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Impress your friends with mental Math tricks » Fun Math Blog

Impress your friends with mental Math tricks » Fun Math Blog
See Math tricks on video at the Wild About Math! mathcasts page. Being able to perform arithmetic quickly and mentally can greatly boost your self-esteem, especially if you don't consider yourself to be very good at Math. This article presents nine ideas that will hopefully get you to look at arithmetic as a game, one in which you can see patterns among numbers and pick then apply the right trick to quickly doing the calculation. The tricks in this article all involve multiplication. Don't be discouraged if the tricks seem difficult at first. As you learn and practice the tricks make sure you check your results by doing multiplication the way you're used to, until the tricks start to become second nature. 1. Multiplying by 9 is really multiplying by 10-1.So, 9x9 is just 9x(10-1) which is 9x10-9 which is 90-9 or 81. Let's try a harder example: 46x9 = 46x10-46 = 460-46 = 414. One more example: 68x9 = 680-68 = 612. 2. 3. Multiplying by 5 is just multiplying by 10 and then dividing by 2. 4. 5.

Physics Flash Animations We have been increasingly using Flash animations for illustrating Physics content. This page provides access to those animations which may be of general interest. The animations will appear in a separate window. The animations are sorted by category, and the file size of each animation is included in the listing. Also included is the minimum version of the Flash player that is required; the player is available free from The categories are: In addition, I have prepared a small tutorial in using Flash to do Physics animations. LInks to versions of these animations in other languages, other links, and license information appear towards the bottom of this page. The Animations There are 99 animations listed below. Other Languages and Links These animations have been translated into Catalan, Spanish and Basque: En aquest enllaç podeu trobar la versió al català de les animacions Flash de Física.

Visionlearning 120 Ways to Boost Your Brain Power Here are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential. Solve puzzles and brainteasers.Cultivate ambidexterity. Use your non-dominant hand to brush your teeth, comb your hair or use the mouse. Write with both hands simultaneously. Switch hands for knife and fork.Embrace ambiguity. Readers’ Contributions Dance! Contribute your own tip! There are many, many ways to keep our brains sharp.
