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Signification des couleurs . Sur la demande de plusieurs clients et stagiaires, les consultants-rédacteurs de Trinity Advise se sont mobilisés pour vous proposer un dossier complet sur les codes couleurs web et la signification des couleurs pour Internet. Vecteurs de cohérence graphique, les couleurs dictent de nombreux comportements à l’inconscient de l’internaute. Elle génèrent des réactions et des émotions que nous ne savons pas concrètement évaluer et chiffrer en e-marketing, sauf avec les nouveaux outils de test d’ergonomie web (eye tracking, mouse tracking, neuromarketing). Comment sont perçues les couleurs sur Internet, quel est leur impact sur la navigation et comment influencent-elles les internautes dans le tunnel d’achat ? Voici quelques explications issues de nos travaux de recherche, qui permettront d’apporter des éclaircissements sur ce sujet..

Featured: Top 10 Best Android Clock Widgets Toady we take a look at the Top 10 Best Android Android Clock Widgets. It’s been said that one of our main uses for smartphones has been to tell the time, I know I’m guilty of it – the watch on my wrist is purely for show, my phone tells me what time it is. In fact, I’m not even sure if the time on my watch is correct. To that end I’ve developed somewhat of an obsession with clock widgets – sure, the system clock in the notification bar tells me the time but, the right widget on your home screen can really celebrate the time or, fill you with dread at the thought of your procrastination. 1.

Tutti i trucchi e i segreti per aumentare la durata della batteria sui dispositivi Android Abbiamo già pubblicato in passato un esaudiente articolo sulle batterie al litio, in cui abbiamo fornito delucidazioni sul reale funzionamento di un accumulatore agli ioni di litio e alcuni utili consigli generali su come aumentare la durata della carica su tutti i dispositivi dotati di questo tipo di accumulatore. Stavolta entreremo nello specifico parlando delle batterie al litio che alimentano i dispositivi Android: un argomento molto sentito tra gli utilizzatori di questo sistema operativo, vista anche la "cattiva" reputazione che si porta dietro Android riguardo la scarsa autonomia degli accumulatori utilizzati, nonostante l'aumento costante delle capacità indicate dai produttori nelle schede dei prodotti. Nell'articolo vi forniremo alcuni consigli utili per aumentare da subito la durata della batteria, vi sveleremo tutti i segreti sulla calibrazione della stessa e sulle eventuali applicazioni e widget utili alla causa. Posso utilizzare le applicazioni dedicate per la calibrazione?

ONLINE STORAGE: 80+ File Hosting and Sharing Sites From sending one document to backing up an entire business, data storage is the key to everything nowadays. Due to popular demand, we've put together a list of more than 80 of the leading file hosting services, many of which are completely free. Online Backup - Unlimited storage and automated backup for $4.99 a month. - Prices as low as $1.95 for 2GB of automated backup. Inspired UI - Mobile Apps Design Patterns [iPhone]

Créateur de nuancier de couleurs Lors de la création d'un site internet, pour choisir la palette de couleur de votre site, utilisez les outils suivant : le Créateur de nuanciers et le Cercle Chromatique Accessible. Le Créateur de nuancier de couleurs d'Eric Meyer Le Créateur de nuanciers ("The Color Blender") a été créé par Eric Meyer sous une licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0 . Le Cercle Chromatique Accessible de Giacomo Mazzocato Environ une personne sur vingt souffre d'une forme ou d'une autre de daltonisme. Il est donc judicieux de vérifier que vos choix de couleurs leur soient "visibles".

Best Android Clock Widgets On The Market HTC Semse made the clock widget on Android a desire, however if you don’t own an Android phone with HTC sense you might feel some what left out on the beautiful HTC clock widget. So today I’d like to take you through some options on the Android Market that should ease your jealousy. Beautiful Widgets ($2.89) INSTANT MESSAGING TOOLBOX: 90+ IM Tools Instant messaging is said to be one of the most popular forms of Internet communication for teens today, beating out email thanks to the lack of spam and instant feedback. With SweetIM adding support for AIM today, we thought we'd take a look at how the IM market is shaping up. And for those who think 90+ IM clients are too many for anyone to handle, we wholly agree: that's why a good number of these are actually tools to aggregate all your IM buddies in one place.

How To Replace And Customize Android Lock Screen [Guide] The Android lock screen is what you see whenever you resume your device from standby, making it one of the frequently accessed featured of the operating system. In the fourth installment of our Android customization series, we are going to show you how you can customize the Android lock screen both in looks and in functionality for a fully personalized experience. This guide is a part of our series on how to customize the looks of your Android device.

70 Things Every Computer Geek Should Know. The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. If you’re that type of person and are looking for a few extra skills to pick up, or if you’re a newbie aiming to get a handhold on the honor that is geekhood, read on to find out what skills you need to know.

Best Android Apps to Help You Find Your Lost Smartphone Worry no more about misplaced or lost phones. The Android Market has several apps that can help locate phones–primarily using GPS technology–if ever you lose or misplace them. Losing your phone can be a scary thing. Your phone is not only an important device that you use for various tasks. It is also a device that can reveal important personal information about you or your contacts. With these three apps, you have three solutions to the question “How can I find my phone?”

Titanium Backup User's Guide This is the Titanium Backup official manual. If this is the first time you are using Titanium Backup, this is the best place to begin. It will enhance your understanding on the application and at the same time tell you why is this application a must have for any Android user.
