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Junar · The Open Data Platform

The Anatomy Of An Infographic: 5 Steps To Create A Powerful Visual Information is very powerful but for the most bit it is bland and unimaginative. Infographics channel information in a visually pleasing, instantly understandable manner, making it not only powerful, but extremely beautiful. Once used predominantly to make maps more approachable, scientific charts less daunting and as key learning tools for children, inforgraphics have now permeated all aspects of the modern world. I designed a couple of infographics back in college, the need arising especially around the time Soccer World Cup fever spiked. Infographics can appear daunting to some with the sheer amount of data they present, but designed in the right manner and step by step, they can actually be one of the most fun things you will ever create. Today I am going to walk you through the anatomy of an infographic, its different levels and sub-levels and a 5-step process to ensure that your infographic is not only conceptually sound, but accurate and easily understood. Anatomy Of An Infographic

Grassroots Mapping OpenDataSoft Intersect this! “Intersection” The Intersection design is a Venn diagram with two overlapping circles - you control what is in the circles and (just as importantly) what lies between. If you have trouble on an older computer, try using an alternative version. Options Problems? Related designs About this design This design is by paulfitz. The Overview Project » About Overview is an open-source tool to help journalists find stories in large numbers of documents, by automatically sorting them according to topic and providing a fast visualization and reading interface. Whether from government transparency initiatives, leaks or Freedom of Information requests, journalists are drowning in more documents than they can ever hope to read. Overview does at least three things really well. Find what you don’t even know to look for.Find broad trends or patterns across many documents.Make exhaustive manual reading faster, when all else fails. Search is a wonderful tool when you know what you’re trying to find — and Overview includes advanced search features. In other cases you’re interested in broad patterns. But even when you really do have to read every document manually, Overview is a huge help. For more about the different ways to use Overview, see our post on the different types of document-driven stories. You can upload your documents directly as PDF files.

Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. CKAN, acronyme de Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network, est une application web permettant le stockage et la distribution de données tels que des tableurs ou le contenu de bases de données. CKAN est supporté par l'OKFN. L'application est inspirée des systèmes de gestion de paquets communs aux systèmes d'exploitation ouvert tel que les distributions GNU/Linux et vise à être le «apt-get de Debian des données[1]». Le système est utilisé à la fois comme une plateforme publique sur et sur divers catalogues de données gouvernementales, tels que le britannique et le Dutch National Data Register. La Bibliothèque Nationale Allemande de Médecine a également enregistré des jeux de données CKAN pour plus de 650 000 articles de 800 revues scientifiques en médecine et sciences de la vie[2]. Références[modifier | modifier le code] Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] Visualize your resume in one click. Ruby Programming Language Inkscape. Draw Freely. 75+ Tools for Visualizing your Data, CSS, Flash, jQuery, PHP Most people would agree that the old adage “A picture is worth a thousand words” is also true for web based solutions. There should be no discussion – Charts and Graphs are ideal to visualize data in order to quickly deliver an overview and communicate key messages. Whatever type of data presentation you prefer or suits you data (pie charts, bubble charts, bar graphs, network diagrams etc.), there are many different options but how do you get started and what is technologically possible? In this article tripwire magazine present more than 75 Tools for Visualizing your data on a website and most of the options available will be covered. Advertisement Introduction Images says more than a thousands words. The article has been organised into the following sections. How to visualize you data using JavaScript-based solutions In this section you will find JavaScript-based solutions for adding graphs of nearly any kind to your website. jqPlot Charts and Graphs for jQuery jQuery Sparklines TufteGraph

Immersion: a people-centric view of your email life Print or online? One masterpiece and one screw-up – VisualJournalism THE NEW YORK TIMES just ran an interesting article titled ‘It’s All Connected: A Spectator’s Guide to the Euro Crisis’ and the intro ending with ‘The graphic here helps you see the intertwined complexities.’ They also ran an interactive visualization online with the same title, but with the intro ending in ‘Here is a visual guide to the crisis’. Pretty much the same stuff – except that I challenge you to understand and gain insight from the online-version: See it here: Before reading the print-version. The printed version has a lot of text, which leads you through the story and educates you along the way on a highly complex system. The online version shows you the data and tells you some accompanying facts – but doesn’t tell you the story. Big differences in the looks too: The print-version is elegant with a good colour and easy focus on the worrisome countries. In an effort to make the interactive version more useful, it has been split into six smaller sub-stories.
