PowerPoint for E-Learning To successfully use PowerPoint for rapid elearning, you need to do two things: Rethink how you use PowerPoint. Most people approach it from a linear presentation mindset, building slides the same way they would for face-to-face presentations. That just doesn’t work for elearning.Learn to use PowerPoint’s features. Once you scratch the surface of the tools available in PowerPoint, you’ll see it’s more than adequate for building great elearning. In many ways it’s the ideal choice because it offers a blend of speed, ease-of-use, and cost savings. The following posts explore lots of practical, hands-on tips and tricks for using PowerPoint to create elearning. What You Need to Know About PowerPoint & E-Learning This series discusses key concepts and provides excellent examples of how to use PowerPoint for your elearning courses. Tips & Tricks to Improve Your PowerPoint Skills Here’s a series of posts that will give you all of the basic production techniques that you need to be successful.
200 Free Rapid E-Learning Tutorials A few weeks ago I offered some advice on how to become an elearning pro without spending a dime. The essence of that post is: You have access to a lot of free tips and tricks. So there are plenty of opportunities to learn and it doesn’t cost you anything more than your time. Practice doing what you learn. I also offered up a small challenge and your peers responded by creating a number of tutorials. Click here to view the tutorial. Here’s a quick mock up using the ideas from Linda’s tutorial. Click here to view the prototype. Below is a list of great tips and tricks that you can apply to your elearning courses right away. Creating PowerPoint Graphics Some of these tips are really practical and probably work right away. Create transparent background for your images in PowerPoint. PowerPoint Animation Tips & Techniques You might not need to use all of these animation tips, but it’s a good thing to practice them because the techniques can be applied in all sorts of circumstances.
Rapid E-Learning 101 Rapid elearning can mean many things. For some it means easy tools that let you build elearning courses without special programming skills. For others, it means being empowered to quickly share your expertise with others. Ultimately, it’s usually about getting the right information to people at the right time while operating at the speed of business. Rapid E-Learning 101 If you’re just getting started with elearning, this series brings you up-to-speed. How to Get Started with E-Learning I get a lot of emails asking how to get started with elearning. But the real tip is to practice what you’re learning, even if it’s simple in the beginning.
Scénario multi-branches dans articulate Creating Branching E-learning Scenarios Here's a basic introduction to using branching, hyperlinking, slide masters and customizing player templates to create multi-path learning paths within a Presenter course. The idea behind the project was to simulate loading unique content based on learner selection. Navigation icons are included for learners to return to start screen or jump over to another learning path at any time. This is a start-to-finish series. Also included is a small, visual map in top right corner. Preview: final project Download source files: PPT2007 | PPT2003 Screencast: Anyway, hope you find this useful. As always, we'd love to see what you come up with so please share questions as well as samples! Overdrive Develops Social Learning Infographic for SkillSoft | Overdrive eMarketing Blog: Social Media Marketing | Search Engine Marketing Here at Overdrive, we love to highlight our clients’ successes and the collaborative effort of our team members. We worked with our client, SkillSoft, to develop and launch their Social Learning infographic, now available. This recently completed infographic offers valuable insight into this industry, and expresses the opportunity and benefits of incorporating social learning into organizations. The infographic is complete with live-links, allowing users to gain deeper knowledge on the social learning industry and further engage with SkillSoft and their community. For more information on this infographic or to download a copy, click here. Related Posts:
A Global Guide to Tricky Pronunciation English pronunciation is a troublesome thing to master for ESL and EFL students. Those who try to learn without regular auditive stimulation have a particularly difficult time with accurate pronunciation. Plus, some sounds in English just don’t exist in some foreign languages, like the “th” sound. Pronunciation snags happen between many languages. For example, Portuguese-speakers do not understand the sound of “j” that many Spanish-speakers use for the consonant “y.” Most Japanese and Chinese speakers have a hard time with the sound of “ell” coming from any other language, and often confuse it with “ar.” English sometimes can seem dedicated to making it even harder for learners with some phonetic oddities, like the words: ‘tough’ [túf]; ‘women’ [wû-mun]; ‘aisle’ (And going back to the “h” issue, the letter has no sound in English in the words ‘heir’ [ehr], ‘hour’ [our] and ‘herb’ [urb], just like in Portuguese). (Visited 985 times, 1 visits today)
Metamedia | La révolution de l'information Information NetEmploi Carrière Bac+5 est une application mobile téléchargeable gratuitement, sur tablettes et smartphones (Androïd et iOS). Elle est destinée aux cadres et aux jeunes diplômés Bac +5 qui y trouveront des conseils sur leur carrière, leur candidature, les moyens de trouver un cabinet de recrutement, de choisir la bonne entreprise, de négocier le bon salaire ou la bonne façon de changer d’employeur. Une application mobile gratuite comprenant un espace candidat interactif et de nombreux contenus utiles (+ de 1 000 liens vers des professionnels) L’application Carrière Bac +5 aidera, épaulera et fournira les bonnes clés aux jeunes diplômés à la recherche d’un stage ou d’un premier emploi ainsi qu’aux cadres qui souhaitent faire progresser leur carrière. L’analyse de 20 secteurs d’activité dont le secteur informatique/multimédia Chaque secteur est rubriqué de manière identique : – Le recrutement > qui recrute et combien ?
Yupeek, le "fouineur" de jeunes talents Je vais vous parler aujourd’hui d’un petit nouveau dans la galaxie des Réseaux sociaux ! Encore un me direz-vous ? Oui, mais celui-ci a toutes les chances d’être un véritable succès ! Pourquoi ? Tout simplement parce que ce projet porté par une bande de copains fraîchement diplômés de l’ICN Business School, est très bien pensé et répond à une double attente, celle des Entreprises, grandes et petites, et celles des étudiants et jeunes diplômés ! Ma rencontre avec Yupeek Le 17 mai dernier, je suis intervenu dans le cadre d’une Table ronde sur l’e-Réputation et les Réseaux sociaux à l’ICN Business Shool à Nancy. Avant de commencer la Table ronde, certains étudiants nous ont indiqué qu’ils ne nous entendaient pas très bien sans micro. Ces 4 copains ont également par la suite activement participé au débat. Et pour cause, il s’agissait des 4 membres de l’Equipe Yupeek ! J’ai donc rencontré hier Tarek MOUTAWAKKIL et Jean-Baptiste JANIN à Strasbourg. Comment est né Yupeek ? L’Equipe Yupeek 1. 2.
RESEAUX APPRENANTS The Idea of Collective Leadership Presented by Dr. Mari Pearlman, with guest Dr. Susan VanZantSponsored by NASSP For the final webinar in the Learner-Centered Leadership 2011 series, we presented an interview with Dr. Susan VanZant, an award-winning California principal and school leadership consultant. Data-driven decision-making is her speciality, and she knows first-hand all of the challenges of moving a school or district to a new way to thinking and acting. School leaders must create the vision and foster the interactions among students, teachers, and staff members that lead to changes in performance and attitude. As a member of the community, you’ll be invited to a free webinar and live chat each month on a different topic. The Learner-Centered School Leadership PLC is a unique and collaborative way for school leaders across the country to work together to explore this important topic. About the Presenter Dr.
Reading, Writing and New Media Literacies 11.15.11 | Writing at DMLcentral, John Jones argues that teaching students how to write a traditional five-paragraph essay no longer serves a real-world purpose—it’s not a valued skill outside of writing classes. An emphasis should instead be placed on 21st-century literacies, such as writing and publishing information in public spaces: Publishing is a word that for many evokes images of enormous printing presses or the approval of gatekeepers like editors and publishing houses. But in the network society, the publishing process is less guarded, for one can simply post items to the web where others can see them, and comment on or enter into conversations about them. Yet this simplicity masks a complexity: just because it is easy to share our writing on digital networks, that does not mean that the skills necessary to write successfully in different online environments are themselves easily mastered. So how do we define today’s necessary literacies?