Links Switchers A switching power supply is a device transforming the voltage from one level to another. Typically it is taken from the mains and transformed to the DC levels that logic requires in a PC or a battery loader. The main differences between the linear and switched-mode regulator are in the size, weight and efficiency. Since a switched-mode converter can operate at significantly high frequencies, then a smaller transformer using ferrite cores can be used. Articles and resources OpenPICC RFID Emulator and Sniffer Project - OpenPCD From OpenPCD OpenPICC 1 board Breaking into a Mifare Classic protected key vault that uses only anti collision as a security feature - no cryptography is used by that vault. Introduction This device is obsolete - please use OpenPICC SnifferOnly 13.56MHz instead for sniffing The OpenPICC project for Proximity Integrated Circuit Cards (PICC) is the counterpart to OpenPCD. Like OpenPCD, the hardware design and software are available under Free Licenses. Please refer our to our OpenPICC Development pages as well. Our open RFID hardware projects Design Files Schematics (pdf) PCB layout (pdf) Bill of materials (pdf) Gerber files (zip) How to sniff RFID reader to ISO 14443 tag data transmission using OpenPICC configure OpenPCD to send data continuously connect USB debug cable to RS232_CMOS connector on OpenPCD - black wire is Pin 1 cu -l/dev/ttyUSB0 -s115200 (debug terminal - where ttyUSB0 is the debug cable. compile openpcd_test Configure OpenPICC via USB debug cable Decode the sniffed data
HID iClass demystified - OpenPCD From OpenPCD HID iCLASS On-Air-Protocol for mutual authentication HID Access Control Application read with a standard OMNIKEY 5321 RFID reader - shown both in encrypted and decrypted form As rumors are flying high, we would like to make some clarifications concerning the key vulnerabilities we found. The most important finding of our research is that HID iCLASS Standard Security cards can be easily read and copied with low cost consumer USB RFID readers due to the fact that the same two keys were used world-wide for all HID iCLASS Standard Security installations. An in-depth description of our security analysis can be found in our white paper Heart of Darkness - exploring the uncharted backwaters of HID iCLASS security. Meet us on in Montreal on July 14-16, 2012 Meet Milosch and Brita of the OpenPCD hardware team on in Montreal, Canada! Demonstration Software Get the source code for reading and analyzing iCLASS cards and readers (zip and tar.bz2 archive). Countermeasures
Getting started - OpenPCD From OpenPCD Getting Started You've just bought or built your own OpenPCD device and are eager to get started? Then this is the right section for you to read. For the beginning, it is recommended to first read the Hardware#Familiarizing_yourself_with_OpenPCD_Hardware chapter to get an overview about the OpenPCD hardware. Attaching OpenPCD to the host PC the first time Your OpenPCD unit (if bought from the OpenPCD Webshop) will be flashed with a current version of both the sam7dfu bootloader and the main_dumbreader firmware. The red LED should light up and the green LED should begin to flash as soon as the USB cable is attached. On the host computer (running Linux), using the lsusb program of the usb-utils package, you should see: # lsusb ... To get more information, you can use lsusb -v -d 16c0:076b Bus 002 Device 010: ID 16c0:076b Device Descriptor: USB Debug Cable Otherwise there won't be any /dev/ttyUSB* device available. Device Drivers -> USB Support -> USB Serial Converter Support. . # . # . # .
Passive RFID Project - OpenPCD From OpenPCD Bootable RFID & NFC Live Hacking system with libnfc and OpenPCD 2 RFID Reader/Writer/Emulator support New OpenPCD 2 design - a 13.56MHz RFID Reader & Writer with NFC protocol and Tag Emulation support Sniffing ISO15693 RFID iCLASS SE transactions on a 13.56MHz carrier using a PicoScope 3204A and an OpenPICC SnifferOnly frontend. Introduction OpenPCD is an open source and open hardware project around Near Field Communication (NFC), RFID reader, writer & emulator hardware for 13,56MHz. The intention of the OpenPCD project is to offer the users full hardware control of the RFID signal and to provide various output signals for screening the communication. Latest News in Montreal on June 11-18th, 2012 Meet Milosch and Brita of the OpenPCD hardware team on in Montreal, Canada! HID iCLASS demystified In our talk at the 27C3 in Berlin we disclosed our security research on HID iCLASS RFID cards. New Call a Bike RFID System in Berlin Our open RFID hardware projects
Hospital by Robert F. CarrNIKA Technologies, Inc. for VA Office of Construction & Facility Management (CFM)Revised by the WBDG Health Care Subcommittee Last updated: 04-21-2011 Overview "A functional design can promote skill, economy, conveniences, and comforts; a non-functional design can impede activities of all types, detract from quality of care, and raise costs to intolerable levels." ... Hospitals are the most complex of building types. VAMC Bay Pines, FL In addition to the wide range of services that must be accommodated, hospitals must serve and support many different users and stakeholders. The basic form of a hospital is, ideally, based on its functions: bed-related inpatient functions outpatient-related functions diagnostic and treatment functions administrative functions service functions (food, supply) research and teaching functions Physical relationships between these functions determine the configuration of the hospital. Building Attributes Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness Aesthetics
My Multimonitor Setup: Three Screens For One Computer I’ve used three monitors for about two years now, and I’d never go back. It all started when I bought a new computer with a video card that had two outputs, digital and analog. I used the digital for my new 17″ LCD, but I wondered if I could get an old monitor going on the analog card. So I set my old 20″ CRT to one side, plugged it in and was amazed at how I could expand my desktop. Honestly, if you’ve never used a multi monitor setup in Windows, it really does feel like magic. The only problem with using two monitors I found was that my neck started hurting from looking only ahead or to the right. The alternative, I suppose, would have been to have had two monitors right next to each other in front of me. My bright idea meant purchasing two more 17″ LCD monitors plus another video card, so I’d have three outputs in all. I quickly found I needed two more purchases to make things fly to really do well with a multimonitor setup. The other key element is a good monitor stand.
10 semi desconocidas alternativas a Google No sé por qué razón la gente hace listas de 10 elementos. ¿Será porque usamos el sistema decimal o algo así? No importa. En este pequeño artículo haremos otro homenaje más a esa larga tradición, pero esta vez en relación con 10 motores de búsqueda alternativos a Google. Los hay para todos los gustos. Noten que muchos de los motores proveen la paradigmática y mínima interfaz con la que Google comenzó a gobernar la información mundial se dio a conocer desde 1997. 1. Muy criticado, pero agradable. 2. Seguro, privado y con una limpia interfaz. 3. Posee un extraño diseño de interfaz, con el ánimo a ser integrador. 4. Ruso, poderoso, pero alfa. 5. Integrador. 6. Semántico, horrible y genial. 7. Convencional. 8. Visual. 9. Quizá sea el padre de los motores de búsqueda semánticos, para la llamada Web 3.0. 10. Búsqueda web ecológicamente inspirada, respaldada por Yahoo!
Techniques in 3-D Building Mapping | 10 Times One The Best Thing To Happen To Old Buildings Since The Flying Buttress. Welcome to the twenny-tens™, the age when simply looking at things is not enough, an era of constantly needing more and more visual stimulae to be impressed. Fortunately there’s this amazing new technology called 3-dimensional building mapping whereby you take, say, a cool 600-year-old astronomical clock and make it super-über-cool by projecting a digitally aligned animation over the top of it. Take a look at the video below entitled, yes, The 600 Years, done by The Macula, a production team out of Prague that specializes in these kind of digital imaginings, and watch the cynics as they run. This particular show is the result of four months of work, projected at a 5000 x 1200 resolution using two hi-def projectors. What is 3-D Projection Mapping? Check out this guy’s blog for the latest in augmented engineering. Here are a couple more examples of recent 3-D building mapping shows. Interactive Projection Mapping
What Is UPnP and How Do I Use it to Stream Media to My TV? - Lifehacker Hmm, I must have been looking at the wrong page when I found it. It said it still only supported a limited number of devices. This looks like a great solution for Windows! The great thing about it is that there is no having to fool around with finding proper codecs for Windows; the installation package comes with the appropriate MEncoder, FFMpeg, TSmuxer etc packages to support transcoding of formats that the front end player won't natively play. One can take a brand new Windows installation, install the PS3MS package, add the folders you want to share, connect the computer to the network and the majority of people will be fine just like that. For streaming to multiple devices, some flags need to be added to allocate the proper amount of memory for the PS3MS app, but it's not too complicated and can be found in the forums in the link above. Yup, sounds just like why I love Majestic. I'm using this with my Linux server and a couple of fat drives full of movies and tv shows.
Model 500 Mod Tip: use JavaScript as a calculator in Firefox and Chrome The following tip allows you to quickly perform calculations via JavaScript in Firefox and Chrome. Many people use Google for this purpose, but this tip even works if your computer is offline. The basic idea javascript URLs allow you to perform calculations in a web browser. For example, type the following into the address bar (or click on the link): With the keywords feature [1] of Chrome and Firefox, you can abbreviate long URLs, including the one above. js 7*45 You can see that the keyword is invoked by typing the command js and the argument 7*45, separated by a space. Creating the calculator keyword in Google Chrome Go to “Preferences → Basics → Search → Manage Search Engines...” and create a new entry: Name: JavaScript calculator Keyword: js URL: javascript:alert(%s) Creating the calculator keyword in Firefox In Firefox, you can use a shorter URL, because it displays the result of a JavaScript computation in the window.
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