9 Great blogs that regularly publish Photoshop tutorials | Free Design Resources
By Jobey Buya - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - No Comments Its always great to see incredible Photoshop tutorials and learn something new everytime while following one, Here's 9 great Blogs that makes regularly cool tutorials with valuable Photoshop tips . Share This: Like1Tweet0+2Pin it0 I'm Jobey. an alien who decided to go as a human in EARTH.
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Tutoriels - Advanced Photoshop Mag
GRAPHISME EN FRANCE 2014 avec SHUTTERSTOCK : une année entière dédiée au design graphique ! Continuer la lecture Elements, c’est d’abord un éditeur d’images accessible. Continuer la lecture LIRE L'ARTICLE Tags: ACR, bordures, conversions monos, créer, effet rétro, HDR, montage, organiser, partager, photoshop elements, raw, retoucher Du 22 mars au 31 août 2014, retrouvez Iron Man, Spider Man, Hulk et autres super héros au musée Art Ludique à Paris. Continuer la lecture Vous en possédez un depuis longtemps mais vous souhaitez aller plus loin dans son utilisation ? Continuer la lecture LIRE L'ARTICLE Tags: accessoires, capture NX, dropbox, exposition, flash, flickr, gamme bridge, gamme compact, gamme nikon, iso, modes, monter objectif, nettoyer objectif, objectifs reflex, picasa, services nikon, skydrive, wetransfert, yousenlt Vous l’attendiez avec impatience, alors bienvenue dans ce nouveau numéro spécial d’Advanced Creation ! Continuer la lecture Continuer la lecture
25 Best Photoshop Video Tutorials
Photoshop’s all about the visuals, so it’s no surprise that it makes for some good videos. You can see step-by-step how buttons, collages or even paintings are created. Instead of reading through books describing what needs to be selected, activated and clicked, you can simply imitate mouse clicks knowing exactly that you are actually doing the right thing. We’ve searched through many of video-sites, forums, articles, blogs, portfolios and communities. And we selected 25 Best Photoshop Video Tutorials which you can use as a starting point to improve your skills. Enjoy! 1. What would happen if you mix Matrix with Zombieland? 2. Create an Unicorn out of smoke using Photoshop CS5′s New feature – Puppet Warp, and add dazzling effects to finish! 3. Create a spectacular rippling exploding underwater effect and blending a sexy girl into the water with just a few simple steps! 4. Create a highly stylized and sexy artwork by following a few simple steps! 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 13. 14. 15.
Adobe Photoshop Tutorials
Introduction Adobe Photoshop is a powerful image editing software that can be used to create stunning artwork, manipulate photographs, and more. The possibilities are endless with Photoshop, and it can be overwhelming for beginners. That’s why we’ve put together this collection of Adobe Photoshop tutorials for beginners. What is Adobe Photoshop? Adobe Photoshop is a software program used for editing digital images. Beginning Your Project with Photoshop No matter what you want to create, Adobe Photoshop is a great starting point. One great thing about Photoshop is that it can be used for a variety of projects. So where should you begin? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Types of Projects you can use Photoshop for Photoshop is a very versatile program that can be used for a wide variety of projects. One popular type of project that Photoshop is often used for is creating graphic design projects. Another common type of project that Photoshop is used for is photo editing.
High Speed Motion Trail Effect
Written by Steve Patterson. In this Photo Effects tutorial, we’ll learn how to add a sense of speed to an object using an easy to create motion blur effect! This "speed trail" effect is very popular in sports photography since it’s a great way to add motion, direction and excitement to an image, creating the illusion that an athlete, for example, is blazing past the competition at super human speed. Of course, this effect works just as well with a photo of your kids running in the backyard, or people dancing at a party, or any image where the subject should appear to be moving. Here’s the image I’ll be using: The original image. Here’s how the image will look after giving the racecar a high speed motion trail: The final “motion trail” effect. Let’s get started! Step 1: Select The Object You Want To Apply The Motion Blur To In many of our photo effects tutorials, the first step is to protect our original image from harm by creating and then working on a duplicate of the Background layer.
15 Isometric Illustrations Illustrator Tutorials
We're all looking to improve our vector illustration skills, and if your focus is on learning illustration or icon design, then getting familiar with how to use Adobe Illustrator to create isometric drawings will improve your technical illustration skills greatly. Learning how to use Illustrator to create isometric diagrams, set up isometric grids, and design isometric cubes are fundamental skills that you can build upon. We've assembled a collection of tutorials that will teach you the basics of creating isometric illustrations in Illustrator, as well as intermediate tutorials that teach you how to create complex technical illustrations, and then a few tutorials that show you how to get creative with isometric in Illustrator (such as building isometric retro illustrations and vibrant pattern based isometric cityscapes). Get ready to take your skills with vector drawing at an angle to the next level. Mark Oliver shows us how to create retro illustrations on isometric planes.
22 Professional Photoshop Image Enhancing Tutorials
Adobe Photoshop is the premier tool for digital artists when it comes to professionally enhancing images. Whether you’re a beginner just learning the ropes or an advanced user looking for unique techniques to add to your Photoshop arsenal, you’ll find some tutorials here that you’ll surely want to bookmark. In this article, you’ll discover plenty of tutorials that deal with enhancing images, adding unique and impressive effects, and recreating digital replications of popular traditional photography techniques. 1. Cross Processing You can learn how to apply the Cross Processing film-developing technique digitally to your images by reading through this quick and educational tutorial that leverages the powers of the Curves tool in Photoshop. 2. Take your ordinary digital photos and simulate the Lomo Photography effect (also known as Lomography) that will apply a dreamy and surreal effect onto your images in this tutorial that uses a Levels Adjustment layer among other Photoshop techniques. 3.