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A Simple Solution to the Debt Crisis - Positive Money

A Simple Solution to the Debt Crisis - Positive Money
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Wissensmanufaktur - Willkommen bei der Wissensmanufaktur - Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung und Gesellschaftspolitik Soil Restoration: 5 Core Principles – Eco-Farming Daily Soil restoration is the process of improving the structure, microbial life, nutrient density, and overall carbon levels of soil. Many human endeavors – conventional farming chief among them – have depleted the Earth to the extent that nutrient levels in almost every kind of food have fallen by between 10 and 100 percent in the past 70 years. Soil quality can improve dramatically, though, when farmers and gardeners maintain constant ground cover, increase microbe populations, encourage biological diversity, reduce the use of agricultural chemicals, and avoid tillage. Soil restoration begins with photosynthesis. The Power of Photosynthesis Imagine there was a process that could remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, replace it with life-giving oxygen, support a robust soil microbiome, regenerate topsoil, enhance the nutrient density of food, restore water balance to the landscape, and increase the profitability of agriculture. The Plant-Microbe Bridge Nutrient Depletion In Our Food

How To Prepare For When Money Dies | ZeroHedge Doug Casey: Submitted by Casey Research An eye-opening interview with renowned speculator Doug Casey, conducted by Karen Roche and JT Long of The Gold Report. Doug explains why fiat currencies around the world are destined for collapse… and what investors can, and should, do to protect themselves. If dollar-dumping turns from a trickle into a flood, look out. The Gold Report: You've been talking about two ticking time bombs. Doug Casey: Both, but in sequence. Nobody knows the numbers for sure, but foreign central banks, and individuals outside the U.S., own U.S. dollars to the tune of something like $6 or $7 trillion. Some countries are already trying to get out of dollars, but it could become a panic if the selling goes from a trickle to a flood. TGR: If panic erupts on the U.S. dollar, would products manufactured in the U.S. become super-cheap or super-expensive? DC: They would become super-cheap. A strong currency is essential for a strong economy. DC: It doesn't have to last long at all. DC: No.

Progressive Pulse – Towards a Fairer Society Geldordnung und Finanzpolitik/Zins/Zinskritik-Kritik Einleitung Dies ist eine Ausarbeitung, die von dem Mitgliedern Piratos aka Tobias Deiters und Axel Grimm erstellt worden ist. Der im Text vorkommende Satz: "Daher ist auch die Vorstellung, dass der "fehlende Zins" im System zur Neuverschuldung führt, eindeutig widerlegbar." ist die Feststellung der Autoren und muss nicht mit dem allgemeingültiger Erkenntnisstand der AG Geldordnung und Finanzpolitik übereinstimmen. Am 17.04.2012 hat ein "Grillfest" zum Zins stattgefunden mit Pro- und Kontraposition. --Axel Grimm 15.05.2012 Ein Teil dieser Ausarbeitung wurde bereits als Mehrheitsmeinung der AG beschlossen. -- RedNose 09:43, 20. Zinsproblematik Viele sehen im "Zins" und seinen Auswirkungen ein Grund für die Aufschuldung des Geldsystems. 1. 2. 3. 4. Der Irrtum vom „fehlenden Zins“ Geld ist kein "Ding", sondern eine Information in einer Bankbilanz. Dieses Eigenkapital nutzt die Bank um alle Kosten zu decken, Boni zu zahlen, Guthabenzinsen zu zahlen, Aktiendividenden usw. Die Quelle des Irrtums

7VORTEX: Systems Thinking Powered by Graph Technology By Miro Marchi, Consultant, GraphAware | October 10, 2017 The success of many enterprises greatly depends on their ability to gather useful information and process it in a timely manner. Automation is essential and so is presentation, giving tangible feedback, to decision makers. This is where technology reaches out to management, where science and design are combined to put the right people in the position of making better and more sustainable choices. Decision making is often a very complex task. Outcomes depend on a multitude of interactions between variables, actions, and actors at play in multiple contexts. A Journey to the Graph Hugo Araujo is an entrepreneur, a consultant and an expert in biomimicry, the imitation of well-tested patterns found in nature to solve human problems. The Biology Of Connected Data “I think the biggest innovations of the 21st century will be at the intersection of biology and technology. Figure 1: Example of predation relationship. Conclusion Get My Ticket

Slow Money brings slow food values to investing | Full Page Arno Hesse receives a check each month paying down the principal of a $5,000 loan he made to Soul Food Farm, an organic chicken farm in Vacaville. For the interest? He gets two dozen eggs. Hesse, a former bank executive in San Francisco, is part of a new national organization called Slow Money - an attempt to bring the values of the slow food, sustainable farming movement to the dollar-driven world of investment. Slow Money will hold its third annual conference next month at Fort Mason in San Francisco, where potential investors will hear from a host of environmental speakers and 27 entrepreneurs seeking funding. Unlike typical gatherings of angel investors, though, these entrepreneurs won't be touting high-tech startups that aspire to become the next Google. The audience will include not just wealthy accredited investors and fund managers, but rank-and-file slow food advocates with as little as $100 or $1,000 to invest. Slow Money grew out of that movement. 'Civic engagement' Low returns

The SKWAWKBOX Metti la tenda nel mio giardino Gardensharing ( sta al campeggio come Airbnb sta all’albergo. É l’ultima invenzione della sharing economy nel campo del turismo. Si propone come alternativa al campeggio per tende, caravan, roulotte, saccopelisti e per l’affitto breve di capanne, fienili, tensostrutture o altri locali rustici e inconsueti. Sul modello di piattaforme più rodate, come Gamping ( in Francia e Campinmygarden ( in Nord Europa, Gardensharing prospetta nuovi orizzonti agli amanti delle vacanze outdoor. Che vantaggi dà rispetto al campeggio? Si può piantare la tenda o parcheggiare camper o roulotte per soli 5 euro a notte a Mazzè, nel Canavese, in un prato tra le vigne dell’erbaluce. Alcuni diritti riservati.

World must abandon paper reserve currencies - Outside the Box By Lewis E. Lehrman GREENWICH, Conn. But America has experienced sustained inflation and deindustrialization because of the overvalued reserve currency role of the dollar, overvalued relative to other paper currencies, especially the Chinese yuan /quotes/zigman/4869230/realtime/sampled USDCNY -0.24% . /conga/story/misc/investing.html275481 While China is an important trading partner of America, it may also be a mortal threat. Only monetary reform, including an end to the reserve currency system, can permanently correct the American, Chinese, and global disequilibrium. Currently, China holds more than $3 trillion of official reserves and more than $1 trillion in U.S. government securities. The reserve currency system of the paper dollar, whereby Chinese surplus dollars are reinvested in the United States, ignites inflation by multiplying purchasing power in China and the U.S., without associated equal production of new goods and services during the same market period. 1.) 2.)

Another angry voice 17 Segni rivelano l’Acidità del corpo e 9 Modi per Alcalinizzarlo Un corpo acido è un corpo malsano. Quando il corpo è acido, crea un ambiente indesiderato in cui prosperano malattie, batteri e lieviti. Per neutralizzare e rimuovere l’acidità esso preleva minerali da organi vitali e ossa, di conseguenza importanti riserve minerali come calcio, sodio, potassio e magnesio saranno ridotte provocando danni e acidosi. La maggior parte degli alimenti che consumiamo favoriscono l’acidità, come latticini, cereali, carne e zucchero. Poiché il corpo accumula costantemente gli scarti acidi del metabolismo, questi rifiuti devono essere neutralizzati o espulsi in qualche modo. Nella seguente lista troverai vari sintomi causati dall’acidosi (squilibrio del pH) : Il corpo è in grado di equilibrare il pH? Si, è possibile, ma lo fa ad un prezzo. Il pH normale dei tessuti e fluidi del corpo umano (tranne lo stomaco) è leggermente alcalino. Inizia a conoscere il pH Non tutti i cibi acidi si distinguono dal gusto. I limiti del corpo Cibi acidificanti e alcalinizzanti

Local Currency Local currencies value time, build community, and keep business moving even when credit dries up. posted Jun 05, 2009 Total dependence on one currency is like total dependence on one crop, or, for that matter, a single energy source: there’s always the risk that crop failure or a cutoff in supply will topple the whole system. This is the scenario we’re seeing now—credit has dried up and unemployment is soaring. “From the beginning we had two objectives—to promote the region and promote local charities,” says Christian Gelleri. Local currencies can help a community counter some of the problems with conventional money. Reliance on national currency means being at the mercy of the national credit situation. At the most basic level, currency functions as a means of exchange (I give you a dollar and you give me an ice cream cone), a unit of value (a dollar, pound, etc.) and a store of value (you can hold onto a dollar as it maintains its worth). As Susan Witt, executive director of the E.F.

5 P WORKSHOPS: exploring potential for local economy, markets and enterprises | Stephen Hinton Consulting Recruiting to local enterprises “Shopping” Economic progress has been uneven to say the least. People and the environment are still experiencing stresses even in countries with higher living standards. But there is a lot to learn. The 5 P workshop builds on the 5 Ps of a local economy PeoplePlaceProjects and ProductionProductsPayment system and market Community groups looking to understand the potential of their local economy betterGroups wanting to understand time banking and local currencySchools and colleges whose students want another way to learn about money and markets, including GNP, turnover, money supply, etc.Researchers who want to explore psychological aspects of markets Participants get to learn more about how the economy economy works and particularly local markets as well as the role of money and volunteerism. The first part of the workshop is a practical exercise in setting up and running a local market – both formal and informal. Contact us via the contact page for an offer.
