Skerricks The Student Conference Series is breaking new ground in flattening classrooms The Student Conference Series is a presentation series dedicated to students presenting topics they are passionate about to a larger audience. Each week students are scheduled to present on different topics from Minecraft to Fjord Ponies. The concept for Students Conferences first came from Global 2 blogger, Ben Gallagher. He and Mel Cashen had organised a year 6 student from his class at Meredith Primary School to speak to her class at Lightning Reef in Bendigo about woodworking skills. This worked out perfectly for the Lightning Reef class who were learning to make chairs and needed some wood working skills. Ben was so impressed with how well Harris was able to share and articulate his knowledge he felt this could benefit students all over the world. Students use the Webinar program Blackboard Collaborate which is provided by the DEECD Virtual Conference Centre to present on a topic of their choice. You can also read about the presentation that started it all here.
Library Networking: Journals, Blogs, Associations, etc. In Libraryland, there are many ways of keeping up and keeping connected with your fellow librarians This page does not necessarily indicate every site that has an RSS feed. Since most of these people are librarians, it's always worth checking for an RSS feed for their journals, blogs, etc. (What's RSS?) This page: Library Networking, generally | Library Journals and Indexes | Library and Librarian Blogs | Library Newsgroup | Library and Related Associations (Subject-Matter Library Associations) | Library Conferences Library Networking, generally Library Journals and Indexes Including online-only journals Web Directories of Library Journals: Directory of Open Access Journals: Library and Information Science Resources for Librarians (Steven Bell's Keeping Up) Library Journals, Newsletters & Zines (LibDex) Thomas Parry Library: Electronic Journals in Librarianship and Information Science (University of Wales, Aberystwyth) Library Periodical Indexes: Library and Librarian Blogs Library Newsgroup
The Ubiquitous Librarian June 10, 2015, 1:56 pm By Brian Mathews June 8, 2015, 1:55 pm Carrie Donovan A few weeks ago I heard Carrie Donovan (Head of Teaching and Learning, Indiana University Libraries ) give a keynote address at The Innovative Library Classroom Conference. Here are the slides from her talk: Shaking up the Sediment: Re-energizing Pedagogical Practice while Avoiding Bottle Shock. My main takeaway was the transition that Carrie is experiencing from teaching to consulting. [caption id=”attachment_4953″ align=”aligncenter… Read More June 5, 2015, 2:53 am Should librarians challenge the status quo? I decided to ask a professor. You’ve mentioned online that libraries should challenge the status quo. Read More June 3, 2015, 10:21 am Here is a quick interview with Andrew Whitworth, Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Manchester and Programme Director of the MA: Digital Technologies, Communication and Education. What is radical information literacy? Mainstream IL – competency-based,…
A Captivating Classroom – share your posts with us At Global2 we like sharing our community’s stories. This week’s guest post is from Mel Cashen. I am currently a Grade 5/6 Teacher at Lightning Reef Primary School. Easily inspired by others, I am always trying something new, especially around the area of technology in the classroom. Taken from Captivating Classroom This week’s challenge in the Global2 Challenge is to reflect on blogging in your classroom. Welcome to Miss Cashen’s blog. I first began our blog after coming across Kathleen Morris’ class blog and felt that it would be a great tool to bring different links together in one place. As I had planned I filled the side bars with links we were using in the class, sorting these into different groups and then using the posts to share the work we had been doing. Soon we began to look at how to write a good comment and the power of leaving questions for readers in our posts. Then we delved into HTML, something I had no idea about before blogging.
Index. English. Home page. Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists A primary aim of The Association of International Librarians and Information Specialists (AILIS) is to foster better communication and closer co-operation amongst international librarians and information specialists in the Geneva - Lausanne area. But more than that, because of the great changes that have occurred in the world of information during last decade, AILIS provides an opportunity to learn about the trends in our profession. In particular AILIS co-sponsors the programme "Library Science Talks" which consists of 5-6 presentations per year given by internationally recognized specialists in the field. International organizations are major providers and users of data and need to stay current to continue serving their constituents with easily accessible and up-to-date information. Their libraries and information centres play a vital role in this work . AILIS assists in this effort by finding practical ways of promoting co-operation amongst its members.
The Daring Librarian Global2 Gallery Directories - Libraries Digital Librarian: a librarian's choice of the best of the Web Directories: Libraries See Also: Librariana Africa Research Central - California State University, San Bernardino. Les bibliothèques sur Internet en France dans le monde Association des Directers de Bibliotheques Departmentals de Pret. University Libraries Italian Internet library catalogues (OPACs) Special Libraries Government Libraries Australian Libraries Gateway - National Library of Australia. - Database contains location and descriptive information about a wide variety of health and biomedical resources. The European Library - Portal to The European Library British Library integrated catalogue, Biblioteca Nacional (Portugal), Online-Katalog Der Deutschen Bibliothek, Helsingin Yliopiston Kirjasto (main catalogue), SBN OPAC (Italy), Koninklijke Bibliotheek (main catalogue), OPAC HELVETICAT (SNL), and Slovenian National Bibliography. Guide to libraries and documentation services - Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Netherlands. Africa Asia Australasia
Rachel Moani: The Crafty Life of an Almost Librarian