Dr. Richard Alan Miller » Blog Archive » Baking Soda & Cancer (The Last Laugh) University of Arizona Cancer Center member Dr. Mark Pagel will receive a $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to study the effectiveness of personalized baking soda therapy to treat breast cancer. In other words, clinical trials on the use of oral sodium bicarbonate for breast cancer treatments are about to start![1] Obviously there are people in the know who have understood that sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), that same stuff that can save a person’s life in the emergency room in a heartbeat, is a primary cancer treatment option of the safest and most effective kind. Of course I feel vindicated for everything I wrote in Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment, which still stands as the only full medical review on the subject of using simple baking soda in the practice of medicine. Actually it is no surprise that a University of Arizona researcher received this grant because there has been cancer research going on for years there.
Guide du dos – Lombalgies Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Lombalgie de Wikipédia en français (auteurs) Épidémiologie Les lombalgies affectent une forte majorité de la population. Symptômes Douleur de la région lombaire, souvent en barre ;survenue brutalement lors d’un effort ;irradiation possible vers les fesses, les cuisses, les genoux ;majoration des douleurs lors des mouvements et des efforts.diminution des douleurs lors du ménagement ou du repos ;accompagnée de radiculalgies ou sciatique ;La durée des symptômes est variable, souvent quelques jours (lombalgie aiguë), parfois plusieurs années (lombalgie chronique). Examens paracliniques Les examens paracliniques sont habituellement inutiles au diagnostic, qui reste clinique. Causes Traitement La prise en charge a évolué suivant les pays et les périodes : de plus en plus, la reprise d’une activité physique est préconisée. Au cours des 20 dernières années, les connaissances ont évolué sur les aspects cliniques des lombalgies.
How to Be Present | Be Present First Being present is an inner effort. It is more or less invisible to anyone watching you. It is so simple that it often missed. All you do is hold your attention in the present moment, while keeping all thoughts about the past and the future at bay. You see and listen to what is around you and keep your concentration on that. Just as an experiment stop reading for a moment and try to see and feel everything around you with all the intensity you can muster, and after you have succeeded, go back to reading, and while you read, try to continue to be aware of your surroundings. What you will probably find is that after a short time you will forget about your surroundings and become engrossed in reading. I remember the first time I first read about being present.
Mal de dos 15 exercices contre votre mal de dos Le mal de dos, quand il est d'origine mécanique, se soigne avec des exercices de musculation et d'étirements actifs de la colonne vertébrale et des auto-massages profonds sur les muscles dorso-lombaires à faire au moins 3 fois par semaine, idéalement tous les jours. Le mal de dos d'origine inflammatoire est moins répandu (1 patient sur 20). Il est la conséquence d’une maladie auto-immune sous-jacente qui peut s’aggraver avec le temps. Réaliser des radiographies et des bilans sanguins permet de distinguer le type de mal de dos dont on souffre, mécanique ou inflammatoire. Causes du mal de dos Sollicitation musculaire excessive Vertèbres, disques, muscles et nerfs sont impliqués dans le mal de dos mais il semble bien que le dysfonctionnement des muscles dorsaux, et notamment du muscle multifidus, à la suite d'un geste souvent anodin exécuté en extension ou en rotation dorsale, soit la cause dominante des lombalgies, lumbago et autres douleurs lombaires. Préparation physique inadaptée Le sport
99 Life Hacks That Could Make Your Life Easier Acupuncture mal de dos Publié le 21 août 2012 par Changervie Découvrez comment vous pouvez soulager votre mal de dos avec l’acupuncture La majeur partie du temps, quand on parle d’acupuncture on pense tout de suite aux aiguilles que l’on enfonce et à la douleur. Mais, bien que l’on soit obliger d’insérer des aiguilles dans le corps (sinon cela ne serait plus de l’acupuncture) pour en avoir fait moi même l’expérience je vous assure que cela n’est absolument pas douloureux si le professionnel le fait correctement, on ressent uniquement un petit picotement. Acupuncture mal de dos Les aiguilles pour acupuncture mal de dos Les aiguilles que l’on utilisent pour pratiquer l’acupunture sont très fines et ne font pas mal lorsqu’elles sont insérées. Il faut que vous vous choisissez un médecin compétent et vous ne vous rendrez même pas compte que l’on vous installe les aiguilles sur le corps. L’acupuncture mal de dos L’homme à probablement souffert du dos depuis la nuit des temps. Aurore Lamanon
Meditation, focus, self awareness, self healing & clearing, cosmic energy, galactic core, enlightenment, ascension Be patient with the process It is important to always be aware that this process of self-clearing with the goal of “Ascension” is not something that can be rushed. The ego’s repeated judgments of self and others, painful memories and emotional patterns took a lifetime to build, so they will take time to remove. If you would like to hear this process instead of reading it, use the youtube player below. You can click here for a printable version of this page. So what does it mean to peel the layers? Over the next few weeks, you may work on other issues, peeling away what can be addressed at the time related to those issues. That is progress! Simply acknowledge that you are encountering a deeper level of the issue, and be thankful that it has shown itself to you clearly enough that you can address this deeper layer right now. During the process of reclaiming energy from self-created limited attitudes, the ego will flare up and try to reassert its power.
Biblioteca Pijama Surf: utopías, distopías, ucronías y otros relatos contrafácticos (PDFs) La realidad es, pero también puede ser. La realidad es acto y es potencia, simultáneamente. Y nuestro entendimiento se da cuenta de eso. En cierta forma la literatura (y las artes en general) están sostenidas sobre ese descubrimiento de la mente humana, sobre la capacidad de imaginar lo que no es a partir de lo que es, ver lo que no existe ahí donde algo sí existe. Desde la perspectiva social, esta inclinación o comportamiento se ha expresado en unos cuantos géneros hermanados entre sí por su proyección de las circunstancias de personas conviviendo e interactuando, los casi siempre arduos mecanismos del acuerdo y la colectividad que para algunos pueden perfeccionarse y redundar así en beneficio de todos o, para otros, no están más que condenados al fracaso y la decadencia, con la consecuente instauración de regímenes caóticos o autoritarios que ello implica. Exploraciones que al sondear la posibilidad futura nos descubren, también, nuestro territorio presente. Tomás Moro, Utopía
Experiments Here are a number of experiments (see menu at left) which enable you to see Who you really are. Do them with an open mind. Rely on present evidence rather than on imagination, memory or assumption. Look for yourself - you alone can see Who you really are, no one else can do it for you. For a video introduction to the experiments, click here The experiments guide your attention inwards to the core of your being. Do more than one experiment - each one explores a different perspective on your True Identity. Pointing Here Experiment
Wake Induced Lucid Dreams (The WILD Technique) The Wake Induced Lucid Dream (aka WILD) is often considered the most powerful lucid dreaming technique for two reasons: Lucidity On Demand - WILDs enable you to have conscious dreams whenever you want (as long as you're in the right mental state). Peak Lucidity - WILDs produce the most vivid kind of lucid dream because there is no lapse in consciousness from waking to dreaming. Also sometimes known as the Mind Awake / Body Asleep technique, the Wake Induced Lucid Dream does exactly what the name suggests, catapulting you directly into the lucid dream state from full consciousness. The WILD method can also generate so-called Out of Body Experiences, where dreamers believe they are literally traveling beyond their physical bodies to explore the physical world beyond. In the following tutorial, I'll explain how to have a WILD via traditional visualization and the most popular out-of-body technique. The Basics of WILD I have split the Wake Induced Lucid Dreams tutorial into four parts: Step 1.
Special issue: What is reality? Cookies on the New Scientist website close Our website uses cookies, which are small text files that are widely used in order to make websites work more effectively. To continue using our website and consent to the use of cookies, click away from this box or click 'Close' Find out about our cookies and how to change them Log in Your login is case sensitive I have forgotten my password close My New Scientist Look for Science Jobs What is reality? (Image: Carol & Mike Werner/Visuals Unlimited/Getty) WHEN you woke up this morning, you found the world largely as you left it. Even trying to define what we mean by "reality" is fraught with difficultyRead more The bedrock of it all Can we explain reality purely in terms of matter and energy, asks Valerie JamiesonRead more Is matter real? It's relatively easy to demonstrate what physical reality isn't. Is everything made of numbers? Dig deep enough into the fabric of reality and you eventually hit a seam of pure mathematics, says Amanda GefterRead more Death
Mindfulness exercises | Living Well Mindfulness practice allows you to be able to identify, tolerate and reduce difficult, painful and even frightening thoughts, feelings and sensations; it gives you back some sense of mastery over them. Rather than feeling that you are being pushed around by your feelings and thoughts you learn to be able to have some agency over them. So what is this thing called mindfulness? The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment to moment (Kabat-Zinn, 2003). Put simply, mindfulness is as simple as becoming aware of your here and now experience, both internally and in the external world around you. Sometimes it is easier to understand something in terms of what it is not. If you do some or even most of these things at times, then you are probably a normal member of the human race. We have provided a number of downloadable mindfulness exercises in this section.