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Global Warming- Science

Global Warming- Science

MAP Web Author JavaScript API | Avenza Systems Inc The MAP Web Author JavaScript API allows developers to embed and interact with maps produced by MAPublisher in web pages. This site was developed as a guide to the API and is available to all MAPublisher customers. Getting Started Getting going with using the API is easy. Step 1: Export your map to web from MAPublisher. Step 2: Add the folder that you exported your map to the list of trusted sites for Flash Player here. Under Global Security Settings, enable the Always allow option and navigate to the folder where your map files are stored using Always trust files in these locations. You will have to change the Global Security Settings for each individual browser as Flash settings are specific to each browser. When using Internet Explorer to open maps that are stored locally, you may be required to allow the browser to run local content. Step 3: Start coding! All you need to do is take the object reference returned by AVENZA.embedViewer and start calling methods on it. More Information

US Climate Bomb is Ticking: What the Gas Industry Doesn't Want You to Know Natural gas wells owned by Cabot Oil and Gas in Dimock, Pa., in December 2009. (Photo: Fred R. Conrad / The New York Times)James Hansen's eye-opening article, "Game Over for the Climate," brought widespread attention to the Alberta Tar Sands in Canada as a source of carbon which, if tapped, would lead to irreversible global warming. There is another climate bomb in the United States, shale gas hydraulic fracking, which emits methane, more dangerous than CO2. While many rhetorically call natural gas a bridge to the clean energy future, new information is showing the opposite; natural gas will hasten climate change, poisons the air, land and water, and carries unacceptable risks to our health. We spoke with experts - Cornell engineering professor Dr. Creating the Fog Around Fracking Extraction of oil and natural gas trapped in shale rock far below the earth's surface is an attempt to collect the last fragments of hydrocarbons for fuels and manufacturing. The Susan G. Clearing Some Fog

Earth Day News Gordon M. Grant for The New York Times Updated: April 22, 2010 Nearly 20 million Americans attended the first Earth Day celebration on April 22, 1970, to this day among the most participatory political actions in the nation's history. In the beginning, the event influenced environmental politics, triggering such national legislation as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act. So strong was the antibusiness sentiment for the first Earth Day in 1970 that organizers took no money from corporations and held teach-ins "to challenge corporate and government leaders." While the 40th anniversary of Earth Day was widely marked with events in April 2010, including a climate rally on the Mall in Washington, the movement does not appear to have the same kind of support it had four decades ago. The day has turned into a premier marketing platform for selling a variety of goods and services, like office products, Greek yogurt and eco-dentistry.

Miami-Dade My Home The Office of the Property Appraiser is pleased to announce our new and improved 2014 version of the Property Search application. The Property Appraiser has considered and incorporated many of your suggestions in this new version, which is now available for preview. Please take this opportunity to provide us your comments and suggestions. Building upon the features available in the “Old Search”, the 2014 version incorporates the following: Mobile friendly designDetailed Land, Building, and Extra Features informationFull list of ownersComplete list of property addressesImproved owner name and address search capabilityNew detailed reportNew imagery and map features: View angle (oblique) view of property Geo-zoom feature View various geographic boundaries, such as: municipality, commission districts, and zoning Link to Google Street View For a limited time, users will continue to have access to all three versions of the Property Search. pa

The global energy challenge: Awash with carbon Even though countries are burning unprecedented amounts of oil and gas, the estimates of how much is left continue to grow, thanks to high prices and new technologies that have enabled companies to find and extract new resources. A decade ago, it was the tar sands of Canada and Venezuela. More recently, hydraulic-fracturing technologies have opened up oil and gas resources in the United States. Renewables such as solar and wind power are growing faster than any other source of energy, but are barely making a dent in fossil-fuel consumption. A tour of the global energy landscapeSource: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012 Source: IEA World Energy Outlook 2012 Source: All the coal in China and Renewing Europe's energy - BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012.

code zen » actionscript Wow, cant believe its that time already. 2010 was a pretty great year for me. In Nov 2009 I moved to the User Experience team hoping to be the voice of technology as new projects were conceived and features enhanced. So the year began with me learning the workings of the UX team which was fascinating. The creative process is, not surprisingly, very different from the engineering one, and sitting in those sessions was ridiculously educational. CIM has some pretty fantastic Design and IA folks and I got to learn quite a bit on concepts such as Mental Models, Task oriented design, User Persona’s etc. Suffice to say, if the year needed to be summarized in a word, it would be “educational” Around Feb, I also got involved in a prototype for the project that is now the Xfinity iPad app. While I didn’t write as much code for it as the iPad, I have also become extremely passionate about the Android platform. Finally, looking ahead, 2011 seems to be at a great start.

Évolution du climat : du passé récent vers le futur - Page 3 Jean JOUZEL, Directeur de Recherches au Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, rapporteur du GIECClaude LORIUS, Directeur de Recherches au Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement du CNRS Le climat est un système extrêmement complexe, régi par de multiples interactions entre différents réservoirs (atmosphère, océan, hydrosphère, cryosphère, biosphère...). Un très large spectre d'échelles de temps (de la journée à la centaine de milliers d'années) et d'espace (échelle locale, régionale ou globale) y intervient. Cette complexité explique que l'état de nos connaissances évolue lentement, tout au moins aux yeux du grand public. Cependant, nombreuses sont les avancées et les découvertes qui ont jalonné notre domaine de recherches au cours des dix dernières années. Un degré de confiance qui augmente Des modèles plus pointus Des séries historiques mieux documentées Le climat du XXIè siècle ? Qu'en est-il maintenant des prédictions pour le XXIè siècle ?

Color Principles - Hue, Saturation, and Value Color Principles - Hue, Saturation, and Value Purpose To develop an understanding of various models of color and the properties of color and to apply that understanding to appropriate color selection for visualizations. Overview The lesson material explains various color models and the application of color theory to selecting color for visualizations. Topics Scientific Visualization: Color models Science: Electromagnetic Spectrum NC Scientific Visualization Objectives 4.03 Identify and explain visual properties of objects NC Physics Goals and Objectives Goal 7: The learner will develop an understanding of wave motion and the wave nature of sound and light. Tools Any graphics package which allows color selection. Teacher Information In order to understand color, students need to develop their understanding of light and vision. References The Electromagnetic Spectrum Site ... A web book on visual perception by Peter Kaiser at

Europe vs CO2 Notre planète est en danger. Les émissions de CO2 n'ont jamais été aussi élevées. Les glaces de l'Arctique sont en train de disparaître . La pollution émise par les véhicules est une cause majeure du changement climatique. Les modèles de voitures que nous conduisons pourraient être beaucoup plus efficaces. Les constructeurs beaucoup plus innovants. Une nouvelle réglementation en Europe permettrait de réduire de moitié les émissions de CO2 des voitures d'ici 2025, et d'envoyer un message au reste du monde, et tout particulièrement aux marchés américains et chinois. Cette soif de pétrole a des conséquences sans précédents sur les régions vulnérables de la planète, comme l'Arctique. La meilleure façon de permettre aux automobilistes de faire des économies de carburant serait d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique de leurs véhicules. Les automobilistes européens pourraient économiser ainsi 600 euros, soit près d'un quart du budget qu'ils dépensent chaque année.

US Energy Information Administration Release Date: October 10, 2013 for Final 2012 data Next Release Date: September 2014 Re-Release 2012 data: December 4, 2013 (CORRECTION) The survey Form EIA-860 collects generator-level specific information about existing and planned generators and associated environmental equipment at electric power plants with 1 megawatt or greater of combined nameplate capacity. Summary level data can be found in the Electric Power Annual. Detailed data are compressed (zip) and contain the following files: LayoutYyy – Provides a directory of all (published) data elements collected on the Form EIA-860 together with the related description, specific file location(s), and, where appropriate, an explanation of codes. Superseded Form EIA-860A (Utility) & B (Non-Utility) -- Retired Annual Electric Generator Report 860-A (Utility) Data are compressed into a zip file that expands into xls data files and a txt layout file:

Is Humanity Pushing Earth Past a Tipping Point? | Wired Science Could human activity push Earth’s biological systems to a planet-wide tipping point, causing changes as radical as the Ice Age’s end — but with less pleasant results, and with billions of people along for a bumpy ride? It’s by no means a settled scientific proposition, but many researchers say it’s worth considering — and not just as an apocalyptic warning or far-fetched speculation, but as a legitimate question raised by emerging science. “There are some biological realities we can’t ignore,” said paleoecologist Anthony Barnosky of the University of California, Berkeley. In “Approaching a state shift in Earth’s biosphere,” published June 6 in Nature, Barnosky and 21 co-authors cite 100 papers in summarizing what’s known about environmental tipping points. While the concept was popularized by Malcolm Gladwell’s accounts of sudden, widespread changes in society, the underlying mathematics — which won physicist Kenneth Wilson a Nobel Prize in 1982 — have far-reaching implications.

How Resource Scarcity and Climate Change Could Produce a Global Explosion (Image: Dark water via Shutterstock)Brace yourself. You may not be able to tell yet, but according to global experts and the U.S. intelligence community, the earth is already shifting under you. Whether you know it or not, you’re on a new planet, a resource-shock world of a sort humanity has never before experienced. Two nightmare scenarios -- a global scarcity of vital resources and the onset of extreme climate change -- are already beginning to converge and in the coming decades are likely to produce a tidal wave of unrest, rebellion, competition, and conflict. Just what this tsunami of disaster will look like may, as yet, be hard to discern, but experts warn of “water wars” over contested river systems, global food riots sparked by soaring prices for life’s basics, mass migrations of climate refugees (with resulting anti-migrant violence), and the breakdown of social order or the collapse of states. Resource Shortages and Resource Wars Water provides another potent example.

THE COUNT-UP TO 2052: AN OVERARCHING FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION. | THE CLUB OF ROME After the publication of the Korean, Chinese and Japanese language editions of “2052 – A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years”, the author, Club of Rome Member Jorgen Randers, gave talks in China, Korea and Japan in June 2013. There was an overwhelming media response in Asia. Inter alia, Jorgen Randers appeared on the Japanese Television program “Prime News 21″ (Fuji Television) on June 12th, 2013. Click here to watch the full interview (in English). To view the videos of the launch of the Report to the Club of Rome “2052-A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years” in Rotterdam of May 7th 2012, please click here. The Italian edition of the “2052″ Report to the Club of Rome, written by Jorgen Randers, “2052. You can find more information on the Italian edition, which was published with Edizioni Ambiente, and a possibility to order here. Click here for a summary of the extensive media coverage of the launch event in Rome (in Italian). The fundamental questions are: Money and sustainability

CHAUD – Le changement climatique pourrait faire 100 millions de morts d’ici 2030 Le réchauffement climatique cause de plus en plus de sécheresses. (AFP PHOTO/REMY GABALDA) Si rien n'est fait pour l'enrayer, le changement climatique pourrait causer la mort de 100 millions de personnes et coûter l'équivalent de 3,2 % du PIB mondial d'ici 2030. Telle est la conclusion d'un rapport produit par l'ONG humanitaire espagnole DARA et commandé par vingt pays en développement, regroupés au sein du Climate Vulnerable Forum. En cause, relate le Huffington Post, des conditions climatiques plus extrêmes, des sécheresses, ou encore la hausse du niveau de la mer. Le site Think Progress rapporte quant à lui que "le changement climatique contribue déjà à la mort de 400 000 personnes en moyenne chaque année', principalement à cause de 'la faim et des maladies transmissibles, qui affectent surtout les enfants dans les pays émergents". Infographie de Think Progress, qui montre la répartition des décès liés au changement climatique et aux émissions de gaz carbonique selon les pays.

In this article it shows the global warming happening in the world. Global emissions has jumped up 3% in 2011 and is supposed to jump 2.6% in 2012. Even though the emissions are rising in some parts of the world, still some parts of the world is decreasing in omissions because of the region their in. by mkaululaau Jan 16
