La química del amor Helen Fisher, Antropóloga Recientemente, los científicos han comenzado a analizar el amor, algo que había estado reservado para los poetas y literatos. Científicos como Helen Fisher ahora miran con en el escáner el cerebro de personas locamente enamoradas o deprimidas por la pérdida de un gran amor y han descubrierto la importancia fundamental de los factores biológicos y hormonales de las substancias químicas en el proceso de amar. Fecha de la entrevista: 2007-05-30Lugar de la entrevista: Barcelona Web oficial de Helen Fisher.The science of love, and the future of women, vídeo de la charla de Helen Fisher en los TED Talks.Entrevista a Helen Fisher en el Magazine de El Mundo. Helen Fisher es investigadora del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad de Rutgers, EE.UU. Eduard Punset: ¿Por qué nos gusta una persona en concreto entre todas las demás? Helen Fisher: Es una pregunta muy difícil. Los hombres se enamoran más deprisa que las mujeres. Sí. Los dos son igualmente apasionados.
Ayahuasca Videos | Just another site Psychoactive Vaults : Psychedelic Crisis FAQ This FAQ is not regularly updated or maintained. It may include out-of-date information. Please check the version date to see when it was most recently revised. For current information, see Erowid's summary pages in the substance's main vault. Disclaimer This FAQ is presented for informational purposes only. Credits The information contained in this FAQ has been culled from a variety of sources. Revision History 0.5 - 09/10/97 - Assembled emails and passed around for comment 1.0 - 05/03/98 - Created the basic HTML, FAQ. 1.1 - 11/07/98 - Added index, disclaimer, credits, and significantly improved organization. 1.2 - 12/18/99 - Updated Antidotes section. 2.0 - 08/22/01 - Reorganized from a realtime usage perspective, added Assessment section 2.1 - 08/01/05 - Changed reference to CPR/Rescue Breathing in "Critical or Life Threatening Situation" section 2.2 - 02/17/14 - Added Tripsit link Introduction Assessment Type of Situation Is there immediate or potential physical danger? Quick List Summary
La química en el amor ¿Te ha pasado que cuando ves a una persona por primera vez, comienzas a sudar como nunca, tienes palpitaciones, tus manos tiemblan, te ruborizas, sientes ese cosquilleo en el estómago; se te va la onda, tartamudeas y comienzas a reirte de la nada?. Bueno pues esto indica nada más y nada menos que aquella persona que esta frente a ti es bioquimicamente tu media naranja. Es a quien has estado esperado por mucho tiempo. Esta sensaciones tienen su porque en fundamentos psicológicos y físicos que se van construyendo desde la niñez. Antes de que una persona se fije en otra, ya ha construido un mapa mental, un molde completo de circuitos cerebrales que determinan lo que le hará enamorarse de una persona y no de otra. El sexólogo John Money considera que los niños desarrollan esos mapas entre los 5 y 8 años de edad, en base a las asociaciones con miembros de su familia, amigos, con experiencias y hechos fortuitos. La Quimica del amor De la emoción al enamoramiento La quimica en el sexo
"Ayahuasca and Creativity" -- Benny Shanon, Ph.D. Ayahuasca and Creativity Benny Shanon, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University PDF version of this document As indicated in previous publications (Shanon, 1997, 1998a, 1999) I am a cognitive psychologist who is studying the phenomenology of the ayahuasca experience. My study is based on extended firsthand experience as well as on the interviewing of a great number of persons in different places and contexts. In the publications cited the reader can find background information about both ayahuasca and the program of my research; for further theoretical discussion, see my forthcoming book The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience. Phenomenologically, the effects of ayahuasca are multifarious -- they include hallucinatory effects in all perceptual modalities, psychological insights, intellectual ideations, spiritual uplifting and mystical experiences. As explained in Shanon (1998b), ayahuasca can also induce very impressive ideations.
The Heroine of Heroin – Upvoted Tracey Helton (Reddit user traceyh415) is the focus of this week’s episode. We discuss her depression growing up, how she became addicted to heroin, life as a homeless heroin addict, being the subject of the HBO documentary Black Tar Heroin, how she got clean, her involvement in harm reduction, how she got involved in Reddit’s opiates community, Naloxone, and how she saved the lives of over 120 users by sending naloxone to those with no access. Hold On "I lived in an all-female Pentecostal 'discipleship program' in rural Arkansas ... The Wave "Sailing remains one of the best things in my life. Four Walls and a Roof (Part One) "Our tent is a house. Modern Shamanism, by Serge Kahili King Article Modern Shamanism by Serge Kahili King "You look more modern than I thought you'd be," said the visitor as we sat in my comfortable living room overlooking the ocean that surrounds the island of Kaua'i. His remark was typical of many visitors who expect - perhaps even hope - to find me wearing some kind of robe or sarong and living in primitive simplicity in a cave or a forest far away from the amenities of civilization. In the old and ancient days the shaman - who was a healer of mind, body and circumstances - was right in the midst of tribal or village life. Now shamanism is experiencing a revival of interest and freedom. A modern shaman (or "urban" shaman, as I often say) is one who uses the ancient knowledge in the context of our present social and cultural environment. Shaman knowledge has to do with an awareness of, and the ability to direct, the powers of mind and the forces of nature. Integration is more difficult in today's society because of its variety and complexity.
Legal intoxicant - Wikipedia Legal intoxicants, also known as legal drugs or, more commonly, as legal highs, are those intoxicating drugs which are either completely legal or not commonly prohibited by various drug laws. The most widely consumed legal intoxicant is alcohol—legal throughout the vast majority of the world's countries—but a wide array of other drugs are also not specifically banned in many international jurisdictions: these may vary from native intoxicating plants historically used by indigenous cultures to foodstuffs eaten in various parts of the world, to modern compounds and designer drugs that have not been defined as illegal, or even long-standing medicines that have intoxicating or anesthetic side effects. Where legislation imposes a general ban on psychoactive substances (as in Ireland), legal intoxicants are limited to those substances specifically exempted. Stimulants[edit] Mephedrone[edit] Mephedrone a dopaminergic, serotonergic, and adrenergic stimulant. Caffeine[edit] Nicotine[edit] Khat[edit]
Naturally occurring plant alkaloids could slow down Alzheimer's disease, study suggests A family of naturally occurring plant compounds could help prevent or delay memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease, according to a new study by the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen). Beta-carboline alkaloids could potentially be used in therapeutic drugs to stop, or at least slow down, the progressively debilitating effects of Alzheimer's, according to the study published recently in the scientific journal Public Library of Science (PLoS) One. One of these alkaloids, called harmine, inhibits a protein known as DYRK1A, which has been implicated by this and other studies in the formation tau phosphorylation. This process dismantles the connections between brain cells, or neurons, and has been linked in past TGen studies to Alzheimer's disease. Tau is a protein critical to the formation of the microtubule bridges in neurons. These bridges support the synaptic connections that, like computer circuits, allow brain cells to communicate with each other.
Freedom Vaults : Guidelines for Saying No to Police Searches One of the main powers that law enforcement officers carry is the power to intimidate citizens into voluntarily giving up their rights. Police are trained to believe in their authority and trained to perform their interactions with private citizens with confidence. It is their job to deal with problems and they learn to manage uncomfortable situations through strength. Most people, when confronted by police get a mild panic reaction, become anxious, and try to do whatever they can to minimize the time spent with the officer. A common situation is that of the traffic stop. The Federal Supreme Court has ruled that as long as the police do not force an individual to do something, the individual is acting voluntarily, even if a normal person would feel very intimidated and would not reasonably feel they could say no. Unfortunately police will often try to push citizens to accept a search, to the point of ignoring when you say "no". The Terry v. In a recent decision (Wyoming v. Stay Calm.
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