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Gitosis: Adding Users « The ssteiner Blog-o-matic Gitosis: Adding Users Adding Users to our Secure Gitosis setup Now that we’ve got our gitosis based git server set up (see Previous Installment), it’s time to add users and repositories. First, users. Here’s what you’ve got to do: Generate a public key Here’s what to tell your users to have them generate a public key that you can use to give them access to your repositories. Go to a terminal. # cd That should bring you to your home directory. # ssh-keygen -t rsa The key will be generated in the ~/.ssh hidden subdirectory as ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub Have the user send you id_rsa.pub by whatever means. Add their public key to the gitosis-admin/keydir Copy the “id_rsa.pub” that the user sent you to the “keydir” subdirectory of your “gitosis-admin” checkout, renaming it on the way to the username that you can find as the last bit of the id_rsa.pub key. # cp ~/id_rsa.pub ~/gitosis-admin/keydir/jeff.JeffsHappyMachine.local.pub Now I have jeff.JeffsHappyMachine.local as an available user.
Data science Data Science Data science is the study of the generalizable extraction of knowledge from data,[1] yet the key word is science.[2] It incorporates varying elements and builds on techniques and theories from many fields, including signal processing, mathematics, probability models, machine learning, computer programming, statistics, data engineering, pattern recognition and learning, visualization, uncertainty modeling, data warehousing, and high performance computing with the goal of extracting meaning from data and creating data products. Data Science need not be always for big data, however, the fact that data is scaling up makes big data an important aspect of data science. A practitioner of data science is called a data scientist. Data scientists solve complex data problems through employing deep expertise in some scientific discipline. Good data scientists are able to apply their skills to achieve a broad spectrum of end results. History[edit] On 10 November 1998, C.F. Jeffrey M.
The Wire - Season Two Opening Credits BIG Vortex - A Building-Site Art Installation by realities:united for Amagerforbrænding, Copenhagen Gitosis Git Hooks for Web Developers – Gitosis Git Hooks for Web Developers – Bocoup Web Log The first week of 2010 has been focused on setting up the staging infrastructure for Bocoup.com. One of the tools I have been using is Gitosis. Gitosis helps make hosting git repositories easy and safe. It manages multiple repositories under one user account, using SSH keys to identify users. If you want to run development servers that act a little more like Github, Gitosis is something you will enjoy using. The best article I have found on setting up Gitosis is here: Hosting Git Repositories The Easy & Secure Way As a web developer, I would like to be able to manage my website using Git. The following tutorial will show you how to set up a hook for a Gitosis managed Git repo, and copy your updated changes to your document root. 1) Discover Location & Set Test Permissions The first thing you need to do is make a repo. in Gitosis.conf and push it to your sever. The second thing to do is log into your server and find the location of your repo. cd /home/git/repositories ls 3) Bash Your Hook #!
2013 Technology Trends To Watch - A HorizonWatching Trend Report Technology Update: Building bridges to tomorrow Ils ont fabriqué une pile en bois! Terre — Énergie : S’inspirant des arbres, une équipe de chercheurs de l’Université du Maryland (Maryland Nanocenter)… a mis au point une batterie (une pile) fabriquée à partir d’une lamelle de bois recouverte d’étain. Ce système semble prometteur, car cette batterie est aussi minuscule que durable, efficace et plus écologique. Minuscule, disais-je ? Oui, elle est 1.000 fois plus fine qu’une feuille de papier ! En bois ? Pour quelle application ? Sur le sujet, je vous propose la publication officielle >>> Clic Clic Clic Voici le communiqué de l’Université du Maryland >>> Clic Clic Clic WordPress: J'aime chargement… Connexe Ils découvrent des champignons mangeurs de plastique! Microbiologie - Pollution: Très souvent utilisé pour remplacer le caoutchouc, le bois, certaines peintures ou certains métaux, le polyuréthane (une matière plastique) ne pouvait déjà être recyclé afin d'en faire d'autres… Dans "Ecologie"
Acci Traslado de Grua .MOV Collapsible solar pavilion charges Volvo V60, fits in its trunk In the future, electric cars and plug-in hybrids may be able to carry their own solar charging station with them, folded up and ready to deploy, right from the car's trunk. The first of its kind is expected to be displayed in Rome later this year, as part of the launch of Volvo's V60 Hybrid Electric Diesel model. The Pure Tension Pavilion, picked as the winner of the 2013 Switch to Pure Volvo Pavilion Design competition, is an attempt to re-envision the standard pavilion used for trade shows, providing not only shelter and a beautiful design, but a power source as well. The Pavilion is a tensioned membrane structure using an HDPE mesh skin, a carbon fiber skeleton, and integrating embedded photovoltaic panels, that can fully collapse and fit inside the trunk of the V60 when not in use. The pavilion, commissioned by Volvo Car Italia, is a collaborative effort between Synthesis Design + Architecture, Buro Happold, and Fabric Images, and will be launched in September 2013 in Rome, Italy.
l'Empire Samsung - Un Oeil sur la Planete
Mise en ligne par milarico06
sur YOUTUBE le 10 janv. 2011
Présenté par Etienne Leenhardt
Reportage de Loïc de la Mornais et Jean-François Monnier
C'est la marque la plus emblématique de la Corée du Sud. Samsung est la plus grosse entreprise technologique au monde. Ses bénéfices sont supérieurs à ceux d'Apple, de Google et de Microsoft réunis. Mais Samsung est aussi un conglomérat géant dont les activités touchent à presque tous les domaines. Pour la première fois et en exclusivité pour un Oeil sur la planète, plongée au cœur de l'empire Samsung. by epc May 12