Tutoriel : Comment créer un patron avec Valentina, logiciel de patronage open-source - Part 1 Bonjour ! Il y a quelques temps, je vous avait parlé de Valentina, un logiciel de patronage open-source, dans lequel je fonde beaucoup d'espoir. Comme vous avez été nombreux à être très intéressés par Valentina, et surtout à me poser des questions, j'ai décidé de vous en parler un peu plus, avec une petite série d'articles pour vous apprendre à faire un patron dans Valentina. Comme c'est long ( il y a tellement de trucs à dire!) 1. 2. 3. 4. Mais avant tout, je voudrais préciser deux trois choses : - Premièrement, Valentina est un programme en cours de développement, donc il n'est pas encore parfait, et ce que je vous explique aujourd'hui risque de varier un peu. - Ensuite, je n'ai jamais utilisé d'autre logiciel de patronage, donc je n'ai pas de points de comparaisons. - Enfin, comme je n'ai jamais utilisé d'autre logiciel, je ne suis vraiment pas experte en la matière, donc tout ce que je vous explique ici est à prendre avec du recul : ce n'est que mon expérience. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 4.
Virtual Shoe Museum : Virtual Shoe Museum will showcase in Dongguang (China Shoe expo) You can contact the Virtual Shoe Museum by mail: Liza@VirtualShoeMuseum.com . Please read our Terms and conditions for using this website. The Virtual Shoe Museum was initiated by Liza Snook in 2004. And finally, with the help of Taco Zwaanswijk of Interactive Affairs , who designed the site, and Bart van der Ploeg of Resolume , who programmed the database and created the content management system, we're live! If you have any questions about the collection, or leads on shoes or designers, please let us know. The Virtual Shoe Museum has different 'perspectives' on a shoe or object. The left column of the screen contains the main navigation. On an object's page, below the image, you can view more images, video and text (if available).
Fashion Makeover A Six-Day Workshop Conselle invites you to an exceptional, hands-on fitting and fashion makeover retreat. Learn to achieve a fabulous fit in all you sew! Spend high value, personalized time with our Master Fitters. Each brings her own unique sphere of interest and expertise to the fitting and fashion makeover experience. Upcoming Dates: June 16-21, 2014 August 11-16, 2014 For complete information, including how to register, Click Here. Master Fitters: Judith Rasband, Elizabeth Liechty, and Lorraine Henry Location: Held in beautiful Utah Valley, nestled against the majestic Rocky Mountains silhouetted against brilliant blue skies Tuition: $849 Tuition includes: 6 days instruction, related print materials, use of a sewing machine (no need to bring your own), five luncheon meals (host hotel provides breakfast daily.) Sunday Special: Stay on to enjoy a live broadcast of the famed Tabernacle Choir followed by a sumptuous Sunday brunch (no host). Highlights: Comments from Fabulous Fit participants
Sophie Digard Crochet Scarves Recently blog commenter Janice Davey asked me if I knew anything about the crocheters from Madagascar that help complete the crochet work for Sophie Digard. To be honest, I’d never heard of Sophie Digard, but I immediately wondered if it was related to Fair Trade Crochet, a topic that interests me greatly. There isn’t a whole lot of information about this out there but I was able to turn up some evidence that this is likely the case with the Madagascar Workshop that Sophie runs. Who is Sophie Digard? Selvedge, which sells some of Sophie’s products, has a great description about the designer: “French designer Sophie Digard creates artworks that beg to be touched – curious crocheted flowers velvety with soft buds, each leaf and petal knitted individually. Sophie came out with her first collection in 1999 and since then has done work not only in accessories but also in baby items and interior design. Sophie’s Crochet Scarves What Sophie Digard is known for is her beautiful crochet scarves.
TCS Daily - What Left and Right Both Miss About the Wal-Mart Deb Once again, Wal-Mart is being used as a political football. On the left, politicians and pundits use Wal-Mart as the poster child for living wages and mandatory health care benefits. On the right, Wal-Mart is held up as a paragon of corporate efficiency. Interestingly, however, both the left and right implicitly cast Wal-Mart in the role of free market capitalist. When Wal-Mart plans a new store, it typically asks local and county governments for an array of benefits, principally in the form of various economic development subsidies: Infrastructure assistance in the form of new or expanded roads and utilities servicing the store location. Sales tax abatements. Property tax abatements. Income tax credits. Enterprise zone treatment for the store location. Eligibility for job training programs. Eligibility for tax exempt industrial revenue bond financing. Economic development loans and grants. In some cases, Wal-Mart benefits directly from such subsidies.
SENSOUSSI - Création et confections mode femme, plaisir et apprentissage; tout est fait main par mes soins.... THE SEWING DIVAS sewing, design, fashion Form & Fabric | online fabric store with beautiful, modern fabrics, best image quality and $2.99 US shipping Paper Tiger I enjoyed Karen's post that went up today over at Fringe about the vintage sweater booklets sent to her by a friend. I had to smile to myself, because yesterday I'd pulled out what is probably my oldest piece of knitting paraphernalia - and I was largely inspired to do that because of the waistcoat Karen's currently knitting from a vintage pattern. The booklet I pulled out to look at again was published Bear Brand & Bucilla in 1922 - it belonged to my great grandmother, who taught my mother to knit, and was passed down to me by my mother, who thought I'd enjoy it (and she was right). Like the Jack Frost booklets Karen wrote about, the booklet's near falling apart (in fact, the cover is completely detached) and there's ancient yellowed tape holding together pages that were torn long ago. I don't know much about Bear Brand or Bucilla yarns, but apparently they were both under the umbrella of the Bernhard Ulmann Co. I also love how very twenties this whole booklet is.
"The Jihad Against the West: The Real Threat and the Right Welcome This year’s Objectivist Summer Conference takes place in sunny Las Vegas at the beautiful Venetian hotel. The conference runs from June 27 through July 4, 2014. Many exciting changes are taking place this year, making our summer conference an entirely new experience. Many updates have occurred on our Talks and Panels page. Register today! Young Adult Weekend Want to meet other young people interested in free market ideas? The first two days of the conference feature programming aimed at young adults interested in living Ayn Rand’s philosophy and spreading Ayn Rand’s ideas. Register for the weekend and if you’re under 26 years of age, you get access to all the talks and panels offered for just $20! Discounted rooms are available at the host hotel the Venetian but other options are available in Las Vegas. Not a student or young adult but still interested? New: Day and Week Passes Our new attendance options make it easier than ever to register for OCON. Coming Soon Register Now!
Mon top 10 des sites DIY / Créa / Et tout ça [mis à jour] Pas de grandes idées aujourd'hui, ou plutôt, plein de grandes idées DONC pas assez de temps pour les réaliser... Je vous partage donc ma petite sélection des sites de tutos, DIY et autres machines à inspiration que je visite très, très régulièrement et qui me font pleurer de jalousie devant tant de génie. Je ne vous parlerais pas des blogs que je suis régulièrement, parce que c'est un autre projet ( En fait, juste la page "blog préférés" sur laquelle je travaille) Si vous ne connaissez pas... Préparez vous à perdre pas mal de temps dessus. La présentation ressemble à celle de Pinterest : un tableau avec des petites images collées dessus. Sauf que tout ces images sont issues de blogs créa, déco, DIY, couture... Gros, gros forum de loisirs créatifs en tous genres. "Craftser : cheaper than therapy" Ma réalisation préférée de tous les temps, je l'ai vue sur Craftser, et c'est une nana qui avait acheté une maison de poupée à monter soi-même et à peindre ... ... Littéralement : "tombé dessus" 6.
Mashallah Design, Linda Kostowski: Альтер-эго из джерси | Acciuga.ru Кажется, мир окончательно вступил в XXI век. Нет, отсчет нового тысячелетия начался десять лет назад, но мыслить цифровыми категориями в духе виртуальной логики мы начинаем только сейчас, во всяком случае, в сферах, которые касаются моды. Вчера вряд ли кому пришло в голову отсканировать собственное тело и его трехмерную модель скрестить с образами, рожденными в подсознании, с воспоминаниями или фантазиями, чтобы затем превратить все это в футболки. А сегодня, пожалуйста. Дизайн-дуэт Mashllah Design и любительница часов-обманок Линда Костовски (Linda Kostowki), можно сказать, проходят соучастниками по делу о футболках «T-Shirts Issue // Digital Portraits». Как известно, 3-D фигуры состоят из множества многоугольников, причем их число определяет разрешение модели, в той же степени в какой количество пикселей влияет на качество растровой графики. Так из виртуальности рождается формально-патетическая реальность: настоящий предмет одежды (футболка) и визуализированный двойник ее владельца.