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Connected Store - Le blog des magasins connectés, by Improveeze

Connected Store - Le blog des magasins connectés, by Improveeze

La Minute Retail - Blog au sujet des innovations retail LSA - actualité consommation des ménages et grande distribution en France Daily tous les jours | design studio, collective experiences Référencement par Abondance - 20 conseils essentiels pour améliorer son référencement Digital Buzz Blog | Digital Campaigns, Online Marketing, Social & More. Retail-distribution, le blog de Frank Rosenthal Digital Buzz Blog | Tag Archive | Interactive Installations RFID Tic-Tac-Toe Installation This is a new take on Tic-Tac-Toe, created to integrate two offices, in different cities, with an installation called ‘Pic Tap Toe’. The real-time, multi-office game was powered by RFID readers and a WiFi-enabled Arduino Yún, both installed into a custom game board, and hooked up to 9 LED screens in each office reception. The [...] Continue reading... British Airways: Plane Detecting Billboards In a claimed world first campaign, the new British Airways #LookUp billboards in Piccadilly Circus, have some pretty cool tech behind them, allowing a simple, yet very effective story to be told. Continue reading... CRYSTAL: An Interactive Light Installation Crystal is a unique, magnet powered, interactive light installation that has a permanent home in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, after touring in Amsterdam, Paris and Moscow over the past year. Continue reading... Heineken: The Time Travel Booth Continue reading... Colour Chasers: Robots Turn Colour Into Sound

Dispositif interactif de Phygital Commerce - Showroom de l'Echangeur by Laser
