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Zen Buddhism

Zen Buddhism

Taoism The word Tao means path or way, although the original meaning in Chinese philosophy and religion is more abstract. Behind all material things and all the change in the world lies one fundamental, universal principle which is the Way or Tao. This principle governs everything, all change and all life. "Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way, Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world." From the Tao Te Ching Major Taoist Scriptures The Tao Te Ching written by Lao Tzu. "The Way that can be experienced is not true; The world that can be constructed is not real." Zhuangzi, written by the same name sage is a book of prose, poetry, humor and disputation. The Daozang or Treasury of Tao is considered as the Taoist canon. Teachings & Beliefs Tao is the flow of the universe, the force behind the natural order that keeps the universe balanced and ordered. P'u is a passive state of receptiveness, state of perception without prejudice. Taoist Practices Lao Tzu

Trouble Anxieux et Symptômes d'Anxiété | Le Guide Complet L’anxiété occasionnelle fait partie intégrante de la vie, tout le monde se sent anxieux de temps en temps 😉 Vous pouvez effectivement vous sentir anxieux lorsque vous êtes confronté à un problème au travail, avant de passer un test ou avant de prendre une décision importante. Mais les troubles anxieux ne se limitent pas à une inquiétude ou à une peur passagère. Pour une personne souffrant d’un trouble anxieux, l’anxiété ne disparaît pas et peut s’aggraver avec le temps. L’anxiété excessive peut vous faire éviter le travail, l’école, les réunions familiales et d’autres situations sociales qui pourraient déclencher ou aggraver vos symptômes. IL faut savoir qu’il existe plusieurs types de troubles anxieux : notamment le trouble d’anxiété généralisée, le trouble panique et divers troubles liés à la phobie. j’insiste sur le fait que l’anxiété est une émotion normale… C’est la façon dont votre cerveau réagit au stress et vous avertit d’un danger potentiel à venir qui pose problème ! 1. 2. 3. 4.

Mystical Traditions Here is a selection of numerous notable mystical traditions, as well as the corresponding practices and rituals. Occult ≠ Tibetan Buddhism ≠ Western Esotericism ≅ Wicca ≠ Yoga (sorted alphabetically) Mystical Teaching Practices and Rituals Occult Occult comes from 'occultus' (Latin) which means hidden or secret, but occultism rather refers to 'knowledge of the paranormal' and deals with a deeper spiritual reality. Automatic writingChannelingDivinationOuija BoardSelf-induced hypnosis or tranceSpellcasting Tibetan Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism uses three methods of spiritual practise of Buddhism: Foundational Vehicle, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Analytic meditationDeity yoga visualizationMantra (e.g. Western Esotericism Western mystery tradition includes a number of spiritual traditions from the Western society, such as alchemy, herbalism, astrology, tarot, and ritual magic, to name just a few. Astral projectionDivinationEvocationInitiation ritualsMediumship Wicca Yoga Back to Top

Anxiété Généralisée | Découvrez le Témoignage de Catherine Catherine était une bonne amie à moi qui subissait depuis de nombreuses années une anxiété qui s’était généralisée Il est très rare d’obtenir un témoignage concernant l’anxiété généralisée, Catherine nous fait part de son histoire, pleine de sagesse.Vous verrez que ce témoignage est bouleversant et devrait vous aider à lâcher prise au sujet de l’anxiété. Comment l’anxiété a pris tant de place dans sa vie ? Catherine a aujourd’hui 3 enfants, un mari aimant et des amis extraordinaires qui ont fait tout leur possible pour l’aider à surmonter son trouble anxieux généralisé. Parfois, son anxiété apparaissait de nulle part, et d’autres fois, quelque chose la déclenchait. Auparavant, elle vivait sa vie dans la peur, au jour le jour, ne sachant pas quand qu’un trouble anxieux allait frapper. Catherine a tout essayé, des médicaments contre l’anxiété, aux herbes et même aux antidépresseurs pendant un certain temps. Comment Catherine a déjoué les pièges ? Vous souffrez d’anxiété Généralisée ?

Gnosticism The term gnosticism derives from Latin gnosticus, which comes from Greek gnostikos (knowledge) and refers to gnosis which is a mystical and godlike knowledge of the heart and the soul. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-knowledge, which by experiencing the Truth within oneself awakes one's consciousness, hence bringing it into the state of pleroma (fullness or the totality of divine powers). "Matthew said, "Lord, I wish to see that Place of Life, that place in which there is no evil but rather where there is only pure light." The Lord said, "Brother Matthew, you cannot see it, as long as you wear the flesh." Matthew said, "O Lord, even if I cannot see it, let me know it." "The Dialogue of the Savior"- Codex III of the Nag Hammadi codices Uncovering this knowledge and the spiritual transformation that results from it is the goal of the gnostic seeker. Gnostic Teachings & Beliefs 1. These opposites are balanced and void in pleroma. Gnostic Practices Jesus' words to Thomas:

'Am I An Atheist Or An Agnostic?' by Bertrand Russell ~ Agnosticis A Plea For Tolerance In The Face Of New Dogmas by Bertrand Russell (1947) I speak as one who was intended by my father to be brought up as a Rationalist. He was quite as much of a Rationalist as I am, but he died when I was three years old, and the Court of Chancery decided that I was to have the benefits of a Christian education. I think perhaps the Court of Chancery might have regretted that since. It does not seem to have done as much good as they hoped. They arise chiefly out of reaction to a system of education which considers it quite right that a father should decree that his son should be brought up as a Muggletonian, we will say, or brought up on any other kind of nonsense, but he must on no account be brought up to think rationally. Sin And The Bishops Don't Be Too Certain! The question of how to define Rationalism is not altogether an easy one. The question is how to arrive at your opinions and not what your opinions are. Proof of God Skepticism Persecution

Human mind , soul and spirit Pat wrote:"The forum for talks about the intangible universe, the human mind, and the soul"I am very curious about what other people think the human mind is and what the soul is and spirit . Are they the same or different? What do they mean to you? Soul is my emotional consciousness, therefore when I am hurt I would say:"My soul hurts." Spirit is my driving force, my true self that guides me and supports me through life experiences. Mind is my watch, my computer, my calculator, my navigator, my passport, protector of my personality. My body is a vessel, boat where all three reside. Child, when born is Soul, Mind is system of knowledge and education, like an inner personal library or computer, Spirit is the same soul after experiencing Life and learning about self as it is, transformed soul, that has transcended this reality into the stable state of consciousness. Without body all this will not be possible, at least in this reality.That is how I see it at the time. Mirjana

The Seven Hermetic Principles Interesting topic, Sabina. People often talk about Universal Laws. For Deepak Chopra there are seven such laws. Some other peole mention much more Spiritual or Universal Laws. Recently in one discussion a friend, who is shaman presented shaman's Universal Laws or Principles: Everything is Alive. Everything is Conscious. Everything has its own form of conscious awareness. principle we learn to be present and to enter into true dialogue with the unseen forces around us. forms. shamanic art of journeying. Everything is Dynamic. It is the nature of things to move, change and transform. knows that where there is movement, there is health. cannot move there is illness. flexible. blocked. move energies; not by mastering them but by merging with them. Everything is Connected. Everything exists in relationship to everything else. principle we learn to be respectful and we come to understand sacred reciprocity and the healing power of relationship. Everything Responds. efficient acts. the seen universe.
