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The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World

The Top 100 Documentaries We Can Use to Change the World
By Films For Action / Jun 10, 2015 Documentaries have an incredible power to raise awareness and create transformative changes in consciousness both at the personal and global levels. Over the last 8 years, we've watched hundreds of social change documentaries and cataloged the best of them on the site. There's now so many that we realized we needed to filter this down even further. So what follows is our list of the very best 100 - hand-picked for their quality, insight and potential to inspire positive change. All of the films have been selected because they are either free to watch online, or can be rented online. Did we miss anything really good?

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Eden Project takes ecological restoration to global stage - Daily Planet Eden Project, a spectacular ‘indoor rainforest’ that transformed a disused quarry in southwest England in 2001, is launching a series of Eden-inspired projects around the world. The new projects in China, Australia and New Zealand will focus on environmental issues, including soil, water, food, and biodiversity, educating people and helping drive ecological restoration. Eden Project co-founder Sir Tim Smit said: “Eden’s mission is to explore our dependence on the natural world, to use that understanding to excite people into delivering transformation where they live and to ask really serious questions about what a great future might look like for all of us.” China

Earth - Your life on earth Explore BBC Earth's unique interactive, personalised just to you. Find out how, since the date of your birth, your life has progressed; including how many times your heart has beaten, and how far you have travelled through space. Investigate how the world around you has changed since you've been alive; from the amount the sea has risen, and the tectonic plates have moved, to the number of earthquakes and volcanoes that have erupted. Grasp the impact we've had on the planet in your lifetime; from how much fuel and food we've used to the species we've discovered and endangered.

Global Restoration Network » Video/Audio Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series You’ll be filled with awe and amazement every time you watch this stunning BBC series about our planet’s best-loved, wildest and most elusive creatures, captured on breathtaking, high-definition film in the Earth’s most extreme habitats. Forty cameramen and hundreds of producers, scientists and guides spent four years and $25 million to bring you this God’s-eye-view of rare action and intimate moments in impossible locations. Strange Days on Planet EarthThese four one-hour episodes address the strange transformations taking place around the world because of alien invaders, document a series of perplexing phenomena many believe is linked to climate change, explain the impact the loss of top predators has in island and ocean food webs, and examines the evidence that pollutants are being spread throughout the world’s water systems and explores what we can do to remedy the problem. Hope in a Changing ClimateWhat is ecological restoration?

You could live in this dream eco home for less than the price of a 1 bed London flat – EcoHustler Extraordinary and exemplary Earth Ship with land in Wales on the market now and available to buy This extraordinary and exemplary eco home (hobbit mansion), surrounding lands and greenhouses are on the market and available to buy now. Offers above £250k will be considered. Read on to find out more… All photos by Simon Dale \_©_ Living the Wild Dream in an Age of Control The Po-Mo Page: Postmodern to Post-postmodern Approaching the Main Questions Postmodernism/Postmodernity is associated with an awareness of societal and cultural transitions after World War II and the rise of mass-mediated consumerist popular culture in the 1960s-1970s. In culture and the arts, interpreters of this era describe the kinds of cultural hybrids that emerge from mixing (or rendering inoperative) the categories of "high" and "low" cultures, and hybrids in cultural forms that have developed in regions where local identities seek definition against, or in dialog with, Western "hegemonic" cultures (the mixing of "official" cultures and those defined as "other" in modernist ideologies). Postmodern views of history and national identity typically cancel a commitment to modern "master narratives" or "metanarratives" like progress and goal-directed history, and disrupt myths of national and ethnic identities as "natural" foundations of "unity." Primary Problem: Constructing Trajectories of History and Culture What was Modernism?

Resistance: The Movie That Will Make You Care About Antibiotic Misuse A few years ago I happened to get introduced to a pair of filmmakers, Michael Graziano and Ernie Park, who were starting to explore the topic of antibiotic resistance. They had the same questions about resistance that I obsess over, and the same shock about how enormous the problem is: according to a recent estimate, 700,000 deaths every year, likely to rise into the millions if nothing is done. They recognized their disbelief as the creative spark for a project, and three years later, have brought out Resistance, a documentary now available on iTunes. LV Anderson just said about it, in Slate: Mexico's First "Smart Forest City" Will Be 100% Food and Energy Self-Sufficient Architecture firm ‘Stefano Boeri Architetti’ based in the Italian city of Milan has recently unveiled some mind-blowing designs for a nature-inspired “smart city” in Cancun, Mexico. The city will serve as a blueprint for innovative and sustainable urban planning. The project has been created for Honduras-based property developer Grupo Karim, and is a direct alternative to plans for a shopping district to be built in the area. The smart city would reforest a 557-hectare sand quarry for hotels with the hope of being that completely food and energy self-sufficient.

People Who Achieve Their Goals Do These 5 Things When Angela Duckworth was 27, she left her high-pressure management-consulting job for an even tougher gig: teaching seventh-grade math at a New York City public school. Duckworth quickly learned it wasn’t smarts that determined whether her students accomplished their goals and got good grades—not by a long shot. “I was convinced every one of my students could learn the material if they worked long and hard enough,” she says in her popular TED talk. After a few years of teaching, Duckworth found herself asking the question, “What if doing well in school and in life depends on much more than your ability to learn quickly and easily?” She’s made a career of that question, becoming a psychologist who has studied how and why people set and—most importantly—achieve their goals. A key quality she’s found that separates the winners from the losers?
