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Collection: Visual thinking

FreeMind - gallery From FreeMind This gallery shows mind maps contributed by FreeMind users. Many of the mind maps are shown in a Flash browser, which looks different from the FreeMind application. Make use of this page for publishing your mind maps in English language in this wiki. Read here how to do it. Flash maps support linking to remote URLs! Maps in English Computers and IT Computer Languages C# 2.0: Notes on C# 2.0. Python Python 2.5: Notes on Python 2.5. C Programming: Summary of C Programming. Miscellaneous Issues in Publish-Subscribe Content Distribution, what to consider in designing a pub-sub system (Luke O'Connor, Feb 4th, 2008). Security Anatomy of Security Disasters, a mindmap describing decomposing an article by Marcus Ranum (Luke O'Connor, April 23rd, 2009). Software and Applications Software Development The Mythical Man-Month: Notes from the essays in the book The Mythical Man-Month: Essays in Software Engineering, by Fred Brooks Jr. FreeMind Lotus Notes happy blending! UniSAnet SQL Server Medicine

10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don't Suck: Pt.1 | Design Shack - StumbleUpon Powerpoint has produced more bad design in its day that perhaps any other digital tool in history with the possible exception of Microsoft paint. In this post we’re going to address the epidemic of bad presentation design with ten super practical tips for designer better looking and more professional presentations. Along the way we’ll see a number of awesome slide designs from Note & Point along with some custom examples built by yours truly. Also be sure to check out 10 Tips for Designing Presentations That Don’t Suck: Pt.2! Not a Designer? Most of the content on this site is targeted specifically towards professional designers and developers, or at the very least those interested in getting started in this field. You’ve chosen a visual tool to communicate and should therefore take the time to learn a thing or two about visual communications. Follow the ten tips below and see if you don’t start getting comments about your awesome presentation design skills. #1 Don’t Use a Built-In Theme

50 Great Examples of Data Visualization Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter. Music, Movies and Other Media Narratives 2.0 visualizes music. Liveplasma is a music and movie visualization app that aims to help you discover other musicians or movies you might enjoy. Tuneglue is another music visualization service. MusicMap is similar to TuneGlue in its interface, but seems slightly more intuitive. Digg, Twitter, Delicious, and Flickr Internet Visualizations

Five glorious presentations on visual thinking Do you think in words or pictures, or both? Visual thinking engages the part of the brain that handles visual processing, and is said to be both "emotional and creative" so you can "organise information in an intuitive and simultaneous way". A picture really might be worth a thousand words, while being easier to understand and recall. Therefore it is worth exploring how visual thinking can help you communicate ideas to colleagues and clients. I have collated a few presentations to help you do exactly that. Visual Thinking By Chris Finlay. An Introduction to Visual Thinking By Ryan Coleman. The Value of Visual Thinking in Social Business By David Armano. The ten and a half commandments of visual thinking Via whatidiscover. Visual and Creative Thinking: What We Learned From Peter Pan and Willy Wonka By Kelsey Ruger. [Joyous visual thinking image by jonny goldstein via Flickr, various rights reserved]

Plus de 700 infographies sur ! En une seule minute, une quantité monstrueuse de données est échangée sur le web. Chaque minute de chaque heure de chaque journée. L’agence... Lorsque l’on parle de Google, Samsung ou encore Apple, on ne peut qu’avoir les yeux qui brillent quand aux montants qu’ils annoncent.... Le cloud computing est annoncé comme la technologie de demain pour tous les avantages qu’on lui connait. Vous êtes une entreprise et vous souhaitez vous lancer comme vos amis dans les réseaux sociaux. Les réseaux sociaux sont addictifs et personne ne peut dire le contraire. Nous lisons de plus en plus et notamment en ligne. Foursquare est sans contest le réseau social de géolocalisation, leader sur son marché. Cette infographie présente les éléments composant un design de site web sur lesquelles jouent les web designer pour créer un site au design inédit.... Vous vous êtes toujours demandé ce à quoi ressemble ou ressemblait une chambre de geek?

Color Psychology by David Johnson Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. Black Black is the color of authority and power. White Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. Red The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Blue The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. Green Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. Yellow Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. Purple The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. Brown Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Colors of the Flag In the U.S. flag, white stands for purity and innocence. Food for Thought While blue is one of the most popular colors it is one of the least appetizing. Green, brown, and red are the most popular food colors.

Visual thinking practice: Heads and hands Visual thinking is the practice of using pictures to enhance your ability to solve problems, think about complex issues and communicate effectively. Are you ready to work on your visual thinking skills? You don't have to be an artist. Pick up a pen or pencil and try the following exercise: 1. 2. 3. 4. Why this is importantWe do most of our nonverbal communicating with our facial expressions and hands. Don't be discouraged if your first attempts fall flat. You can read more on sketching and visual thinking in visual thinking school. Keep in touch!

5 mind-maps Qu'est ce que le Mind- Map? Pour ceux qui veulent une explication poussée voir Mind_map. Et pour ceux qui veulent un condensé de l'explication : c'est une carte heuristique (mind map en anglais), également appelée carte des idées, carte conceptuelle, schéma de pensée, carte mentale, arbre à idées etc ... Cela parait banal ! Mais quand cela devient de l'art, graphiquement parlant, cela est franchement superbe et original ! Regardez donc : Je me laisserais bien tenter par cette forme artistique !
