Dash: The DIY Robot
Dash is the world's first lightning-fast origami robot that you can build yourself. Our animal-inspired design allows us to offer a fun, high performance robot at a price never before possible. It's a great educational tool for kids that want to get an early start in robotics, engineering, and biology, as well as a great platform for makers that want to dig in and explore the possibilities of a new paradigm in robotics. Because he has legs, Dash can run over all sorts of terrain, including rocks and gravel. And he is so tough that you can run him off of tables and he just keeps going! When you back us, you'll be getting more than just an awesome robot. "Dash is about radical innovation, the sort of progress that elicits an emotional 'whoa!'. -Patrick Scaglia, former CTO, HP “Dash is a fantastic product for the robot enthusiast or budding 'maker'. -Charles Huang, Inventor of Guitar Hero, CEO of Green Throttle Games ""Seeing Dash scramble across terrain brings a smile to your face.
How-to: Bus Pirate v1, improved universal serial interface
We use the Bus Pirate to interface a new chip without writing code or designing a PCB. Based on your feedback, and our experience using the original Bus Pirate to demonstrate various parts, we updated the design with new features and cheaper components. There’s also a firmware update for both Bus Pirate hardware versions, with bug fixes, and a PC AT keyboard decoder. We cover the design updates and interface a digital to analog converter below. Concept overview The Bus Pirate started as a collection of code fragments we used to test new chips without endless compile-program-run development cycles. Surface mount designPull-up resistors on all bus lines with external voltage sourceSoftware resettable 3.3volt and 5volt power suppliesVoltage monitoring of all power suppliesAn external voltage measurement probeCheaper parts Hardware Click for a full size schematic image (PNG). Microcontroller We used a Microchip PIC24FJ64GA002 28pin SOIC microcontroller (IC1) in this project. RS-232 transceiver
Rotary encoder keypad kit 20X4 LCD - Liudr arduino and physics gadgets - InMojo
Rotary encoder keypad kit 20X4 LCD Description This kit can be used on phi-panel backpacks or any 20X4 character displays. Includes: Laser-cut 3mm-thick glossy/matte black acrylic face plate with window to mount a 20X4 character LCD and a rotary encoder and push buttons. The picture showing LCDs and backpacks are for illustration only. Videos: The following features are made by sending text to the panel and the panel renders long messages, menus and dialogs. There are three face plate layouts for phi-panel backpacks. Downloads Shipping Options * shipping times are estimates. Community Feedback Kit (only 2 left!) - Ships in 3 - Includes everything except for the LCD or phi-panel backpack Note: If shipping internationally, special local taxes (VAT) and customs may apply and are not included in prices or invoices unless otherwise noted. Ships To Payment Methods
Raspberry Pi, mini computers, Android and microcontrollers
General electronics Handling LCD displays via USB UART from your computer - How to control displays from computers via serial UART communications in PythonRemote programming of mini PC like Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black - How to use SSH, SSHFS and VNC/RDP to remotely programm and operate an mini PC from another PC. Micro Python and pyboard Micro Python and pyboard - a Python running on a microcontroller scripts your electronics - How doeas a Python works on a microcontroller and what features pyboard board can offer us? Raspberry Pi Benchmarking Raspberry Pi performance - How does Raspberry Pi compares to other computers in terms of performance? Other Single board computers Benchmarking Beaglebone Black single board computer - What capabilities and performance does Beaglebone Black offers to hardware hackers and makers? Android pyMCU Hardware Other boards
$300 Pick and Place / 3D printer
In order for this project to be successful, we must define a set of criteria, and then break the problem down into a set of little problems that can be tackled, one by one. We chose a Delta robot configuration over a more conventional Cartesian design. This allows us more speed, less BOM cost going bearings and linear slides, and easier build / configuration. I've taken the RepRap philosophy to heart. I've designed FirePick Delta around the following parts: Roller bearings: Use primarily 608 for anything load-heavy. SMT parts are getting smaller and smaller every year. OPEN SOURCE vs. We will keep it open and pay it forward. {*style:<ul>*}{*style:<li>*}{*style:<a href=' - Is a project to create the plans, prototype and software for a completely Open Source SMT pick and place machine that anyone can afford.
Software Selection - Getting Started
Software Selection Most hobbyist and commercial users, as well as some educational users, program the PICAXE chip using the easy to learn BASIC language. This language is designed to allow users without any formal programming experience to be able to quickly and simply develop PICAXE microcontroller programs. PICAXE BASIC is much simpler to learn (and to 'debug') than traditional microcontroller languages such as assembler code or 'C'. The software for BASIC programming is completely free and available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Windows users should select the PICAXE EditorMac and Linux users should select AXEpad The PICAXE Editor software also includes a very useful on-screen simulation mode, where programs can be tested and ‘stepped through’ before downloading to the chip. Education Most educational users in high schools use the flowchart programming method, using the award winning ‘Logicator for PICAXE’ or PICAXE Editor 6 flowcharting software. More details... Circuit Simulation and PCBs
New Matter MOD-t: a 3D printer for everyone
The MOD-t Now Available To Order On NewMatter.com Thanks to everyone who has contributed to our Indiegogo campaign and supported us in creating the MOD-t and New Matter Store. If you missed out on the original Indiegogo campaign, we have great news for you. The MOD-t 3D printer is now available to order at newmatter.com. Delivery Update Thanks to everyone who contributed to the campaign and supported us. In other news, we also recently announced the close of our Series A funding round, so you can rest assure that we have all the capital we need to deliver the printers to you and to market. New Matter Delay FAQ What is the reason for the delay? When am I going to get my MOD-t? Will there be any other changes to my MOD-t? No, all the specs and features of your MOD-t will be just as we promised, if not better. Is this delay normal? I changed my mind, can I get a refund? What’s the status of New Matter as a company? What if you could send a physical object to a friend like a text message?