x86 assembly language OS that you can explore to expand your skills. Requirements Prior programming experience is essential. For this guide we're using Linux. Installing Linux is very easy thesedays; grab Ubuntu and install it in VMware or VirtualBox if you don't want to dual-boot. sudo apt-get install build-essential qemu nasm This gets you the development toolchain (compiler etc.), QEMU PC emulator and the NASM assembler, which converts assembly language into raw machine code executable files. PC primer foo: db 0 Building

How to export a mysql database using Command Prompt Researchers: Depression May Be a Physical Illness Linked to Inflammation In Brief Scientists are now calling the link between depression and inflammation caused by a faulty immune system definitive. Whether it's causal or not, the connection opens up new avenues for treatment, and new hope for sufferers. Physical Roots of Depression Although current treatments for depression mostly focus on brain chemicals such as serotonin, scientists now think inflammation throughout the entire body (triggered by an overactive immune system) may be the root cause of the problem. A growing body of research, including scientific papers and results from clinical trials, appears to be revealing a connection between treating inflammation and alleviating depression. In October 2016, a major review of research on the next generation anti-inflammatory drugs (most often used to treat autoimmune disorders) revealed a definitive link between inflammation and depression. Immuno-Neurology

C++ Style Languages: C++, Objective-C, Java, C# - Hyperpolyglot a side-by-side reference sheet grammar and invocation | variables and expressions | arithmetic and logic | strings | regexes | dates and time | fixed-length arrays | resizable arrays | tuples | dictionaries | functions | execution control | exceptions | concurrency | file handles | files | file formats | directories | processes and environment | libraries and namespaces | user-defined types | generic types | objects | polymorphism | reflection | net and web | unit tests | debugging and profiling General version used The compiler version used for this sheet. show version How to get the compiler version. implicit prologue Code which examples in the sheet assume to have already been executed. hello world How to write, compile, and run a "Hello, World!" file suffixes For source files, header files, and compiled object files. The gcc compiler will treat a file with any of the following suffixes as C++ source: .cc .cp .cxx .cpp .CPP .c++ .C block delimiters How blocks are delimited. statement terminator c++

MySQL Import and Export (.sql file) via SSH Using SSH can be a superior way to manage the files and databases on your account. Using a simple command you can import or export a MySQL database into an existing database on your account. Click Here for information about getting SSH access.If you are looking for instructions for importing or exporting databases using phpMyAdmin, please see Import Databases with phpMyAdmin Please note that in the examples below the -p will prompt for your account's password. And that your database name needs to include your Bluehost username, e.g. examplec_database. Exporting MySQL Data This example shows you how to export a database. The file dbname.sql now holds a backup of your database and is ready for download to your computer. To export a single table from your database you would use the following command: mysqldump -p --user=username database_name tableName > tableName.sql Again you would need to replace the username, database and tableName with the correct information. Import A MySQL Database

Sorting Calculations explained Introduction Sorting is ordering a list of objects. We can distinguish two types of sorting. If the number of objects is small enough to fits into the main memory, sorting is called internal sorting. If the number of objects is so large that some of them reside on external storage during the sort, it is called external sorting. In this chapter we consider the following internal sorting algorithms Bucket sort Bubble sort Insertion sort Selection sort Heapsort Mergesort O(n) algorithms Bucket Sort Suppose we need to sort an array of positive integers {3,11,2,9,1,5}. Suppose we are sorting a large number of local phone numbers, for example, all residential phone numbers in the 412 area code region (about 1 million) We sort the numbers without use of comparisons in the following way. We immediately see two drawbacks to this sorting algorithm. The first problem is solved by using linked lists, attached to each array index. Moving through the array we increment counters: O(n2) algorithms Example. or

January 2006 One more set of features that we need to learn, and then we get to go play. This is an important lesson -- we have reached the point where you can start doing some interesting stuff. So, just to get it under your fingers, there will be more than one assignment this time. Arrays In any sort of non-trivial application you are going to need to track collections of things. This is where the notion of collections comes in. The first, the simplest, and BY FAR the most common sort of collection is called an array. Suppose we wanted to declare an array of 10 integers. int[] myArray; Now, in Java, an array is an object in its own right. myArray = new int[10]; The number of elements in the array is called its dimension. Now, be very careful here. myArray[0] = 0; myArray[1] = 1; and so forth. We also have some shortcuts that we can use when we go to declare these things. int[] k = new int[3]; Or, we could declare, dimension and init the array all at one throw.... float[] z = {1.414, 3.1415, 1.6815}; i++;

Topic: Forum reply redirect URL rewrite issue Your topic replies URL should be displaying in the format: When I set my bbPress settings to the same settings you use above these are the URL’s: Forums base: forum (Note: Default bbPress setting is ‘forums’) Topics base: topics (Note: Default bbPress setting ‘topics’) Forum Prefix ticked (Note: Default bbPress setting ‘ticked/checked’) Forum slug: forums (Note: Default bbPress setting is ‘forum’) Topic slug: topic (Note: Default bbPress setting ‘topic’) I would try resetting your permalinks. If you have no luck I would read up on the LAMP/MAMP (Linux/Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP) package you are using on what settings are needed for mod_rewrite to work on your local machine. There are also a few (and a few broken links here) installing WordPress Locally Thanks Stephen. Thanks Ana Thanks

Laufzeit und O-Notation Laufzeit Man kann den Zeitaufwand von Algorithmen nicht eindeutig bestimmen. Viel zu viele Faktoren (Hardware, parallel laufende Programme, Eingabereihenfolge, ...) spielen eine Rolle, so dass man mit normalen Mitteln niemals eine genaue und allgemeine Aussgae über die benötigte Zeit machen kann. Es werden nun nicht mehr die benötigten Zeiten, sondern die benötigten "greifbaren" Schritte bei einer bestimmten Eingabelänge n beschrieben. O-Notation Möchten wir nun wissen, ob eine Laufzeit in eine Klasse gehört, so müssen wir ihr asymptotisches Wachstum beobachten. Wir können nun die Laufzeit folgendermaßen einteilen: Die O-Notation ist eine Abschätzung der Laufzeit bei unendlich großen Eingaben. Anwendung Es gibt folgenden Regeln zur Bestimmung der Klasse: Wachstum im Vergleich: 1 < log n < √n < n < n(log n)2 < n2 < na < an Umformen der Basen von Logerithmen: logcb = logab / logac O - Notation Wichtige Laufzeiten

SDK Before installing Android Studio or the standalone SDK tools, you must agree to the following terms and conditions. This is the Android Software Development Kit License Agreement 1. Introduction 1.1 The Android Software Development Kit (referred to in this License Agreement as the "SDK" and specifically including the Android system files, packaged APIs, and Google APIs add-ons) is licensed to you subject to the terms of this License Agreement. 2. 2.1 In order to use the SDK, you must first agree to this License Agreement. 3. 3.1 Subject to the terms of this License Agreement, Google grants you a limited, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-sublicensable license to use the SDK solely to develop applications for compatible implementations of Android. 3.2 You may not use this SDK to develop applications for other platforms (including non-compatible implementations of Android) or to develop another SDK. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 13. 14.
