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Amazon Web Services Store: Amazon S3 / Amazon Web Services

Evolution of Communication: From Email to Twitter and Beyond We barely have time to pause and reflect these days on how far communications technology has progressed. Without even taking a deep breath, we've transitioned from email to chat to blogs to social networks and more recently to Twitter. Here is my representation of the current ecosystem, which we will explore in this post: In a recent post, Fred Wilson asked what is going to trump email? To answer these questions, we need to understand the patterns behind all forms of digital communication. Email vs. It is always useful to start at the beginning and understand the basics. Phone vs. Way before we had the Internet, we already had a way to communicate faster then via mail - the telephone. Extreme multi-tasking; pic by defining moment Newspaper vs. Regular mail and phone are typically used for one-on-one communication. The ability for people to get involved and to express their opinions, created a completely different dynamic. Electrodes vs. Squaring it all out So now we come to our diagram:

Podcasting — How to save money on your bandwidth « FuzzyBlog December 8, 2005 at 7:13 am | Posted in podcasting, Uncategorized | 24 Comments When I was speaking at search engine strategies a few days ago, I had this wonderful discussion about podcasting with Randall (Hi Randall; hope all is well; sorry I can’t link to you but I lost your business card). Randall is in the real estate business and they want to do a podcast. Regardless of how bandwidth is priced, the fact is that he feels its expensive so the question became to me: How do I make him realize that there is cheap bandwidth out there? And then, in a flash of clarity like a bolt from above, it struck me: The answer is in DNS. Start podcastingCreate where is the company’s real DNS name.Set up an alias for because people will get the singular versus plural wrong anyway.Store all of your podcast media files whether video or audio on a cheap server like TextDrive or ServerBeach or whatever. See? Like this: Like Loading...

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