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Eleanor Davis / Comics and Illustration 

Eleanor Davis / Comics and Illustration 
Related:  immagini e grafica

ima le blog Motives of Batman villians Web app per infografiche Per chi PMI che hanno bisogno di visibilitàPMI che hanno bisogno di fare velocemente ed economicamente infografiche In un mondo sempre più tecnologico anche le piccole medie imprese devono mettersi al passo coi tempi, e con la prepotente incursione dei social media nella vita di ognuno di noi anche le aziende non possono farne a meno. Le infografiche presentano dati in ottica grafica, rendendo un’informazione potenzialmente noiosa o difficile molto più attraente. Ma più precisamente di cosa si tratta? Vediamone alcuni – semplice ed efficace. – non serve neanche registrarsi, appaiono subito i template, si possono fare grafici di vastissimo genere ed è piuttosto semplice. Con strumenti di comunicazione come questi possiamo comodamente fare in casa diversi lavori, mettendoci dentro le particolarità che rendono unico il proprio prodotto/servizio, anche con dati statistici positivi (se ci sono chiaramente), e spanderle poi nel web, così da farsi conoscere! Mi piace:

Gabby Zapata Water Wigs on the Behance Network We just finished shooting a new project we call Water Wigs. The concept is simple and it is another visual exploration of something new and totally different. We found a bunch of awesome bald men and hurled water balloons at their heads, to capture the explosion of water at various intervals. The result a new head of of water hair! We used a laser and sound trigger to capture the right moments for each subject to create just the head of hair that fit best with the face. We chose to work with triads of colors to create images that are arresting and amusing at the same time. Our favorites are "The Don King," "The Conquistador," "The Jesus" and "The Friar."

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The Blackwing Diaries The Art of Onfim By Paul Wickenden of Thanet Introduction One of the most fascinating archeological finds in Russia has been the discovery of hundreds of "birchbark documents" (messages written on the bark of birch trees with a sharp stylus) that were created from the 11th to the 15th century. The birchbark documents of Novgorod are a major source for information about life in Medieval Novgorod because they are not the writings of church theologians or political leaders, but rather, personal messages, IOUs, love letters, shopping lists, and so on. Children's drawings in the Middle Ages?! But birchbark was a different story. The drawings from Novgorod that we have found appear to all come from a Russian boy named Onfim, who lived at the end of the twelfth century or beginning of the thirteenth century in the city of Novgorod. Onfim Learns His Letters Fantasies of becoming a mighty warrior were not the only things that Onfim thought up though. Onfim's Friends and Family More People More people!! Me and My Dad

Downloads PhotoFiltre 6.5.3 / January 2012 English version with setup installer (2 Mb) PhotoFiltre 6.5.3 Portable / January 2012 English version in zip format (2 Mb) Portable version for USB drive for example. This version does not have to be installed. Helpfiles translated by John Corliss Language files for PhotoFiltre Copy the contents of the zip file into the installation directory of PhotoFiltre. English / Anglais Helpfiles by John Corliss / July 2004 / 51 Kb Português / Portuguese / Portugais Translated by Luis Valente / July 2004 / 44 Kb Deutsch / German / Allemand Translated by Hans Wrobel / Helpfiles by Heinz Koefinger / July 2004 / 52 Kb Nederlands / Dutch / Néerlandais Translated by Henk de Jong, JanC and Jeroen de Bruijn / July 2004 / 54 Kb Cesky / Czech / Tchèque Translated by Skoda / Charset Windows 1250 / July 2004 / 51 Kb Helpfiles updated by Julius Faltus Español / Spanish / Espagnol Translated by Tugui / July 2004 / 43 Kb

A Sketchy Past, The Art of Peter de Sève BibliOdyssey Make Beliefs Comix – Create Your Own Comix!
