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Contemporary Architecture, Gracia Studio Bjarke Ingels Group Morey Smith Le nouveau siège de Facebook Le très célèbre réseau social Facebook vient d’emménager dans son nouveau siège. Des bureaux réalisés par le cabinet d’architecte o+a (qui a egalement signé les plans du siège du site de payement en ligne Paypal). L’esprit loft règne en maître chez Facebook ! Photo des bureaux de Facebook. Restaurant esprit loft. Bureaux esprit loft. La Tijera K-8 School | Dougherty + Dougherty Architects Portfolio < Back To Main Sort by Project Type: Inglewood Unified School District Located on a triangular 7-acre sloping site, the design solution incorporates two site levels with ramps, steps and elevators serving three building levels. Because of its location on a major arterial street, there is off-street parking for ninety cars and multiple drop-off areas for the main and kindergarten entrance. The library is accessible at a lower level, encouraging joint public use.

Bohlin Cywinski Jackson This is a time in which belief is often overwhelmed by exponential change. Even in the most serious architectural circles, intellectual games and superficial dogma can take the place of affirmation, and the mediocrity and deadness of much of our environment continue to spread. Yet, in all of our surroundings there is great richness and power. Belief in the sensuality of place, the emotive qualities of materials, and the ability to give pleasure and insight, to comfort, and to transport, can produce humane and spirited architecture. It is our belief that exceptional architecture comes from the search for solutions which respond to the particular circumstances inherent in each situation. Increasingly, we have come to see that, in a sense, circumstances are infinite and that working within any one set of habits is too limiting.

Spaces | Work | Pinkeye designstudio #pinkeyedesign Niko experience store The Niko experience store inspires you on home connectivity. Samsonite retail experience centre For the love of their retail department, Samsonite developed a very first retail experience centre Foon Foon, a brand new hearing centre. De Serre, more than meets the eye De Serre , in the heart of Antwerp, had the ambition of becoming a leading test site for innovative horeca technologies. Hit, not just another sneaker store ! Manhattn's A taste of Manhattn’s in Antwerp The perfect bar for discovering wonderful natural wines and unfamiliar gins. Manmade, clothing made for men Man makes clothing. Den Hof: lobby, bar and meeting centers Contemporary class and elegance Savage Antwerp’s very first lobster bar The new way of working for Mars Belgium Their new way of working needed to be installed in a smart and friendly Mars-proof atmosphere. FERM Bio Restaurant & Food Market Monocle , a unique eyewear boutique Marcolini London Pop-Up store Jeanbon, an artisan feeling TOOP Kids optician

Natif numérique Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Natif. Un natif numérique ou numérien ou digiborigène (digital native en anglais) est une personne ayant grandi dans un environnement numérique comme celui des ordinateurs, de l'Internet, des téléphones mobiles et des baladeurs MP3. Au contraire, un (im)migrant numérique (digital immigrant) est un individu ayant grandi hors d'un environnement numérique et l'ayant adopté plus tard. Définition[modifier | modifier le code] Le digital native représente les enfants ayant grandi avec les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication. Il faut reconnaitre que la facilité numérique n’apparait pas dès la naissance, mais c’est plutôt un produit de capital culturel. Notions reliées à celle de natif numérique[modifier | modifier le code] Les concepts autour de ce sujet sont présentés ci-dessous : Historique[modifier | modifier le code] Recherche et études scientifiques[modifier | modifier le code]

