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I am very very sorry .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2002

10 Amazing Tricks to Play with your Brain / Mind Mind is the aspect of intellect and consciousness experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes. Mind manifests itself subjectively as a stream of consciousness. Neuroanatomists usually consider the brain to be the pivotal unit of what we refer to as mind. The Human Brain tricks us whenever it can. 10. At first this might sound like a bad practical joke. 9. In case you experience an injury, then see the injured part with an inverted binoculars, soon your pain will seem to be decreasing in its magnitude. Recently, a reasearch at Oxford University has lead to the discovery of a new pain killer – the inverted binoculars. Source: ( Link) 8. This requires two chairs and a blind fold. The Pinocchio effect is an illusion that ones nose is growing longer, as happened to the literary character, Pinocchio when he told a lie. 7. Source: ( Link) 6. Pages: 1 2

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