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Goins, Writer: On Writing, Ideas, and Making a Difference

Goins, Writer: On Writing, Ideas, and Making a Difference
Related:  Writing and Journaling

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Trick Photography and Special Effects by Evan Sharboneau The Daring Novelist Dean's World — Defending the liberal tradition in history, science, and philosophy. Photo Stuff Notebook Stories: A Blog About Notebooks, Journals, Moleskines, Blank Books, Sketchbooks, Diaries and More To Touch The Hem of Bill Johnson’s Garment… | Unsaved Loved Ones Man, I’ve been reading back through a lot of my old posts and I totally forgot I was supposed to do one where I spoofed the annoying restaurant photo takers by taking photos of the dumps I take AFTER eating an exquisite meal and posting THOSE along with the review. I’ll be back in DC starting next weekend, and you know how I roll when it comes to the dining….so this may happen, I “shit” you not! Get it? I’m a card. I have been getting a LOT of new traffic here on the blog due to all of the buzz about the 16 people who WERE NOT RESURRECTED FROM THE DEAD IN BRAZIL. So for the benefit of anyone who has favorited this blog and is praying for my salvation, or just whomever….WELCOME….but here is how this shit works: I take too long between posts, and the content varies. So this thing goes deep. (So that was the setup/intro ramble I usually do before really connecting with the title or general subject of the post. This Bethel place is one onion you cannot start peeling back. Like this:

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