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Special Series: 7 Billion

Special Series: 7 Billion

Population Matters » For a sustainable future 7 billion people and you: What's your number? Sources: All population data are based on estimates by the UN Population Division and all calculations provided by the UN Population Fund. The remaining data are from other sections of the UN, the Global Footprint Network and the International Telecommunications Union. Want to find out more? Visit the UN Population Fund's detailed population calculator, 7 billion and me. Notes on the data: Only birth dates after 1910 can be accommodated and only countries with populations of more than 100,000 people are included. Three country groupings - developed, developing and least developed - featured in the conclusions are those referenced by the UN for assessing the Millennium Development Goals. Read the answers to frequently asked questions here.

[] Faut-il toujours plus de croissance ? Nicolas Sarkozy veut aller chercher « ce point de croissance qui nous manque » pour que l’économie française progresse au même rythme que les autres économies avancées. Paradoxalement, on assiste dans un même temps au développement de la notion de décroissance... La croissance caractérise une augmentation soutenue, pendant une longue période, de la production d’un pays. Ce phénomène reste quantitatif, généralement, on retient comme indicateur de la croissance le PIB à prix constants. Le P.I.B. est un agrégat de comptabilité nationale dont la construction, comme celle de tous les indicateurs, n’est pas sans poser des problèmes d’interprétations. Dans quelle mesure la croissance économique, bien que favorable sur de nombreux points, est-elle souhaitable à notre époque ? En premier lieu, la recherche continue de croissance a des bienfaits. Relevons d’abord que la recherche de croissance est ancrée dans notre système. Elle contribue plus précisément à vaincre la pauvreté de deux manières.

Population pyramids: Powerful predictors of the future - Kim Preshoff If your selected country was not represented by a population pyramid in the lesson, you may wonder what it looks like. The U.S. Census Bureau has an International Data Base that can help you create one. Is your country a fast, slow or no growth pyramid? Finding seclusion in a world of 7 billion Updated Fri 4 Nov 2011, 6:08pm AEDT Escaping in a world of 7 billion people is becoming increasingly difficult, but in Australia - one of the least densely populated countries - seclusion still exists. The global population passed the 7 billion milestone this week and is expected to hit 9 billion by 2050. Hayman Island on the Great Barrier Reef is about eight kilometres in circumference, with a population of just a few hundred. Photographer Lisa Burns, 27, has lived there for the past two years. Here she paints a picture of what it's like in one of the Earth's few remaining pockets without people. I moved over with my partner. We live in a studio apartment, it's like a hotel room, we don't have a kitchen or anything like that but we've got a balcony which looks over the ocean and the reef. The island is quite small - it's about eight kilometres in circumference - so we can't go to many places but we go for bushwalks and sunset walks when it's low tide and things like that.

Tax Calculator Christopher Lewick. "Nous irons chercher les ressources de demain dans l'espace" Les astéroïdes recèlent d’infinies réserves minières. Planetary Resources, une start-up financée par Google, veut lancer dès 2020 des « robots foreurs » pour en extraire de l’eau et des métaux précieux. Une nouvelle ère dans l’exploration spatiale. Paris Match. Quel genre de trésors espérez-vous trouver sur les astéroïdes ? Un astéroïde de 500 mètres de long contient autant de platine que l’ensemble extrait sur la Terre depuis le début de son extraction. Comment allez-vous vous y prendre concrètement ? Quand allez-vous lancer votre première mission ?

Human Development Reports | United Nations Development Programme 7 challenges for 7 billion Updated Thu 3 Nov 2011, 9:36am AEDT This week the world's population ticked over to 7 billion. By 2050 that number is expected to grow to 9 billion. From water shortages to rising sea levels, experts from the University of New South Wales and the University of Melbourne paint a grim future for life on Earth. They forecast dramatic changes unless significant steps are taken to curb population growth. Here seven academics outline seven challenges they say a population of 7 billion must confront. Is it all doom and gloom as they suggest, or do we have a brighter future? Climate Australia is one of the most affluent and also the most effluent nations on Earth. What we're putting into the atmosphere really constitutes an unprecedented experiment with our planet that is going to lead to changes that haven't been seen in millions of years. Water Access to fresh water in Australia, the driest inhabited continent, is incredibly difficult. Energy Economy Ageing population Birth control Food security

World Standards - Everything you always wanted to know -Pourquoi nous en voulons "toujours plus" ?- - TROMMENSCHLAGER FRANCK - PSYCHANALYSTE ET PSYCHOSOCIOLOGUE A LUXEUIL LES BAINS #70#, LURE VESOUL SAULX, AU RELAIS DES PSYCHOLOGUES BESANÇON #25# Nous ne sommes pas mus, tels les animaux, par des instincts primaires, mais par des pulsions sophistiquées : sexuelles, bien sûr, mais aussi orales (les satisfactions de bouche), anales (dans l’enfance, elles tournent autour du rapport à la propreté et, plus tard, rendent désireux d’accéder à la richesse, à la maîtrise et au pouvoir), sans oublier la pulsion « scopique » (origine du plaisir de regarder). Étymologiquement, une pulsion est une poussée, un mouvement vers un but, l’« objet » (le partenaire amoureux, la situation de vie), à même de satisfaire notre convoitise et d’éliminer nos tensions. Cependant, rien sur cette terre ne saurait l’apaiser définitivement. Aussi le cycle recommence-t-il, encore et encore. Ce n’est jamais assez ! Contrairement aux animaux qui, après la saison des amours, se désintéressent de leurs congénères de l’autre sexe, nous désirons jusqu’à notre dernier jour, ou presque. La méconnaissance de nos vrais désirs La quête incessante du « phallus » 1.

Human Numbers Through Time By Susan K. Lewis Posted 04.20.04 NOVA For most of human existence our ancestors led precarious lives as scavengers, hunters, and gatherers, and there were fewer than 10 million human beings on Earth at any one time. Today, many cities have more than 10 million inhabitants each, and populations continue to skyrocket. Trace the dramatic growth of human populations over recent centuries on our global map, and see where on Earth as many as three billion more people may live by 2050. Note on Graphics The global map was adapted from World Population: A Graphic Simulation of the History of Human Population Growth, a 2003 video produced by Population Connection ( When areas become super-populated, as they begin to do in certain parts of the world in the 20th century, the dots merge and spread outward like a stain. Illustrations (all)
