Mon Blog Défense Russia Business Intelligence, revue geopolitique, articles, cartes, relations in Le Fauteuil de Colbert Mars attaque Armée du futur, le blog sur l'avenir de la défense animé le comité Armée du futur de l'ANAJ - IHEDN War Is Boring French strategic interests THE business of Revue Défense Nationale is to be at the heart of strategic debate in France, and to make it easier for both our countrymen and our partners to understand French defence commitments in the service of peace and international security. The recently departed (and sorely missed) Pierre Chaunu regretted some twenty years ago that ‘France, tired of grandeur . . . is looking for increased security, and fewer initiatives, responsibilities and adventures.’ [1] While it was true in those days, France is today still in the forefront of a group of states which are promoting a new system of governance for the planet : one which acknowledges the realities of the twenty-first century, a system of governance which respects the interests of the greatest number. As [the Polish essayist Witold] Gombrowicz noted, to be French is also to be aware of something which is greater than just France itself. As an opener, perhaps, allow me these three brief observations on methodology : . . . . . . .
La Plume et le Sabre Guerres & Systèmes Guerres d'aujourd'hui Blog A blog (a truncation of the expression web log)[1] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often covered a single subject. More recently "multi-author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, advocacy groups and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into societal newstreams. The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users. History Origins Types By genre
Géopolitique de la Russie vue de ses périphéries TOUT L’ART de la géographie consiste à enrichir la connaissance en recoupant des analyses aux diverses échelles possibles. De même, la géopolitique d’un pays peut mieux s’apprécier en l’examinant à partir de territoires variés. Certes, elle est le plus fréquemment considérée à partir de son centre névralgique. Pourtant, elle peut et doit aussi s’enrichir de l’examen du poids de ses différents territoires, de l’étude de sa composition humaine, de la prise en compte du rôle de ses diasporas [1]… L’approche proposée ici est double. D’autre part, notre approche se fonde sur une méthode particulière, consistant à appréhender la géopolitique de la Russie à partir de ses périphéries au sens propre du mot, donc à travers des « vues », c’est-à-dire des clichés photographiques. Choisissant de tourner dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre, considérons d’abord l’Arménie et le Haut-Karabagh, puis la Géorgie, l’Ukraine, la Bulgarie et la Lettonie. A. L’Arménie honore un dignitaire soviétique 1. 2.