The MEGA List of Free and Paid SEO Tools the Professionals Use [Best of SEW 2010 #3] - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Editor's note: As 2010 winds down, we're celebrating the Best of 2010, our top 10 most popular columns of the year on Search Engine Watch, as determined by our readers. Every day over the next two weeks, we'll repost the most popular columns of the year, starting at No. 10 and counting down to No. 1 on Dec. 31. Our countdown continues today with our No. 3 column, which originally was published on September 14. Enjoy! Honing your search engine optimization (SEO) skills goes well beyond tips and tricks you read in tidbits across the web. It requires time, patience, testing, and a lot of research. Unfortunately, there are a lot of moving parts including the personalization of search results based on past search behavior, localization, language, user experience, and a host of other potential ranking factors. Top Free SEO Tools Google's "No Cost to You" Tools Toolbars and Browser Plug-ins Top "Freemium" SEO Tools Top Paid SEO Tools
Xbox Kinect Vs. PS3: How 2 Companies Handle Hacking
Imagine you're a gaming console manufacturer, and some kid hacks your console to do "neat tricks." Do you help him or sue him? The question isn't a hypothetical one; currently, two rival companies have each taken one of these roads. What remains to be seen is which approach will be more profitable, both financially and in terms of gamer goodwill. Microsoft is set to release a Kinect software developer kit (SDK) to academics and enthusiasts later this spring; the company really is welcoming hackers and curious minds to go to town on its hands-free gestural control interface. Who could have guessed that the Windows maker, which has struggled to shake an unjustly stodgy image, would be the first to invite experimental development on its gaming platform? Why Is Sony Suing? Here's the skinny: Sony is suing, among other entities, George Hotz, a.k.a. geohot, a 21-year-old hacker who is well known for his iPhone jailbreaking. How Microsoft Is Helping Hackers Which Company Is Right? : toute l'actualit? Google
Analyzing the 9 Most Common Link Building Strategies [Best of SEW 2010 #2] - Search Engine Watch (SEW)
Editor's note: As 2010 winds down, we're celebrating the Best of 2010, our top 10 most popular columns of the year on Search Engine Watch, as determined by our readers. Every day over the next two weeks, we'll repost the most popular columns of the year, starting at No. 10 and counting down to No. 1 on Dec. 31. Our countdown continues today with our No. 2 column, which originally was published on April 22. Enjoy! As a website creator, you've already been told that backlinks from external sources are paramount to high rankings in search engines. The following is a detailed breakdown of all link major link building tactics, accompanied by an analysis of return on time investment in addition to the possibility of incurring a penalty from a search engine. 1. Internal links occur within the site itself and offer webmasters two major advantages: The ability to help search engine spiders find new content. Penalty Risk Level: None. 2. Penalty Risk level: Moderate/high. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Twitter’s Biz Stone: “We Are Not Valued At $10 Billion”
R?f?rencement, Design et Cie
Ayant découvert que Bruno m'avait taggé, et les questions posées poussant à la réflexion, voici donc mes réponses à son interview en 11 questions : Si le Net n’existait pas, aurais-tu cherché malgré tout un moyen d’exprimer tes idées à l’attention des autres ? Comment et pourquoi ? En matière de communication je crois que la fonction crée l'organe autant que l'organe crée la fonction. Ce que je partage sur le web, je le partage en partie parce que le web existe. A ton avis, le Web a-t-il créé du lien social ou bien a-t-il contribué à éloigner les gens les uns des autres ? Les deux, mais je ne saurais pas dire si la balance est positive ou négative. Comment vois-tu ton avenir ? Pour mon avenir proche, j'utilise Outlook :) Au-delà, aucune idée mais ce sera toujours liés aux moteurs de recherche je pense. Si tu devais recommander 3 sites à des gens qui découvrent internet, ce serait lesquels ? Leconjugueur, Hoaxbuster, et la page d'aide Google sur les opérateurs de recherche avancés.
Chose promise, chose due, voici les résultats de la 4ème édition de la traditionnelle Enquête Blogosphérique organisée chaque année par NWE! Je tiens tout d’abord à remercier les 1.354 blogueuses et blogueurs qui ont participé à ce sondage (soit 336 sondés supplémentaires en comparaison à l’édition précédente) ainsi que tous ceux et celles qui ont relayé l’information via leur Blog, Twitter, Facebook ou autres. (Special Thx @Fadhila Brahimi qui a spammé comme une folle durant 15 jours pour attirer un maximum de monde!) Comme vous pouvez le constater, cette année je ne vous propose pas de découvrir les résultats au travers de multiples camemberts mais plutôt, vu que c’est à la mode et il faut l’avouer bien plus pratique, via une magnifique infographie concoctée par l’Ami Tony aka @Wisibility du collectif CaCestGang que je remercie encore une fois pour l’excellent travail fourni! L’infographie: (en cliquant sur l’image vous pouvez la récupérer au format HD) 1 : Par sexe : 2 : Par age :
Secretary Clinton: The Internet Has Become The World’s Town Square
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took the stage at George Washington University today to address ‘Internet Freedom’ and ways that the U.S. can ensure free internet access around the world. You can watch a live video of the speech on Facebook here. The announcement is timed with the measures taken by the Egyptian government to restrict internet access to citizens during the massive protests against the Mubarak regime. Much of the organization of the initial protests and rallies in Egypt took place over Twitter and Facebook over the past few weeks. Clinton, who previously called on former Egyptian president Mubarak unblock social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, said that Egypt did not want the world to watch or witness what was taking place in the country. Unlike, the situation in Iran, the story ended differently for Egypt. Clinton explains, “For the U.S. the choice is clear— we place ourselves on the side of openness.