Related: Reference
Mini guide de saisie 47 Sites Every Recording Musician Should Visit In a recent “Open Mic” we asked you, “Which music-related sites do you visit regularly?” This article is a summary of the great suggestions given in the comments to that article. You can make the list even longer by commenting on this article. As you’re reading this article, Audiotuts+ needs no introduction. This is a great Flash site with many resources to help you learn music theory. The site content is split up as follows: Lessons, including topics that cover notation, chords and scalesTrainers, that teach you notes, keys, intervals, triads, keyboard, guitar and brass. Michael comments: “I have found very helpful. This is a site that helps you with scales and chords. The charts are guitar-based, and there are options for various alternate tunings and other stringed instruments. A website that helps you learn musical scales and chords. Subtitled “Learn music technology”, this site is all about learning audio. Joe comments: “Great Ableton/sound design videos.”
Connaissances & classifications du Monde du Classement Une représentation synthétique des connaissances sous forme de classifications pour assimiler, mémoriser ou communiquer un concept. Actualité Aide Contenu du site Vous pouvez consultez les informations sur ce projet et les liens. How to read sheet music... a free course. The Mystery of Sheet Music To many people, reading sheet music is an intimidating, mysterious activity. But it doesn't need to be! It's actually quite simple, once you understand the secret behind it. At "ReadSheetMusic.info," my desire is to teach you how to read sheet music as quickly as possible. I'll take away the mystery, and put reading sheet music within your grasp. Since 1999, I've made this course available at www.notationmachine.com. In any case, there is enough information to easily get you started reading sheet music right away! Jason Silver How To Read Sheet Music... a Free Course click here to download our free Ebook! All you ever wanted to know about sheet music and how to read it. How to Read Sheet Music - by Kevin Meixner Start the Course How to Read Sheet Music - by Jason Silver Start the Course
Dewey Pictograms Reproducible images portraying collections within the Dewey Decimal Classification System, enabling people with disabilities, low literacy skills, etc., to better locate materials in the library's collection; these can be mounted on bookstacks or special mounts in the collection. Many thanks to OCLC (all copyright rights in the Dewey Decimal Classification System are owned by OCLC; Dewey, Dewey Decimal Classification, DDC, OCLC and WebDewey are registered trademarks of OCLC) and to Oakland (CA) Public Library for making these images freely available. The resource is a result of a collaboration between the Oakland Public Library and the East Bay Learning Disabilities Association (EastBayl da.org), supported by the California State Library. The 88 images were created by Shelby Designs & Illustrates (Oakland, CA) and the work was supported in part by the U.S. Introduction Pictograms for the Dewey Decimal System People with learning disabilities make up 17 to 20% of the general population.
Recover Data Like a Forensics Expert Using an Ubuntu Live CD There are lots of utilities to recover deleted files, but what if you can’t boot up your computer, or the whole drive has been formatted? We’ll show you some tools that will dig deep and recover the most elusive deleted files, or even whole hard drive partitions. We’ve shown you simple ways to recover accidentally deleted files, even a simple method that can be done from an Ubuntu Live CD, but for hard disks that have been heavily corrupted, those methods aren’t going to cut it. In this article, we’ll examine four tools that can recover data from the most messed up hard drives, regardless of whether they were formatted for a Windows, Linux, or Mac computer, or even if the partition table is wiped out entirely. Note: These tools cannot recover data that has been overwritten on a hard disk. Our setup We then wiped the partition table from the hard drive by deleting the partitions in GParted. Is our data lost forever? Installing the tools Recover hard drive partitions sudo testdisk PhotoRec
Reference, Facts, News - Free and Family-friendly Resources - Refdesk.com Home Studio Talk I was zipping around on YouTube a while back and ran across this video called "Vocaloid live concert part 1". I did not understand what was going on in the video and I could not figure out a few things right off the bat. A) was it a real voice B) are these holograms C) are people really at a concert with "fake" people on the stage. After some Google searches I soon found the answers to these three questions were No, Kinda, and yes. -Was it a real voice = no -Were they holograms = kind of, more like a projection onto a clear surface like the projection show on the sheet of water at Disneyland. - are people really at a concert with "fake" people on stage = yes Here is a video showing the software in action. Basically Vocaloid is software that uses a piano roll interface but instead of synth sounds like pianos, violins, and trumpets you get virtual singer's voices like Leon's voice, Lola's voice and Miriam's voice. Anyway check it out here at their website.
100 Websites You Should Know and Use In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? We think so. Below, the 2013 edition of the 100 websites to put on your radar and in your browser. To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH.
Translation Cloud - Professional Language Translation of Documents Oddity Central - Weird Places, Odd Events, Bizarre News, Strange People and A Lot More Dark Roasted Blend "QUANTUM SHOT" #531Link - by Avi Abrams Army of tiny robots grows in number and sophistication Since our last "Robot Art" overview came out, these cute little bots multiplied like rabbits or Google spiders, and they all look good, so it's time for an update! (image courtesy Mike Rivamonte) Most of these robot figures (often called "nerdbots") are made from found objects, purely for your esthetic appreciation - and yet one can't shake the feeling that they might one day come to life (as if in some Stephen King story) and invade your cubicle, making shrill R2D2 sounds and mounting attacks on, say, a hated monstrous copy machine in the corner. Mike Rivamonte's metal sculptures are "interpretation of robots and spacemen capable of flight and mischief. The detailing on these robots is exceptional: (images courtesy Mike Rivamonte) Recent updates from Nemo Gould are quite surreal: Nicholas and Angela from "Nerdbots" site build the said "bots" out of scraps of... pretty much anything vintage and cool:
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