5 Ways to Add Interactive Elements to Your Videos Over the last few days I've featured a couple of free tools for adding interactive elements to your videos. In the last year I've reviewed a few other services and methods for doing the same thing. This is a round-up of the ways that you can add interactive elements to your videos. The first four tools could be used by students to create a series of choose your own adventure videos. YouTube has annotation tools built right into the editor that you can use when you upload your own content to the site. The Mad Video is a new service for creating interactive videos. Embed Plus is a handy tool for editing and annotating videos that you find on YouTube. wireWax is a new service that takes the concept of YouTube annotations and makes it much better. Blubbr is a neat quiz creation service that you can use to create video-based quizzes.
YouTube Capture on the App Store CamStudio - Free Screen Recording Software YouTube embedding and SEO on WordPress and more 12 basic principles of animation The book and some of its principles have been adopted by some traditional studios, and have been referred to by some as the "Bible of animation."[2] In 1999 the book was voted number one of the "best animation books of all time" in an online poll.[3] Though originally intended to apply to traditional, hand-drawn animation, the principles still have great relevance for today's more prevalent computer animation. The 12 principles[edit] Squash and stretch[edit] Illustration of the "squash and stretch"-principle: Example A shows a ball bouncing with a rigid, non-dynamic movement. Animated sequence of a race horse galloping. The most important principle is "squash and stretch",[4] the purpose of which is to give a sense of weight and flexibility to drawn objects. Anticipation[edit] For special effect, anticipation can also be omitted in cases where it is expected. Staging[edit] Straight ahead action and pose to pose[edit] These are two different approaches to the actual drawing process.
Flipped Classroom Tools/Video Resources - Fargo North Library & Technology Educreations is a recordable interactive whiteboard that captures your voice and handwriting to produce amazing video lessons that you can share online. Students and colleagues can replay your lessons in any web browser, or from within our app on their iPads. You can use an iPad or an internet browser to record the lessons. This is for very basic lessons using the whitebooard or images, Camtasia Camtasia is a software program that allows you to create videos, including recording on-screen activity, import media, create interactive content, and share your videos. There is a free trial version you can request downloaded on your computer to try it out. De explanimation: 3 effectieve toepassingen van animatievideo's - Frankwatching Met animatie een nieuw product lanceren, je visie en merkwaarden communiceren of het veranderingsproces van je organisatie uiteenzetten. Voor organisaties is de inzet van animatievideo’s steeds aantrekkelijker geworden, zeker nu de productiekosten dalen en de expertise van motion designers toeneemt. Maar in welke situatie is animatie het juiste middel om jouw verhaal mee te vertellen? Waar zit precies de kracht van animatievideo's? Het draait allemaal om een goed verhaal Onze hersenen zijn veel beter in staat om losse feiten te verwerken als we deze in een samenhangend geheel krijgen aangeboden. Een pakkend verhaal neemt je mee op reis, via de gedachtegang van de verteller naar het uiteindelijke doel dat hij of zij wil bereiken. “Animatie kan alles uitleggen wat het brein maar kan bedenken” – Walt Disney In iedere organisatie zit zo’n goed verhaal, dat het verdient om verteld te worden. Hoewel wij dagelijks communiceren in tekst, staat beeld van nature heel dicht bij de mens. Meer weten?
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I definitely need to keep tabs on this resource. Video editing is a wonderful craft. by williamellerbe Sep 27