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Algorithmic Botany: Publications

Algorithmic Botany: Publications
Related:  biomimicry

Architecture Index of Examples | Generative Landscapes This is an ongoing archive of posts describing specific script examples in Grasshopper. In general, the examples progress somewhat in difficulty, and later examples often refer to earlier examples. If you are learning Grasshopper, you may want to go through them in order. If you are already an advanced user, you can probably just click on the topic or image you think looks interesting and give it a try! 1 – 2D Patterns – Part 1: Grids, Transforms, Culls and Dispatches 2 – 2D Patterns – Part 2 : Attractors and Utility Tools 3 – 2D Patterns – Part 3: Connecting the Dots, Data Structuring, and Tessellation 4 – Surfaces and Topography 5 – Basic 3D operations and working with “Real” Sites 6 – Vectors 7 – Vector Fields with Grasshopper “Field” Components 8 – Basic Recursive Processes 9 – Fractal Forms 10 – Growth Structures 11 – Agent Based Form 12 – Cellular Automata 13 – Space Colonization 20 – Large Scale Landscape Modeling 21 – Case Studies 22 – Artists Like this: Like Loading...

vintage animal prints | Vintageprintable Here are some sample images – right click to print or save. Scroll down for more. Related pages: IREM de Lyon Bon courage, si vous n’avez pas d’ordinateur portable, l’IREM a une dizaine de (relativement vieilles) bécanes sous linux qui peuvent vous dépanner, contactez-nous. Lesson studies Michèle Artigue (IREM de Paris), Charlotte Derouet (IREM de Strasbourg) et Blandine Masselin (IREM de Rouen) Titre : Présentation d’un dispositif innovant inspiré des Lesson Studies en mathématiques : retour sur une formation vécue dans l’académie de Rouen. Ce séminaire sera distanciel uniquement. Il sera donc possible de le suivre depuis très loin. En ligne, mercredi 18 novembre à 16h30. Plus d’informations sur le site de l’IREM de Paris Hommage à Samuel Paty Notre école est notre trésor et nous sommes le visage de la République devant les enfants. En attendant Bourges, c’est fini Les quatre premiers jours des vacances de Toussaint sont habituellement synonymes, pour beaucoup d’entre nous, de rencontres et de découvertes autour des mathématiques lors des journées nationales de l’APMEP.

LSystems Application Please try out this LSystems program written in Java. You must be using a Java compatible web browser to access it. The source code for this applet can be downloaded here. Paula CooperDepartment of Computer Science, University of C Introduction Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) provide an easy way for creating very complicated images such as fractals and trees through the specification of a few production rules. This demo is based on the program and sample L-systems presented in Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and Jim Hanan, Lindenmeyer Systems, Fractals, and Plants, Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 79, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1989,1992 How to Use This L-systems Application In order to run an L-systems derivation the user must first specify the attributes of the derivation to be run. All of these entries are specified by entering the values in the provided text entry boxes, except for the production rules.

origami | Space Symmetry Structure September 14, 2009 This video collects some of my recent geometrical play in Rhino/Grasshopper. I’ll be posting further explanations and definition files here over the next few days. Among the things shown are: (more…) April 21, 2009 Continuing to explore corrugations which are rigidly foldable – ie. there is no deformation of the faces during the folding process. The same principles can be naturally extended to other piecewise-planar surfaces such as the one above, which is rigidly foldable but does not unfold to flat. Inspired and informed by the work of Tom Hull and Tim Hoffmann April 4, 2009 My electric field sketch in Grasshopper controlling the metamorphosis of the MARS double corrugation pattern. March 24, 2009 Andrew Hudson has been making some beautiful curved-fold origami using grids from my recent work with electric fields: I’m really looking forward to seeing how this develops. While we’re on the subject of origami… (video) Numbers 3 and 6 were found in the 60s by Ron Resch.

Biomimicry Basics | Vibrant OS Learning If you take this course, you will be able to: Describe what biomimicry is and how it relates to other forms of bio-inspired design Use the Biomimicry for Design methodology (the Biomimicry Design Spiral) for technical and non- technical design challenges Articulate why biomimicry is valuable for your organization Integrate biomimicry into your design process or innovation pathway Content and Overview The first part of the course is an overview of the what, why, and how of biomimicry and the Biomimicry Design Spiral. The core of the course shows you how to use the 6 steps of Biomimicry Design Spiral: Identify, Translate, Discover, Abstract, Emulate, and Evaluate. For each step in the spiral, you will: Learn how to execute the step See how the step is used in an example Receive tips I've picked up from years of working in the field Discover the unique benefits of using each step individually, so you can generate value from biomimicry even outside the spiral design process

Le blog-notes mathématique du coyote vendredi 8 février 2019 Pourquoi des plis dans les vêtements? Par Didier Müller, vendredi 8 février 2019 à 07:49 - Il y a des maths là ? lu 75 fois - aucun commentaire mardi 5 février 2019 Exercices et problèmes de cryptographie - 3e éd Par Didier Müller, mardi 5 février 2019 à 19:05 - Livres/CD-ROM Exercices et problèmes de cryptographie 3ème édition Damien Vergnaud Dunod (24 octobre 2018) 368 pages Présentation de l'éditeur Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux étudiants de second cycle d’informatique ou de mathématiques ainsi qu’aux élèves en écoles d’ingénieurs. lu 126 fois - aucun commentaire dimanche 3 février 2019 Math Park - 09/11/13 - Valentin Feray, Sous-suite croissante d'une permutation aléatoire Par Didier Müller, dimanche 3 février 2019 à 08:21 - Doc/séries/films/vidéos Combien de cartes faut-il déplacer au minimum pour trier un jeu de cartes mélangé ? lu 183 fois - aucun commentaire lundi 28 janvier 2019 Réformons les angles ! Par Didier Müller, lundi 28 janvier 2019 à 22:20 - Micmaths Tatouage

Kinect - One Week Later [Processing, oF, Cinder, MaxMSP] - Now full speed ahead.. Last week we wrote about the wonderful work that happened over the weekend after the release of XBox Kinect opensource drivers. Today we look at what happened since then and how the Microsoft gadget is being utilised in the creative code community. In case you missed our post from last week, you can see it here: Kinect – OpenSource [News] Chris from got to play with the Kinect and one late night he made this little demo in Processing using the hacked Kinect drivers. The processing app is sending out OSC with depth information based on the level of detail and the defined plane. The iPad app is using TouchOSC to send different values to the Processing app. Daniel Reetz and Matti Kariluoma have been playing with Hacking a Powershot A540 camera for infrared sensitivity enabling you to see Kinect projected infra red dots in space. Philipp Robb has some early experiments with a Microsoft Kinect depth camera on a mobile robot base. It’s still very alpha.

What is Rhino.Python? with Python by Dan Belcher This guide is an overview of Python in Rhino. …but a better question is… What is Python? Python is a modern programming language. Python is interpreted, meaning it is executed one line at a time. You may need Python if you want to: Automate a repetitive task in Rhino much faster than you could do manually. Why Python? Why should you use Python? But more importantly: Python is very popular outside of Rhino! Rhino already has a scripting language called RhinoScript why do we need another? What version of Python does Rhino use? Rhino uses Python version 2.7. Where can you use Python in Rhino? Python can be used all over Rhino in many different ways. Interactive scripts. RhinoScript Style Functions One of the key features of RhinoScript that make it easy to write powerful scripts is a large library of Rhino specific functions that can be called from scripts. Let’s compare scripts for letting a user pick two points and adding a line to Rhino… Here’s RhinoScript: compared with Python:

Bio-Mathematics in Busby Berkeley Musicals--Image Dump JF Ptak Science Books Post 1133 There's a certain amount of Leggy Geometry going on in the many films of the great and often-troubled Busby Berkeley. Berkeley was about 38 when he came into great prominence as a choreographer for movies with music--they were grand and spectacular, intricate dances involving dozens, many times employing overhead shots looking straight down on a full-kaleidoscope productions. There's a big dollop of natural history geometry in his work, as we can see by this selection of still images below. MathFiction Homepage a list compiled by Alex Kasman (College of Charleston) The Mathematical Fiction Homepage is my attempt to collect information about all significant references to mathematics in fiction. You can see the entire list (sorted by author, title or publication date). You can browse through the database to find your favorite genre, topic, motif or medium. If you've got more specific criteria in mind, try our search page. If you've been here before and just want to see what's been added recently, look at our listing of new/recently modified entries. For more information about this site, click here. (Maintained by Alex Kasman, College of Charleston)
