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UbuWeb Sound

UbuWeb Sound
About UbuWeb Sound Originally focusing on Sound Poetry proper, UbuWeb's Sound section has grown to encompass all types of sound art, historical and contemporary. Beginning with pioneers such as Guillaume Apollinaire reading his "Calligrammes" in 1913, and proceeding to current practitioners such as Vito Acconci or Kristin Oppenheim, UbuWeb Sound surveys the entire 20th century and beyond. UbuWeb embraces non-proprietary, open source media. All MP3s served on UbuWeb are either out-of-print, incredibly difficult to find, or, in our opinion, absurdly overpriced. UbuWeb

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Bibliothèque sonore Palestine 2004 / Les yeux grand fermés 20 août 2014, par Jean-Philippe Chalté, Robin Hunzinger 2004-2014 dix ans de souffrances... (mise à jour de L. D.) À l’école de Gaza (août-septembre 2014) : éditorial et sommaire des articles liés ⇐ Un documentaire radiophonique de Robin Hunzinger (auteur producteur) et Jean-Philippe Chalte (son et musique originale). La voix de Richard Brautigan 24 décembre 2012, par Richard Brautigan Le Collectif des ressources vient de recevoir ce message et propose de vous le faire partager : Bonsoir le même jour par un de ces hasards propres aux jours qui s’ensuivent à leur queue leu leu je reçus d’un ami belge (en tant que non-membre du non-fan-club de richard brautigan qui vient de s’autodissoudre) un cd d’enregistrements (inédits ?)

Inside LSD documentary | National Geographic produces some very good drug documentaries. Inside LSD (2009) looks at some of the science behind LSD and how it might be useful for therapeutic purposes. Would LSD be the next drug in your doctor’s arsenal? via Inside LSD | Watch Free Documentary Online. This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Caspar Addyman has a BA in mathematics, a BSc in psychology and PhD in developmental psychology.

Audiolibri Liber Liber Podcast: Dedicato ai più coraggiosi: un racconto davvero pauroso per chiudere il 2019 con brividi “letterari”. In anteprima per il Progetto Libro parlato Barbablù, il famosissimo (e paurosissimo) racconto di Charles Perrault, tradotto da Carlo Collodi, con la voce di Mela Boev e musicato da Mauro Desideri. Barbablu è una fiaba trascritta da Charles Perrault nel XVII secolo che fece la sua prima apparizione nella raccolta Histoires ou contes du temps passé, nella precedente versione manoscritta intitolata I racconti di Mamma Oca, nel 1697. Benché la versione di Perrault avesse un tono evidentemente pedagogico, che ammoniva i lettori soprattutto a non lasciarsi guidare dalla smodata curiosità, la vicenda del sanguinario uxoricida nell’immaginario collettivo finì per essere presto associata all’idea del serial killer, al punto che quello di Barbablù divenne il soprannome affibbiato ad alcuni reali assassini seriali, come per esempio Henri Landru. Sinossi rielaborata da Wikipedia

Poésie sonore Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La poésie sonore est une discipline poétique du XXe siècle. Le terme a été utilisé la première fois en 1958, dans un texte signé de Jacques Villeglé et François Dufrêne, à propos de Henri Chopin[1]. Henri Chopin, exposant en 1967 ce qu'est la poésie sonore, a expliqué qu'il est possible de la diviser en deux groupes : ceux qui sont dans la « préfération simple de la voix » et ceux qui usent « des ressources du magnétophone »[2]. Origines[modifier | modifier le code] Dès le début du XXe siècle, avant la naissance de la poésie sonore proprement dite, apparaissent des pratiques qui s'échappent du livre et revendiquent une forme d'oralité. Bien qu'il soit parfois affirmé que les racines de la poésie sonore se trouvent dans les traditions orales, l'écriture de textes purement sonores qui réduisent les rôles de la signification et de la structure est un phénomène du XXe siècle. gadji beri bimba glandridi lauli lonni cadori... » (Albright, 2004)

The best books to listen to on audio - Picador 'Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested: that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.' So said Sir Francis Bacon. I would add to that: some books are to be listened to – in the car, while making dinner, on the Tube. Whether because they are weighty tomes you don't want to carry around or because the reading is just spot on, these are some of the best audiobooks around. Hanya Yanagihara's A Little Life, a heart-breaking story of brotherly love and the limits of human endurance, is made for audio. Lisa Owen's Not Working is one of our favourite debuts of recent years but it's even better when you have it read to you in Claire Flannery's voice. C. If Tudor history is your bag then no doubt Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies will be on your list, if you haven't read them already. The Melrose novels are superb too.

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LibriVox | free public domain audiobooks
