Slow Down « Demotivators Blog
The Last Answer | Thrivenotes
The Last Answer by Isaac Asimov — © 1980 Murray Templeton was forty-five years old, in the prime of life, and with all parts of his body in perfect working order except for certain key portions of his coronary arteries, but that was enough. The pain had come suddenly, had mounted to an unbearable peak, and had then ebbed steadily. He could feel his breath slowing and a kind of gathering peace washing over him. There is no pleasure like the absence of pain – immediately after pain. Murray felt an almost giddy lightness as though he were lifting in the air and hovering. He opened his eyes and noted with distant amusement that the others in the room were still agitated. Now, with the pain gone, the others were still hovering, still anxious, still gathered about his fallen body –– Which, he suddenly realised, he was looking down on. He was down there, sprawled, face contorted. He thought: Miracle of miracles! He thought: There should be some angel – or something – coming for me. “Not at all.
Joël de Rosnay : À la découverte du Web 5.0
Joël de Rosnay est un biologiste français, d’abord spécialiste des origines du vivant et des nouvelles technologies, puis en systémique et en prospective. Après trois ans de recherche et d’enseignement au MIT, il fut directeur des applications de la recherche à l’Institut Pasteur, puis directeur de la prospective et de l’évaluation de la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie de La Villette. Il a créé AgoraVox en mai 2005 et préside actuellement une société de conseil. Joël de Rosnay, Docteur en Sciences, est Directeur de la Prospective et de l’Evaluation de la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie de la Villette. Entre 1975 et 1984, il a été Directeur des Applications de la Recherche à l’Institut Pasteur. > Retrouvez le programme et les vidéos de TEDx PARIS 2010