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Pixabay - Public Domain Images

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Open Content Program (The Getty) The Getty makes available, without charge, all available digital images to which the Getty holds the rights or that are in the public domain to be used for any purpose. No permission is required. For additional information please see the related press releases, as well as overviews of each phase of the program on The Getty Iris. Why Open Content? What's in Open Content? Access to Open Content Images All of the images can be found on Getty Search Gateway, and the J. Open content images are identified with a "Download" link. If you need new photography, resizing, or color correction, you can request these services by contacting Museum Rights & Reproductions (for J. Public Domain and Rights Open content images are digital surrogates of works of art that are in the Getty's collections and in the public domain, for which we hold all rights, or for which we are not aware of any rights restrictions. Attribution to the Getty Please use the following source credit when reproducing an image:

Art 4 Apps | About Home | Educational Smartphone Application Art and Audio | Smart4Kids LLC Über 100 Quellen für kostenlose Bilder Egal ob Hobby-Webmaster, professioneller Webdesigner oder Suchmaschinenoptimierer. Jeder Text den wir online stellen und jede Seite die wir gestallten lässt sich mit einem kleinen Trick aufpeppen: Bilder! Doch woher bekommt man kostenlose, lizenzfreie Fotos und Bilder die man auf der eigenen Homepage verwenden kann? Wer das Risiko abgemahnt zu werden sucht kann sie sich aus der Google Bildersuche nehmen. Einfacher und ganz legal geht es mit diesen 117 Seiten mit Stock-Fotos. Die in Klammer geschriebenen Kategorien geben nicht das ganze Spektrum der Seiten wieder sondern sollen lediglich zeigen worauf der Fokus liegt. Download ohne Anmeldung Von diesen Seiten könnt ihr direkt und einfach Fotos herunterladen. Große Datenbank mit mehr als 10.000 Bildern. Downloads mit Anmeldung Um in den kompletten Archiven dieser Dienste zu stöbern ist es notwendig sich zu registrieren. Spezielle Angebote Wer bisher nicht fündig geworden ist sollte sich hier umsehen. Kostenpflichtige Angebote

Totally Free Images! Framalab Free icons! License: Free for commercial use License: Free for commercial use (Include link to authors website) License: Free for non commercial use License: Free for personal use only License: Free for commercial use (Do not redistribute) License: Free for personal use only (Buy licence) License: Free for commercial use (Attribute author as specified in license) Banque d'images en univers social Bienvenue à la banque d’images en univers social du Service national du RÉCIT de l’univers social! Vous êtes entièrement libre de consulter, d'enrichir ou encore mieux, d'utiliser, selon la licence indiquée, les images que vous trouverez dans la banque. Vous pouvez chercher des images en parcourant les différents albums ou en naviguant parmi les mots clés représentant les sociétés du primaire ou les réalités sociales et géographiques du secondaire telles que spécifiées par le MELS. Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez? - Free Stock Photos and Free Images Copyright-Free Photo Archive: Public Domain Photos and Images The photo archive at has more than 27,000 free photos and images saved on our own dedicated server, consisting of over 2.5 Gbytes of data. The goal is to make this archive a resource for collage and photo-montage using digital image editing techniques such as those described in Chapter 7 of Grokking the GIMP. To improve the archive's usefulness, full indexing of the images is planned. In looking through the archive you will be able to browse pages of photo thumbnails, which are linked to the full-size images. The images and photos found in this archive come from three main sources: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. The photos you'll find here are copyright free, but some restrictions still apply. In principle, if an photo is sufficiently modified so that individuals are no longer "recognizable", it should be okay to use.

Using the Archive Scientists worldwide use our audio and video recordings to better understand and preserve our planet. Teachers use our sounds, videos, and curricula to illustrate the natural world and create exciting interactive learning opportunities. We help others depict nature accurately and bring the wonders of animal behavior to the widest possible audience. New Guinea's Birds of Paradise Documenting Courtship Behavior For more than a decade, video curator Edwin Scholes has used digital video to document and study the courtship behaviors of New Guinea's birds-of-paradise (family Paradisaeidae). North American Warblers Reproduction, Climate Change, and Songs Mike Webster, director of the Macaulay Library, graduate student Sara Kaiser, and collaborators at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center are investigating how birds' behaviors may change in response to climate change. Sexual Signals in Australian Fairywrens Research Using Macaulay Library Recordings Anthropologist Jonathan D. Investigating Behavior

15 Free Display Graphics to Use with Your E-Learning Courses A lot of rapid elearning content finds its roots in repurposed classroom slides. The challenge is to rework the screens and get rid of the bullet points so they don’t always look like classroom slides. A great way to get out of the PowerPoint look is to create screens that hold content in different ways. For example, if you put a TV monitor on the screen you’re less inclined to use bullet points. WARNING: Course context is everything. With that said here are a few ideas from previous posts and those are followed with some new ones and free downloads. You can download many of these templates (and more) from the E-Learning Heroes community. In today’s post, I thought I’d share yet one more display screen graphic—the projection screen. Here are a few simple projection screen images that I created. Generally, I like to keep the screens simple. Below are links to the tutorials where I show how to create them. You can download the projection screens as images from here. Tidbits:

WPClipart Home Page

Super ! Merci Muriel pour l’info. Bonne soirée. by guivarcha2 Jun 29

Vérifier les conditions de redistribution, toutes les images ne sont pas libre de droits : notamment les images représentant des marques.
Se méfier du bandeau contenant des images tout en haut de la page : images commerciales.
Nombreux filtres intéressant (couleur, image, taille, catégorie, ...). by angdel Jun 10

Site en espagnol mais se mets en français au lancement .
Attention aux images avec filigrane "ShutterStock" , elles sont payantes ! by passetice Mar 17

Pixabay è una vera e propria repository di immagini gratis da poter utilizzare con serenità perchè non coperte da alcun copyright, ma di libera fruizione. by ritamarchignoli Jan 19

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