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Pagan Roots

Pagan Roots
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Spiral Goddess Grove - A Goddess Temple Pagan Calendar - December 2011 This Pagan calendar shows Pagan, Witch, Druid and Heathen festivals, dates and events. Important neo-pagan festivals and religious holidays are included even if research into the origins are sketchy, as they are important in modern paganism. Understanding festivals roots is a good idea, for the fire festivals, research the Coligny calendar and Margaret Murray. For the Celtic tree calendar, research Robert Graves. Sources of information on old pagan festivals and calendar dates include the Coligny calendar, Cormac's Glossary and Bede's writings. 2012 PDF Calendar download 2013 PDF Calendar download Get the calendar data in ical format Outlook compatible ical v1, no recurrence, all day events occur at 00:00, OK for month view Note: If you want to use pagan calendar as your homepage, use this simple calendar view as this is faster to load. Main Wheel Of The Year events (fire festivals start on the preceding eve) Search:

Internet Book of Shadows Index This is a large (+9Mb) collection of articles related to Neo-Paganism which can be found archived at a number of FTP sites (for instance, here). This is a collection of posts to bulletin boards from the late eighties to the mid nineties, essentially predating the modern Internet. According to a recent communication, the original editor of this archive was Durwydd mac Tara at PODS net. We acknowledge Durwydd's hard work to preserve this archive. For ease of access, we have converted this archive to HTML using a C program. There are a number of technical difficulties with this collection including runtogetherwords in many places, problems with the table of contents and huge inconsistencies in pagination; due to the volume of this material we have left these intact for now. We have taken the liberty of removing about twenty-five articles which were too far 'off topic', posted elsewhere at this site, or had serious copyright issues.

Phases of the Moon Enter a year between 1700 and 2035 in the form below and press the "Get Data" button to obtain a calendar showing the dates of the primary phases of the Moon for that year. Definitions For definitions of the phases, see the explanation of Phases of the Moon and Percent of the Moon Illuminated in the Astronomical Information Center. In addition, the explanation of Crescent Moon Visibility discusses the waxing crescent phase. Time Format In the output table, d, h, m indicate day, hour, minute, respectively, of Universal Time. Computing the Phase for a Particular Day Several of our Data Services will compute the fraction of the Moon illuminated for particular days. Leaping Hare Pagan Convention in Colchester, Essex, UK This is the website for the annual Leaping Hare convention, which is held every spring in Colchester, Essex, Britain. We will update this site with information about each forthcoming convention, as well as featuring reviews of previous years. The 2013 convention went remarkably well and I think those attending will agree that the standard of talks and workshops was very high this year. If you would like to book a stall (please note they tend to sell out quite a few months in advance), offer your skills as a speaker/performer for the 2014 event on March 29th, or purchase a ticket then please email me

Internet Sacred Text Archive Home Kitchen Witch - Craft & Magick .... Wicca Altar Tools And Their Uses What do you need on your Wicca altar? Altar tools don't have to be complicated or costly. You don't really need anything other than what you have on hand, but you might want the customary Tools of the Witch Trade . . . See List Below. Ritual tools are as individual as the witch who uses them. In the old Wicca, there are specific rules about these things. In modern Wicca, your own heart is your best guide to what you need on your altar. WITCH TIP: Don't Have An Altar? Altar tools are Wicca ritual tools - you need them even if you don't have an altar. If you haven't decided yet whether you should have one or why you need an altar, read Your Wicca Altar.) There are some standard Wiccan altar tools. While this article deals specifically with your personal altar, you may want to use your ritual items on public altars as well. WITCH TIP: All altar tools have symbolic meaning. Athame The ritual knife, or athame, is one of the prime Wicca altar tools. (It is pronounced AH-tha-may or ah-THAW-may.)

Celtic Zodiac Index Celtic Astrology was created by the Druids sometime around 1000BC. The Druid religion was based on 3 basic strands of belief: the first was to remember their ancestors and the past; the second was to have an understanding of nature so that they could work with it, not against it; and the third was to explore the connection of everyday reality with that of the spiritual realm. In Celtic astrology, the zodiac is based on the trees that the Druids held sacred. It was believed that the trees themselves expressed personal characteristics that could then be associated with particular months of the year. This was done by connecting the tree to a lunar month through the use of the consonants in the Celtic alphabet. 13 of the consonants form the calendar of seasonal magic, and the 5 vowels represent complementary seasonal stations. Unlike the Greco-Roman zodiac, the Celtic calendar has 13 astrological signs based on lunar months. Please click a Zodiac picture for more information about that sign!

Wicca Spells - Moon Phases Moon Phases Possible forms of the New Moon: • fatigue, depression; • A good time to start new things, but no earlier than 12 hours after the accurate New Moon phase. Possible forms of the Half Moon: • surplus of power; • nervousness, aggressiveness. Possible forms of the First Quarter of the Moon: • irritability, nervousness; • mistakes, misunderstandings, being late. Same as the First Quarter. Possible forms of Sun Eclipse : • fatigue, depression; •The next two days is the wrong time to start new things. Possible forms of Moon Eclipse: Same as the Sun Eclipse Moon without a Course: This is how the the situation is called, when the moon goes out of the sign of Zodiac, and it does not make the closing aspects to other planets. Tags: moon, moon phases, rituals, wicca, wiccans, witch, witchcraft
