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A World Without Work

A World Without Work
1. Youngstown, U.S.A. The end of work is still just a futuristic concept for most of the United States, but it is something like a moment in history for Youngstown, Ohio, one its residents can cite with precision: September 19, 1977. For much of the 20th century, Youngstown’s steel mills delivered such great prosperity that the city was a model of the American dream, boasting a median income and a homeownership rate that were among the nation’s highest. But as manufacturing shifted abroad after World War II, Youngstown steel suffered, and on that gray September afternoon in 1977, Youngstown Sheet and Tube announced the shuttering of its Campbell Works mill. Youngstown was transformed not only by an economic disruption but also by a psychological and cultural breakdown. This winter, I traveled to Ohio to consider what would happen if technology permanently replaced a great deal of human work. The U.S. labor force has been shaped by millennia of technological progress. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Related:  More Economic Theory and Bits

Capital - The end of middle management? As the US election season gets underway, American politicians are rolling out their usual lines about creating jobs for the middle class. It’s a terrific sentiment, but if they’re talking about the middle class that used to populate middle-management jobs in offices around the country, I’m sorry to report that that train has left the station. The sad truth is that middle management is on its way to becoming virtually extinct. We should no longer expect traditional job ladders for managers to move up the ranks, or even retaining the notion that middle managers are the glue that connects workers and ensures goal alignment up and down the hierarchy. This is different. Replaced by computers While lauded, technological advances have already taken their toll on lower-level jobs. Further up the chain, the problem gets much worse, particularly for some professions. A cultural shift The demise of middle management isn’t due to technological advances alone. Millennials at work Moving forward

אנרגיה סולארית | אנרגיה מתחדשת | אנרגיה ירוקה | תשתיות תעשייה | אנרגיה מתחדשת | מים | נפט וגז טבעי | תחבורה | בניה ירוקה קרן בירד תשקיע מיליונים באנרגיה מתחדשת בישראל קרן בירד אנרגיה הודיע כי תשקיע 5.1 מיליון דולר בפרויקטים משותפים ישראל-ארה"ב בתחום האנרגיה הנקייה. הפרויקטים שאושרו, בתקציב כולל של 11.3 מיליון דולר, הנם בתחומים: אנרגיה סולארית, התייעלות אנרגטית, אנרגיה חכמה ואנרגיית רוח קרן בירד אנרגיה (BIRD Energy), שיתוף פעולה בתחום האנרגיה המתחדשת בין משרד התשתיות הלאומיות, האנרגיה והמים לבין משרד האנרגיה האמריקאי, הודיעה כי תשקיע 5.1 מיליון דולר בשישה פרויקטים משותפים לחברות ישראליות ולחברות אמריקאיות. תקציבם הכולל של הפרויקטים הוא 11.3 מיליון דולר. בהודעה שפורסמה ע"י משרד האנרגיה האמריקאי, אמר מזכיר האנרגיה ד"ר ארנסט מוניז: "שיפורים באנרגיה מתחדשת והתייעלות אנרגטית חיוניים לעיצוב עתיד האנרגיה הנקייה. מימין לשמאל: שר האנרגיה ד"ר יובל שטייניץ, ראש לשכת הסחר האמריקאית תומס דונהיו, שר האנרגיה האמריקאי ד"ר ארנסט מוניז. ד"ר איתן יודילביץ, מנכ"ל קרן בירד: "לתכנית BIRD Energy ערך מוסף מוכח להאצת החדשנות בפיתוח טכנולוגיות אנרגיה מתחדשות והתייעלות אנרגטית. ששת הפרויקטים שנבחרו: · Ayyeka Technologies, Ltd.

The Logic of Surveillance Capitalism This post was originally published on Philosophical Disquisitions. You have probably noticed it already. There is a strange logic at the heart of the modern tech industry. The famous Harvard business theorist Shoshana Zuboff refers to this phenomenon assurveillance capitalism and she believes that it has its own internal ‘logic’ that we need to carefully and critically assess. And that’s what I want to do in this post. Zuboff identifies four key features in the logic of surveillance capitalism. Each of these four features has important social repercussions. 1. First, you need to understand the sources of the data, i.e. what it is that makes it fair to refer to this as the era of ‘big data’. Second, you need to understand the relationship between the data-extracting companies, like Google, and the users of their services. It is worth dwelling on this functional independence for a moment. One final point about data extraction and analysis. 2. (Zuboff 2015, 81) 3. 4. (Zuboff 2015, 85) 5.

So You Think You're Smarter Than A CIA Agent : Parallels A group of 3,000 ordinary citizens, armed with nothing more than an Internet connection, is often making better forecasts of global events than CIA analysts. Here, a man crosses the CIA logo at its headquarters in Langley, Va. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images A group of 3,000 ordinary citizens, armed with nothing more than an Internet connection, is often making better forecasts of global events than CIA analysts. Here, a man crosses the CIA logo at its headquarters in Langley, Va. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images The morning I met Elaine Rich, she was sitting at the kitchen table of her small town home in suburban Maryland trying to estimate refugee flows in Syria. It wasn't the only question she was considering; there were others: Will North Korea launch a new multistage missile before May 10, 2014? Will Russian armed forces enter Kharkiv, Ukraine, by May 10? "I'm just a pharmacist," she said. Better Than The Pros Viktor Drachev/AFP/Getty Images

The Myth of the Ethical Shopper - The Huffington Post Michael Hobbes There’s this video that went viral earlier this year. On Berlin’s Alexanderplatz, a vending machine is selling plain white T-shirts for €2 each. “Do you still want to buy this shirt?” For a generation now, buying better has been one of our most potent forms of protest. It all started in the mid-’90s, when anti-sweatshop mania burst into the mainstream of American culture. And for a while there, it worked. But in the past 25 years, the apparel industry, the entire global economy, has undergone a complete transformation. This year, I spoke with more than 30 company reps, factory auditors and researchers and read dozens of studies describing what has happened in those sweatshops since they became a cultural fixation three decades ago. translation missing: en.parallax1_caption If you’ve ever been to a corporate social responsibility conference, you’ve undoubtedly heard the story of the three fire extinguishers. This is the world that No Logo built. It’s the same in Burma.

ציורי שמן נוף ים - תמונות לסלון. תמונות לבית חוף ים. | אנגל מסגרות לתמונות ציור שמן מקורי חוף ים על בד קנבס – רפרודוקציה של אמן אמריקאי מפורסם, 2 נשים עם שמלות לבנות וגבר בלבוש של שנות ה-30, תמונה קלאסית עם מטריות בחוף הים.מידות: גובה 30 ס"מ, רוחב 40 ס"מ וגם במידה גובה 50 ס"מ על רוחב 60 ס"מ – הגודל ללא המסגרת. ציור שמן על קנבס מקורי – תמונה מושלמת לבית, אימא מחזיקה את הבת בחוף הים – עם שמלה ורודה וכובע קש בחוף הים מחזיקה את הבת עם קוקיות ודלי למשחק בחוף הים, גובה 60 ס"מ רוחב 50 ס"מ ציור מדהים, נראה יותר יפה במציאות עם מסגרת מודרנית. רקדנים עם מטריות והרקע חוף הים – תמונה משגעת עם מסגור ועיטורים בצבע זהב, במחיר מדהים שאסור לפרסם ! 2 זוגות רוקדים בחוף הים, הנשים בשמלות אדומות והגברים בלבוש אלגנטי של שנות ה-30 , תמונה אלגנטית שחזור של ציור אמריקאי מפורסם, גובה 50 ס"מ על רוחב 60 ס"מ (המימדים לא כוללים את המסגרת) 2 נערות בשמלות לבנות וכובע לבן וסלסלות פרחים, הולכות בחוף הים – תמונת שמן עד קנבס עם נוף ים פסטורלי, תמונת אווירה מושלמת לבית עם מסגור מודרני יפיפיה, חובה לראות במציאות.

Ban cash, end boom and bust This may all sound far-fetched, but the idea has been developed in some detail by a Norwegian academic, Trond Andresen*. • Get the best investing ideas from Telegraph Investor once a week by email • Get sent the best of Telegraph Money once a week by email In this futuristic world, all payments are made by contactless card, mobile phone apps or other electronic means, while notes and coins are abolished. Having everyone’s account at a single, central institution allows the authorities to either encourage or discourage people to spend. Faced with seeing their money slowly confiscated, people are more likely to spend it on goods and services. The recipient of cash responds in the same way, and also spends. What about the opposite situation – when the economy is overheating? So whenever you use the money in your account to buy something, you pay a small penalty. • Interest rates predictions: 'July 2016 for first rise' • Nikkei at 20,000: will it hit '63m' by 2025?

Superforecasting Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction is a book by Philip E. Tetlock and Dan Gardner released in 2015. It details findings from The Good Judgment Project. A number of people participated in an IARPA tournament that encouraged forecasters to update forecasts in real time. When given intelligence tests, superforecasters scored well-above average, but not at the genius level (they scored above 80% of people). Reviews[edit] The Economist reports that superforecasters are clever (with a good mental attitude), but not necessarily geniuses. Fareed Zakaria GPS, October 18, 2015 - “This week’s book of the week is Philip Tetlock’s ‘Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction.’ References[edit] External links[edit]

A true crime tale of comic books, corruption, and a $9 million vanishing act By Russell Brandom & Colin Lecher | Illustrations by Jun Cen ou don’t see an All Star Comics #3 every day. Published in 1940, it’s a milestone in what’s known as the Golden Age of comic books: the debut of the first bonafide superhero team, the Justice Society of America. There’s hardly a plot, only a meeting of some of DC’s biggest stars — Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman — taking turns sharing tales as if they were telling ghost stories at a campfire. Spectre recounts a battle with a monster from the moon; Hawkman remembers a crisis on the island of Krakatoa. The masked vigilantes on the cover are a friendly lot, decades removed from the gritty realism that would come to dominate the industry later. So when an All Star Comics #3 surfaced at Heritage Auctions’ first big sale of 2012, collectors took notice. But someone bidding at the Heritage auction was willing to pay significantly more. All Star #3 wasn’t the only mid-tier comic suddenly going for outrageous prices at the 2012 sale.

Talk About Teaching: Jonathan Baron by Jonathan Baron Colleges can improve students' thinking. We may be able to do this more effectively if we have a better idea of what we are doing. "We" means students and faculty: students apply standards of thinking to each other, just as faculty apply them to students and to other faculty. In early universities, the standards came from Aristotle. Logic was an essential part of the curriculum. Thinking concerns the resolution of doubt about what to do, what to believe, or what to value. In good thinking: search is sufficiently thorough for the question; search and inference are fair to all possibilities under consideration; and confidence is appropriate to the amount of search that has been done and the quality of the inferences made. People often depart from good thinking by: Examples of these shortcomings are easy to find. Education can help by insisting on thorough and fair search, fair inference, and appropriate confidence. Explain your question and why it is important. Janis, I.
