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Scandinavian Retreat

COOL THING WE WANT #408 | A Vancouver Produced ‘Nomad’ Micro Home For $25,000 Browse > Home / Culture / COOL THING WE WANT #408 | A Vancouver Produced ‘Nomad’ Micro Home For $25,000 We’re digging the Tiny House concept of NOMAD, a 10’ x 10’ micro house with a 60’ loft space developed right here in Vancouver. It’s easy to assemble and flat packed so it can be shipped worldwide. They cost between $25,000 and $28,000, depending on how well you want it to be kitted out. The impetus: “The Tiny House Movement is currently driven by individuals at a grass-roots level who, for the most part, have built their own homes and are living sustainable, mortgage-free lives. They recently started the funding process via Indiegogo.

últimas reportagens | recent work by fernando guerra - fotografia de arquitectura | architectural photography Frameless Geodesic Dome What is it? It’s a frameless geodesic dome designed to be easy to fabricate and build. It is 18 feet wide at the widest point and about 13 feet tall. It feels very spacious for it’s 209 square foot floor. The dome shell is built out of 3/16” corrugated plastic and 3/4” blueboard foam insulation. The shell of the dome is a basically a foam board insulation sandwich. There is no frame in this dome. The dome has a radial 2x4 floor system held up by cinder blocks. It has electricity and is heated with a single electric radiator and is cooled with an exhaust fan and small window sized air conditioner. The materials are all easily attainable and it cost about $2100 to build it at the time. The dome shell is also extremely easy to disassemble making it a portable structure. Hacking housing If I want to spend my time writing blog posts, exploring new programming languages, and other things that I want to do but I am unlikely to get paid for, it’s helpful to opt out of certain common expenses.

gerador de preços Fornecimento e montagem de esquadria de alumínio, anodizado natural, com uma espessura mínima de 15 microns, para janela de alumínio, com dobradiças dobrável de abertura para o interior, de 120x120 cm, série básica, formada por três folhas, e com contramarco. Espessura e qualidade do processo de anodização garantido pelo selo EWAA-EURAS. Composta por perfis extrudidos formando marcos e folhas de 1,5 mm de espessura mínima em perfis estruturais. Acessórios, ferragens de pendurar e de abertura, juntas de envidraçado de EPDM, parafusos de aço inoxidável, elementos de estanqueidade, acessórios e ferramentas certificadas. Número de unidades previstas, segundo documentação gráfica de Projeto. Será verificado que a parede que vai receber a esquadria está terminada, faltando apenas os revestimentos. Serão suspensos os trabalhos quando chova, neve ou a velocidade do vento seja superior a 50 km/h. Colocação da esquadria. A união da esquadria com a alvenaria será sólida.

24 Hours in a 325-Square-Foot Apartment: The Night Shift - Microdwellings Welcome to hour 7 of our 24-hour live blog from the Museum of the City of New York's 325-square-foot micro-apartment. In the first installment of our adventures here, we've observed museum visitors come and go, gawk at the space-saving furniture, and compare their own homes with our tiny temporary dwelling, designed by Pierluigi Colombo. Now we're going to host a small dinner party, get the apartment expertly appraised, and speak with a woman who lived in just 90 square feet to give her views. 6:00 p.m.: All the prop books in the unit are real books with their covers painted white or gray. 6:14 p.m.: We just learned that you can clean the floor with Windex (!). 6:32 p.m.: Here's a panorama of the kitchen and living room. 7:01 p.m.: As we prepare for dinner, we've been reviewing the small kitchen cooking tips we learned at the earlier demo: 7:17 p.m.: We should have paid more attention to the Resource Furniture people when they took apart the stools and put them back together. ?

Lâmpadas Incandescentes e Halógenas - Clique Arquitetura Lâmpadas Incandescentes As lâmpadas incandescentes são as mais populares do mercado: produzem uma ótima qualidade de luz e possuem baixo custo de compra. Com o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias estão cada vez mais sendo substituídas pelas lâmpadas fluorescentes e pelas lâmpadas LED, as quais consomem menor quantidade de energia elétrica e possuem durabilidade maior. Lustre feito com barras de ferro, garrafas de vidro coloridas e lâmpadas incandescentes do tipo globinho (como as utilizadas em geladeiras) - Casa Cor São Paulo 2011. Como Funciona Dentro do bulbo de vidro há um filamento de tungstênio e gás inerte. Diferentemente do que ocorre com as lâmpadas fluorescentes, a vida útil das incandescentes não depende do número de acionamentos, mas sim do período que ela permanece acesa. Eficiência: extremamente baixa. * Para saber mais sobre IRC e Temperatura de cor: Introdução à Luminotécnica Tipos de Lâmpadas Incandescentes Lâmpadas Halógenas Tipos de Lâmpadas Halógenas Lâmpadas Halógenas AR

Cramped Or Not, I Want To Live in These Tiny Japanese Houses At the same time, clutter irritates me. Gotta find that happy medium. You can have less space without clutter. Definitely this. Zero clutter. Honestly, a lot of times, clutter is indicative of too much stuff. You live in a tiny space with no clutter as long as your stuff doesn't exceed your ability to store and organize it. A Suspended Room / NeM Architectes Architects: NeM Architectes Location: Gentilly, France Architect In Charge: Lucie Niney, Thibault Marca Structural Engineer: INGE.ST.AR Area: 40 sqm Year: 2012 Photographs: Rémy Castan From the architect. Located as it is in Gentilly in the vicinity of Paris, on rue Raymond Lefebvre where rows of houses go almost uninterrupted, this little detached house stands out. The interval separating it from the next building allows for a nice view on the Bièvre valley and its towers, providing a frontal framing for this fragmented cityscape, thus creating an unexpected confrontation in this quiet, almost rural suburban atmosphere. The gap creates a break on this promontory overlooking the urban landscape and elicits the surprising impression of a perch above the street which otherwise looks like a continuous ribbon of house façades. The extension cladding suggests transparency and abstraction, only revealing the street-facing window when it is lit at night.

Hut on Sleds by Crosson Clarke Carnachan Architects As the tides erode the northern coast of New Zealand, this house on a sled by architects Crosson Clarke Carnachan can be towed off the beach and out of harm's way (+ slideshow). Located within a designated erosion zone on the Coromandel Peninsula, the house was designed as a mobile structure to satisfy a planning condition requiring that all buildings in the area be removable. A huge shutter folds up across the exterior to reveal and shade a two-storey glazed facade, which has an open-plan living room and mezzanine bedroom behind. More shutters lift up to uncover windows on each side of the house, and a roof deck is hidden behind the parapet walls. A family of five use the hut as a holiday home and the three children sleep in a three-tiered bunk bed in the back room. Crosson Clarke Carnachan Architects also recently completed a charred wooden cabin - take a look at it here. Surprisingly this isn't the first building on a sled we've featured. See all our stories about mobile architecture »
