Blog & News | ContentTools Are You Interested To See How Interactive Content Can Help Your Business? Click below to receive your one-on-one consultation Receive My Consultation The marketing team carries a heavy responsibility, and their efforts often either boost or tank sales and revenue tactics. No pressure, right? Effective, modern marketing includes content sharing. On your trek to becoming an interactive content marketing superstar, your team must hit on several points for the initiative to thrive. Marketing teams that decide to incorporate interactive content marketing into their campaigns must answer questions like “What type of interactive content will we use?” Marketing teams who keep their eyes on the ball, and realize “the ball” is the bottom line, understand the importance of content in audience engagement, brand awareness, and lead conversion. Since cavemen decide to draw pictures on their walls with rocks, there has been content.
AnswerGarden - Plant a Question, Grow Answers How to Network with Influential People Using Twitter Do you want to use Twitter to promote your business? Are you looking for ways to build relationships that matter on Twitter? In this article, you’ll discover how to build a strong Twitter community with influencers, which will benefit your business. Building Connections With Twitter Using Twitter to help your company grow isn’t about the number of followers you have. It’s about building a community of followers who are passionate about your industry and who eventually become passionate about your brand. The quickest and easiest way to develop a relevant Twitter community that grows your company is to find connectors and build relationships with them. Connectors are called many things: thought leaders, industry experts, etc. You can benefit from forming relationships with connectors on Twitter. By building relationships with influencers, you increase the chances of gaining your customer’s ear and building your own strong community. #1: Find the Influencers in Your Current Network
SociallyStacked - Everything Social for Small Businesses and Agencies River Instagram Tool Blog - Instagram search and engagement tips for brands When I started having fun with Instagram I didn’t know much. I heard that Instagram is great for brands, but what I didn’t feel right is that Instagram is a good fit for the tech business like ours which is not about pretty photos. At Colibri IO (a tech startup that loves creating marketing tools like River) we don’t really have that much to … Continue reading How to build a brand on Instagram in 7 easy steps First of all, thank you all for over 92300 replies to our survey (WOW! In short, Instagram is probably the best medium that allows you to bring your brand closer to your audience. Instagram posts (on average) generate a per-follower engagement rate of 4.21%. Instagram is cool way to connect with your socially engaged consumers.
How To Make Your Instagram Photo Visible On Twitter by Anthony Quintano on Jan 11, 2014 Originally published on Many of you know that in 2012 Instagram pulled the function that allowed users to view Instagrams just like any photo embedded inside Twitter. A recent study by Dan Zarrella of Hubspot found that Tweets with images get significantly more Retweets. Here is a workaround to make sure your Instagram that you share on Twitter gets more RT’s than just a Tweet with the Instagram url. 1. 2. 3. Crop your Instagram photo so only the photo is visible. 4. This does take up more character space but worth it since Tweets with just the Instagram URL have a tendency not to be retweeted as much as one with a visible photo. UPDATE: There are other options to do this that some think are easier.
Skadeedle | Marketing. Just Like That. Customize a responsive email template to match your brand. Here’s how to do it in just two minutes!… DesignCalls to Action: 50 that Sell and 10 that Repel → September 30th | by Lisa Furgison Définition Content marketing Le content marketing ou marketing de contenu désigne les pratiques qui visent à mettre à disposition des prospects ou clients un certain nombre de contenus utiles ou ludiques. Lorsque du contenu est proposé à des fins marketing dans le domaine du BtoC on utilise surtout le terme de brand content (voir définition spécifique). Le terme de content marketing est surtout utilisé dans le domaine B to B pour désigner la pratique qui consiste à générer et entretenir des leads grâce à des contenus proposés sur Internet. étude de cas client livres blancs webinaires Le content marketing existait avant Internet, mais sous une forme moins courante et moins développée. L’utilisation du content marketing aux USA (source eMarketer) : Une adaptation des contenus utilisés en fonction de la maturité de la cible et du cycle de vente : Crédit image Iko System Un exemple de webinar consacré au content marketing :
Twitter se consolida como el baluarte de las marcas que pretenden fomentar el engagement Con 5700 mensajes por segundo, Twitter es el principal canal de difusión online. Sus 115 millones de usuarios activos al mes, contribuyen a mantener la frenética actividad de esta plataforma de microblogging, haciendo de Twitter una vía abierta a la interacción, donde las marcas han sido capaces de hacerse un hueco e integrarse en la conversación. Los datos de QuickSprout indican que 3 de cada 4 empresas tiene su perfil registrado en Twitter, desarrollando una actividad que atrae a su público objetivo. Así, el 33% de los usuarios de este medio 2.0 se confiesa seguidor de alguna marca en Twitter. Esta relación influye positivamente en el engagement con la empresa. El principal reto al que se enfrentan las empresas en Twitter es avanzar un paso más en las relaciones, consiguiendo convertir a sus seguidores en potenciales clientes y viceversa, además de aumentar el nivel de confianza. Un aspecto que las marcas han de cuidar a la hora de actuar en Twitter es cuándo y cómo tuitear.
Startup Weekend Play a vital role in building startup culture and creating impact in your community.Join a family of over 1000 passionate, capable and connected Organizers around the globe.Meet amazing people.Potential to travel around the world as a Startup Weekend Certified Facilitator.Potential to attend the annual 3-day Startup Organizer’s Summit. Startup Weekend is not your typical company. We are an Organization built around an extended network of hundreds of passionate, skilled, and empowered volunteers around the world. Every event is operated semi-autonomously, with all aspects of the event being planned and executed by a team of local Organizers. Our small, full-time Events team provides ongoing support to each Event’s Organizing Team throughout the event planning process, from systems management, advice on best practices (see The Organizer’s Guide), facilitating connections, and more. Think you’re up to it? All Startup Weekend Organizers must have previously attended a Startup Weekend event.
webris Before investing in content, you need to understand it I hate marketing buzzwords. “Growth hacking”. “Big data”. “Content is king” [shudders in disgust]. It’s the most overused and misunderstood buzzword on the planet. This notion has led business owners to spend millions on content that provides no value to their target audience. In other words, wasting valuable resources on non valuable content. Content isn’t direct response marketing Don’t expect a skyrocket in sales because you wrote a good blog post. Content marketing is about having a presence and providing value where your audience hangs out. Honestly, I can’t even begin to tell you how valuable this can be to your business. It’s highly unlikely that your “buy now” promotions on Instagram, cold calling, purchased email blast, or banner ads drive sales. We live in the [over] information age. Look, I don’t like it anymore than you do. This guide is going to show you exactly how to create, track and promote content.
6 servicios para encontrar gente interesante a quién seguir en Twitter Si empiezas a perder gusto por el contenido en tu timeline, puedes enriquecerla con nuevos usuarios que compartan tus interesantes y que publiquen contenido de gran valor. Con tantos millones de usuarios en Twitter la tarea se vuelve un tanto engorrosa, claro, a menos que se tengan a la mano buenas herramientas de ayuda como las recomendadas por MakeUseOf y que aquí destacamos. Twtrland Un interesante portal que te permitirá, a través de una palabra clave ingresada (un nombre, tema, habilidad, ubicación, etc.) y varios filtros entre los que se incluye la edad, género y popularidad (desde novatos hasta celebridades y otra gente con influencia), contar con recomendaciones personalizadas bastante acordes a tus gustos e intereses. Para mejores resultados hará falta registrarse. Nearby Tweets WeFollow Topsy @MagicRecs
Easy Fundraising Ideas that WORK! Looking for new fundraising ideas? How about a fundraiser that requires no investment, only takes a few minutes to set up, and can deliver instant results? GoFundMe offers personal fundraising websites that are free to create, customizable, and feature easy-to-use sharing tools so that you can quickly spread the word about your fundraiser. Of course, you could sell wrapping paper door-to-door, bake hundreds of cookies, and post leaflets for hours. Fundraising Ideas with GoFundMe...School Fundraisers There are lots of fundraising ideas out there for schools, but most of them offer little bang for the substantial buck that they require (not to mention the time investment). Creative Projects Create your next song, film, book, or painting without going broke! Honeymoon Registry Do you really need more stuff, or is your home already bursting at the seams? Volunteer & Service
How to Match Great Content to Your Sales Funnel | Oracle Marketing Cloud In the B2B marketing world, the buying cycle is long. Unlike in B2C marketing, your future customer doesn't simply walk up to your vending machine, make a purchase, and become a closed sale. There's a long cycle that has a lot of money and resources at stake, so you need to nurture your prospects all the way through the process. It's about driving them through to the sale by creating great content at each stage of their journey. Navigating the Sales Funnel 1. The top of the funnel includes content related to the topic of your industry and offering. This stage of the funnel is all about helping, not selling. 2. The middle of the funnel is often thought of as the "black hole" of your sales funnel, since the top of the funnel is clearly owned by the marketing department and the bottom of the funnel is clearly owned by sales. This is the middle ground where organizations tend to get lost and prospects tend to slow down. Middle-of-funnel content is where the product starts to get woven in. 3.