Paper Clips (Age 8+) This documentary isn't a slick, celebrity-narrated account of the Whitwell students' simple but life-changing Holocaust studies project. In fact, the biggest celebrity is Happy Days dad Tom Bosley, who, as a Jewish grandfather, sent in one paper clip to the class. Instead, the documentary earnestly focuses on the principal Linda Hooper, assistant principal David Smith, and language-arts teacher Sandra Roberts, and the students and journalists who helped spread the word that a group of white Southern kids were doing their best to honor the six million Jewish people killed by Hitler's racist regime. Throughout the collection process, the students, who didn't even know any Jews personally when they began the project, become attuned to the stories behind the paper clips and understand that unchecked intolerance and prejudice can lead to genocide.
The Dunderheads (Age 7+) Older kids will love this story about how a motley group of students pool their unique talents to finally overcome their domineering, evil teacher. The aptly-named Miss Breakbone is not someone to tangle with, and she has "no eye for talent," and gives herself a gold star every time she makes a student cry. Of course, each of her students, whom she has labeled as "dunderheads" has a talent, of sorts: Einstein is the brain, Pencil can draw from memory, Clips builds amazing things with paper clips, and so on. Together they are more than a match for Miss Breakbone's evil maneuverings. Not only is the story rewarding, in that the innocent underdogs conquer the bully, but the writing is also entertaining and the artwork is packed with intriguing detail that will capture any reader's interest. The watercolor, pen, and ink cartooning is unique and expressive.
Cultural Appreciation Apps, Games, and Websites No thanks close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (800 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 14% (275 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 24% (472 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (427 votes) Total votes: 1974 Learning ratings Best: Really engaging; great learning approach.Very Good: Engaging; good learning approach.Good: Pretty engaging; good learning approach.Fair: Somewhat engaging; OK learning approach.Not for Learning: Not recommended for learning.Not for Kids: Not age-appropriate for kids; not recommended for learning. Find out more Share this List FavoriteSign In or Sign Up to add favorites Ni Hao, Kai-Lan: New Year's Celebration
Games That Promote Teamwork close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (764 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 14% (257 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 23% (436 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (403 votes) Total votes: 1860 About our rating system ON: Content is age-appropriate for kids this age.PAUSE: Know your child; some content may not be right for some kids.OFF: Not age-appropriate for kids this age.NOT FOR KIDS: Not appropriate for kids of any age. Find out more Learning ratings Share this List FavoriteSign In or Sign Up to add favorites Games That Promote Teamwork Browse Games That Promote Teamwork Ni Hao, Kai-Lan: New Year's Celebration csm_game csm_app
Global Awareness Apps, Games, and Websites Get our best picks for movies, apps, TV shows, books, and more, customized for your kids. Get the App Get the App No thanks close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (745 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 13% (240 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 24% (424 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (391 votes) Total votes: 1800 About our rating system ON: Content is age-appropriate for kids this age.PAUSE: Know your child; some content may not be right for some kids.OFF: Not age-appropriate for kids this age.NOT FOR KIDS: Not appropriate for kids of any age. Find out more Learning ratings Share this List Barefoot World Atlas csm_app News-O-Matic
Empathy Apps, Games, and Websites Get our best picks for movies, apps, TV shows, books, and more, customized for your kids. Get the App Get the App No thanks close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (744 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 13% (240 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 24% (424 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (391 votes) Total votes: 1799 About our rating system ON: Content is age-appropriate for kids this age.PAUSE: Know your child; some content may not be right for some kids.OFF: Not age-appropriate for kids this age.NOT FOR KIDS: Not appropriate for kids of any age. Find out more Learning ratings Share this List Empathy Apps, Games, and Websites csm_app
Sites That Help Kids Appreciate Differences close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (800 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 14% (274 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 24% (472 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (426 votes) Total votes: 1972 Learning ratings Best: Really engaging; great learning approach.Very Good: Engaging; good learning approach.Good: Pretty engaging; good learning approach.Fair: Somewhat engaging; OK learning approach.Not for Learning: Not recommended for learning.Not for Kids: Not age-appropriate for kids; not recommended for learning. Find out more Share this List FavoriteSign In or Sign Up to add favorites Sites That Help Kids Appreciate Differences
TV and Movies That Promote Empathy Get our best picks for movies, apps, TV shows, books, and more, customized for your kids. Get the App Get the App No thanks close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation "Best of" Lists "Best of" lists Get age-appropriate ideas and inspiration for every interest: Poll Did this specific Top Picks list help you decide to do any of the following? Let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 41% (744 votes) NOT let your child watch/play/read/listen to a particular media title 13% (240 votes) Buy, rent, or download a particular media title 24% (424 votes) Did not impact my decision 22% (391 votes) Total votes: 1799 About our rating system ON: Content is age-appropriate for kids this age.PAUSE: Know your child; some content may not be right for some kids.OFF: Not age-appropriate for kids this age.NOT FOR KIDS: Not appropriate for kids of any age. Find out more Learning ratings Share this List TV and Movies That Promote Empathy Dumbo
Darfur is Dying: (Age 14+) Get our best picks for movies, apps, TV shows, books, and more, customized for your kids. Get the App Get the App No thanks close(x) Don’t Miss Out You’re all set! Look out for our weekly updates soon. Connect with us Jump to navigation Sign In Error message Google Maps (10+) Google Maps is an excellent tool for active people who like to get around. Navigation provides well-highlighted alternate routes, optional text-list display with voice guidance, street level views with rotation, a peg man to drag around, and easy zoom controls. Users can ask for directions for driving, walking, biking, or riding the bus. Settings has a [Google] Labs list of hopeful yet currently confusing accessibility add-ons including one for blind and low-vision users, one that measures distances and elevation changes, one that makes text larger, and one that displays elevation with directions.