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Discrete Math Lecture Notes

Discrete Math Lecture Notes

Coaching with the Johari Window We live in a society where we all present a persona, a mask to the world. This protects us from breaking some of the social and legal rules that structure our society. I can also present us with some limitations in behaviours that can restrict both our performance and our ability to succeed. The Johari window is a useful tool to apply in the coaching domain. Imaginatively named after it’s inventors, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram it can help people understand elements of their behaviour, what they see of themselves, how it could be perceived by others and what isn’t being seen by anyone. Consider the framework in figure 1 below. Figure 1: The Johari Window (Adapted) We all behave in a way that is visible to both ourselves and others. We do, however, hide some of the things we believe (our personality and our desires) from other people and this is the ‘Private Area’. People’s behaviour can often be interpreted in a manner different to what was intended. The final area is the ‘Hidden Area’.

Free Online Course Materials | Courses | MIT OpenCourseWare - Aurora Teach21 Project Based Learning You have been asked by your school principal and local Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) to address the mounting problems around the school grounds. Parents and teachers have noted that the outside area needs substantial improvement. The principal agrees that the greenery and bushes are overgrown and the perimeter of the building is in poor condition. She has challenged your class to tour the outside area and create a needs assessment for the school. PHASE 1: (approximately 1 Week) Introduce project to students through the Entry Event. Students then take a walk on the school grounds examining the current conditions of the school landscaping. Mini-Lessons taught on perimeter and area within the mathematics classroom. Assign group tasks for measuring and estimating costs. PHASE 2: (approximately 1-2 Weeks) Groups go outside and measure designated areas (which have been previously measured by co-teacher for accuracy and reasonableness). Model how to prepare an Excel Spreadsheet.

Resources and Downloads for Differentiated Instruction Tips for downloading: PDF files can be viewed on a wide variety of platforms -- both as a browser plug-in or a stand-alone application -- with Adobe's free Acrobat Reader program. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader. Click on any title link below to view or download that file. Resources On This Page: Lesson Plans & Rubric - Reteach and Enrich Sample materials used to teach, assess, reteach, and enrich one week's fifth grade math objective: differentiating prime and composite numbers. Back to Top Tools for Data Assessment Teachers at Mesquite meet weekly with the student achievement teacher to review the most recent assessment data and plan instruction for each student accordingly. 5th Grade Math Formative Assessment Tracking Sheet Sample spreadsheet used to track student performance on each objective. Culture Websites & Readings

Math Coach Building Number Sense Daily Estimation: acing_math Math Card Games brain-related research Instructional Coaching - Instructional Coaching
