iOS 5: Should I upgrade? Thanks, this is a great one to go out on! As someone who has been watching Apple professionally for three years now, and personally for a lot longer than that, I think that this year has actually been marked more by a significant shift in direction for Apple. The introduction of iCloud, with its PC free features for Apple mobile devices, marks a turning point fo rthe company and for computing in general. Since it's such a big play, it's not suprising that it isn't necessarily going all that smoothly. iCloud aside, Apple also introduced lots of exciting new hardware this year; the new MacBook Air really builds on the solid foundation of last year's model, and I think the addition of Thunderbolt across the Mac line will really make its effects felt later on. If Apple looks to be operating haphazardly, it's probably because they have so much going on and are growing at a rapid pace.
Configurer Google Sync sur votre appareil iOS - Centre d'aide Google Apps Cet article est destiné aux utilisateurs de Google Apps for Business, Google Apps for Education et Google Apps for Government. Les autres utilisateurs trouveront des instructions pour synchroniser leur appareil iOS dans les articles relatifs à Gmail, Google Agenda et Google Contacts. En savoir plus Pour configurer Google Sync sur votre iPhone, iPad ou iPod touch, suivez la procédure ci-après. Configuration requise et sauvegarde de données Google Sync n'est compatible qu'avec les versions 3.0 et ultérieures d'Apple iOS. Premiers pas 1. Saisir les informations de compte 5. 6. 6. Configurer la fonctionnalité "Envoyer des e-mails en tant que" Les utilisateurs de Gmail et de Google Apps ont la possibilité d'envoyer des messages avec une adresse d'expédition personnalisée via le navigateur Web de leur appareil iOS ou de leur ordinateur. Connectez-vous à Gmail via le navigateur Web. Sur votre appareil iOS, accédez au site Supprimer un message 12. 13. 13a. 13b. 13c.
Download IOS 5 Now: IMessage Makes The New Apple IOS A Must-Have iOS 5, the new operating system for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, has been released by Apple, and it's a big one, folks. If you own a newer-generation Apple device, especially an iPhone, you need to download iOS 5 as soon as you possibly can. Do not delay. Run, don't walk. Get it. Apple says that iOS 5 comes with over 200 new features; we've outlined the most important ones here. Included within the familiar green "Messages" app of iOS 5, iMessage is identical in purpose and function to BlackBerry's popular BBM service: It is like a live chat room between you and your iDevice-owning friend, during which you can text back and forth in real time without using up any text messages. Now, iMessage sends your messages over Wi-Fi or your mobile network; so granted, using iMessage will eat up that data where no Wi-Fi is available. Phone companies, especially those that have unlimited data plans like Sprint, are sure to hate iMessage. Loading Slideshow
Synchroniser les contacts avec votre appareil iOS - Centre d'aide Gmail To sync your Google contacts with your Apple device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac), we recommend using CardDAV, which is an Internet open standard. When you sync your Google contacts using CardDAV, you’ll be able to edit, add, and remove contacts from your device and keep them in sync everywhere you use them. If you use Google Apps for Business, you can use Google Sync to sync your contacts to your iOS device. Sync your contacts Open the Settings app on your device. After you've completed setup, open the Contacts app on your device, and syncing will automatically begin. Open the Settings app on your device. On your Mac, open the Contacts application. Set Google contacts as your default account on your iOS device If you have set up iCloud, are syncing contacts from another account, or already have contacts stored on the device, you will need to select a Default Account. Set your default account Open the Settings app on your device. New and existing contacts Troubleshooting steps
How iPhone 4s and iOS 5 Reveal the Mac of the Future Planted in your shiny new iPhone 4s and in the iOS 5 are the seeds of tomorrow’s Mac of the future, and indeed the future of all computers. You can find them if you know where to look. (And I’ll tell you where below.) It’s not supposed to be this way. But if you’re focused on the user, as Apple is, this approach doesn’t make sense. This started with the iPhone. In 2007, both Microsoft and Apple introduced the foundation of tomorrow’s computers — interfaces that featured multi-touch, physics and gestures (MPG). Microsoft introduced MPG on big computers because the machine could handle it. Not just the interface, the iPhone ushered in the App Store idea and other innovations that would start on the phone, move up the food chain to tablets and eventually the desktop. This is a brilliant strategy, and I’ll tell you why: People have lower expectations on phones, and are willing to make sacrifices for the sake of mobility. Instead, Apple did it on the smallest computer — the iPhone. 1. 2. 3.
[Tuto] Copier vos contacts depuis votre iPhone vers un compte Exchange (Google Contacts) Par Mathieu Publié le 29 juil Voir dans iTunes L'avis du rédacteur : Difficulté de l’opération : Facile – Moyenne – Difficile Durée de l’opération : 10 minutes Je me suis trouvé ce matin face à une situation qui semble simplissime mais pourtant insoluble. Petit extrait :-Moi : hey, les gars, c’est un peu le souk sur mon iPhone. Objectif : attribuer tous ces contacts à mon compte Google Contacts afin de pouvoir les gérer depuis un ordinateur. Pour cette solution, nous allons nous servir d’un outil dont nous avons publié le test hier: IDriveLite. Etape 1 : téléchargez et installez IDriveLite lancez le, créez un compte (il suffit de saisir une adresse mail et un mot de passe) puis faites un backup de vos contacts. Etape 3 : serrez les fesses, croisez les doigts, sortez vos trèfles à quatre feuilles. Etape 4 : relancez iDriveLite et choisissez Restore Contacts dans l’onglet Restore.
iOS 5 & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family With the launch of iOS 5 and iCloud on Wednesday, Apple took another huge step towards the Post-PC era. They have increasingly made the PC less important and iCloud has meant that it is no longer the ‘hub’ to which your devices sync to – iCloud is now that hub and importantly, it is all tied to an Apple ID. As many are realizing as they update to iOS 5 and begin to use iCloud, this can be somewhat problematic when iCloud is used with the Apple ID that is shared by their whole family. Prior to iOS 5, sharing an Apple ID wasn’t really a problem because its main purpose was for purchasing content on iTunes, using it for support purposes and purchasing items on the online Apple Store – all tasks that worked fine when sharing an ID. Fortunately there are a number of ways to resolve these issues, whilst still benefiting from all of the new iOS 5 and iCloud features. So this means you can use one Apple ID for iCloud, another for iMessage and another for iTunes and so on. 1. Negatives 2. 3.
Exporter les contacts iPhone à Gmail Il y a effectivement plusieurs façons d’exporter les contacts iPhone à Gmail. Cet article va vous montrer une nouvelle façon facile. C’est avec CopyTrans Contacts, un logiciel que vous connaissez peut-être par les autres fonctions que nous avons déjà présentées dans le passé, comme par exemple : Comment sauvegarder les contacts de l’iPhone ? Comment sauvegarder les SMS de l’iPhone ? C’est un programme de transfert très utile, parce qu’il assure une sauvegarde de vos contacts sur votre PC, sans que d’autres personnes y aient accès. Le développement de CopyTrans Contacts est constant et l’équipe qui crée le logiciel assure un service de support dans les 24h. Voici le tutoriel pour exporter vos contacts iPhone à Gmail: CopyTrans Contacts est compatible avec tous les derniers modèles iOS, comme l’iPod Touch, l’iPhone, l’iPad. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.