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Koop - Koop Island Blues (OFFICIAL VIDEO) HQ

Koop - Koop Island Blues (OFFICIAL VIDEO) HQ

RA: Voitax #4 at Arena Club, Berlin Line-up / Mondkopf (In Paradisum I Leyla Records)Uncto (Furanum Records)ABSL (South London Analogue Material I T/W/B I Blocaus) SENKA (Labrynth) Ezuri (Voitax) Visuals by the29nov films. With the 4th round of the VOITAX series we’re happy to announce another strong lineup at Arena Club. Voitax invites you to join us for another round of madness in which two components of the self bring blind acceptance of the undefinable. -same place , same rules , same vibe-

Ausländische Führerausweise (Strassenverkehr & Schifffahrt) Polizei- und Militärdirektion - Kanton Bern Ihren ausländischen Führerausweis dürfen Sie während 12 Monaten ab der Einreise in die Schweiz benutzen. Führen Sie berufsmässig in der Schweiz eingelöste Motorfahrzeuge (z. B. Lastwagen, Taxi) Kategorie B, B1, C, C1, D, D1 oder F, benötigen Sie bereits vor der ersten Fahrt den entsprechenden schweizerischen Führerausweis. Wir empfehlen deshalb, Ihren Antrag vor Ablauf der 12 Monate einzureichen. Nach dieser Frist sind Sie mit dem ausländischen Führerausweis in der Schweiz nicht mehr fahrberechtigt. 1. Füllen Sie das Formular „Gesuch um Umtausch eines ausländischen Führerausweises“ Link öffnet in einem neuen Fenster. ausländischer Führerausweis im Original aktuelles farbiges Passfoto gemäss Fotomustertafel Link öffnet in einem neuen Fenster. 2. Reichen Sie den kompletten Antrag inkl. von Schweizerinnen und Schweizern: Niederlassungsausweis; von ausländischen Staatsangehörigen: Ausländerausweis im Original. 3. 4.

Mathematics and art - Wikipedia Relationship between mathematics and art Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways. Mathematics has itself been described as an art motivated by beauty. Mathematics can be discerned in arts such as music, dance, painting, architecture, sculpture, and textiles. This article focuses, however, on mathematics in the visual arts. Mathematics has directly influenced art with conceptual tools such as linear perspective, the analysis of symmetry, and mathematical objects such as polyhedra and the Möbius strip. Other relationships include the algorithmic analysis of artworks by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, the finding that traditional batiks from different regions of Java have distinct fractal dimensions, and stimuli to mathematics research, especially Filippo Brunelleschi's theory of perspective, which eventually led to Girard Desargues's projective geometry. Origins: from ancient Greece to the Renaissance[edit] Polykleitos's Canon and symmetria[edit] Golden ratio[edit] Notes[edit]

Notes de lecture: de l’importance d’une méthode rigoureuse – Des problèmes avec vos travaux de rédaction? Ce billet constitue une suite de celui portant sur le plagiat involontaire, assez fréquent chez les étudiants, surtout ceux qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue dans laquelle ils étudient ou qui n’ont jamais été sensibilisés à cette problématique. Une mauvaise méthodologie de prise de notes de lecture constitue une des causes du plagiat involontaire. En effet, si ce procédé est bâclé ou réalisé de manière un peu aléatoire, l’étudiant risque de se retrouver dans une situation où il ne sait plus à qui attribuer quelles idées. Dans ce qui suit, je vous propose quelques grandes lignes pour concevoir votre propre approche de la lecture lors de la préparation d’un travail de recherche. Il est à noter que ces remarques sont valables pour n’importe quel type de recherche, qu’elle se déroule dans le cadre d’un programme universitaire ou pas. Les graines du plagiat dans les lectures préliminaires Eléments de base pour la prise de notes de lecture Référencement et prises de note Référencement WordPress:

Still time to change the road you're on "You have to find that place that brings out the human in you, the soul in you, the love in you." - R.M. Drake (via wordsnquotes) (Source:, via walheimat-meer) romantisme de la vie Monday Fires As the season changes, I die a little inside. This is my one true love; walking down 8th avenue as the sun goes down a little earlier than usual, the lights twinkling as I’m entering the Village, and the temperature dropping ever so pleasantly. I’ll miss you my beautiful city, but believe me I’ll never stop loving you I promise to visit as often as I could during the time I have left before the white hits your streets. Octave Marsal - Melt Octave Marsal Exquisite and intricate drawings from French artist Octave Marsal. Stay tuned for exhibitions and future work. If you would like to purchase an artwork please get in touch with us here at MELT. 'Cloud' Pen on paper, 190cm x 90cm 2013 . Leif

Joomla 1.5 to 3.x Step by Step Migration The following are step by step instructions to migrate your 1.5 site to Joomla 3.x. While there are many ways to migrate your site, this will give you the basic procedure to follow. Intro The migration from Joomla! 1.5 to 3.x is a major migration. There are many changes in features and database tables between these two version. Let’s first distinguish between Joomla Core data and third-party extension data. CategoriesArticlesMenusModules (core modules - not third-party)BannersContactsMessagingNewsfeedsRedirectSearchSmart SearchWeblinks Step by Step Moving Joomla core data is fairly straight-forward with the use of a migration tool. Since there are many ways to migrate data and each site is different, the exact steps are going to be slightly different for every site. Prepare a Location for Joomla 3 Make sure your server environment meets the technical specifications for Joomla! Set up a Development Location Prepare Your Current 1.5 Site Choose a migration tool There are many migration tools.
