Bus Pirate
From DP Bus Pirate v3.6 available now for $30.15, including worldwide shipping Bus Pirate v3.6 is also available at Adafruit Industries (USA) EpicTinker (USA) Watterott Electronic (Germany) Evola (Europe) Anibit (USA) Hackaday (USA) The Bus Pirate is an open source hacker multi-tool that talks to electronic stuff. It's got a bunch of features an intrepid hacker might need to prototype their next project. This manual is an effort to link all available Bus Pirate information in one place. Read about the Bus Pirate v3 design; the v3b update; and the v3.5 update. An initial batch of Bus Pirate v4 is now available to early adopters and testers. Introduction Features Features overview (original) Hardware Tutorials Forums Bus Pirate forums Linux, OS X Download Although the primary target of community is to significantly improve the user experience for Bus Pirate v4, the Bus Pirate v3 support will be maintained at all costs (despite the difficulties while compiling with the recent MPLAB XC16 compilers) Mods
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How-to: Bus Pirate v1, improved universal serial interface
We use the Bus Pirate to interface a new chip without writing code or designing a PCB. Based on your feedback, and our experience using the original Bus Pirate to demonstrate various parts, we updated the design with new features and cheaper components. There’s also a firmware update for both Bus Pirate hardware versions, with bug fixes, and a PC AT keyboard decoder. We cover the design updates and interface a digital to analog converter below. Concept overview The Bus Pirate started as a collection of code fragments we used to test new chips without endless compile-program-run development cycles. Surface mount designPull-up resistors on all bus lines with external voltage sourceSoftware resettable 3.3volt and 5volt power suppliesVoltage monitoring of all power suppliesAn external voltage measurement probeCheaper parts Hardware Click for a full size schematic image (PNG). Microcontroller We used a Microchip PIC24FJ64GA002 28pin SOIC microcontroller (IC1) in this project. RS-232 transceiver
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Software Selection - Getting Started
Software Selection Most hobbyist and commercial users, as well as some educational users, program the PICAXE chip using the easy to learn BASIC language. This language is designed to allow users without any formal programming experience to be able to quickly and simply develop PICAXE microcontroller programs. PICAXE BASIC is much simpler to learn (and to 'debug') than traditional microcontroller languages such as assembler code or 'C'. The software for BASIC programming is completely free and available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Windows users should select the PICAXE EditorMac and Linux users should select AXEpad The PICAXE Editor software also includes a very useful on-screen simulation mode, where programs can be tested and ‘stepped through’ before downloading to the chip. Education Most educational users in high schools use the flowchart programming method, using the award winning ‘Logicator for PICAXE’ or PICAXE Editor 6 flowcharting software. More details... Circuit Simulation and PCBs
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