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My Storybook: Create Your Story

My Storybook: Create Your Story

Tagxedo: Word Cloud with Styles Storyboard That: The World's Best FREE Online Storyboard Creator Bookopolis Practice Opinion Writing for a Peer Audience with Book Reviews Strengthen Comprehension & Critical Thinking with Book Reports Track Daily Reading with online reading logs Send personalized book recommendations to students Teacher Dashboard: Monitor & Review Student Work Teacher Dashboard: Track Class Reading Metrics & Book Trends "Bookopolis gives my 4th graders the opportunity to become 21st century learners in a safe and monitored way. Ms. "Bookopolis is engaging! Ms. "I love to see my friend's books and learn about new ones to read." Riley, 5th Grade student "Bookopolis is like Goodreads for Kids. Riley's mom "I see the excitement of my students when they check the website to see what others may be suggesting as GREAT READS. Ms.

Storybird Fundraisers – raise money for classroom supplies – support literacy – align with curriculum The simple-to-run fundraising solution that parents & educators love. Students’ books become family keepsakes. Poetry and art products make perfect year-round gifts for relatives and friends. Support literacy, creativity, and classroom needs, all at the same time. Share this flyer with your school’s PTA/PTO group or fundraising committee. How it works Students use Storybird to write original, art-inspired books and poetry. Teachers turn on the fundraiser option and set the dates that it will run. Parents log in to Storybird to read and purchase their child's creations. Schools receive 30% of sales. How much can I earn? Assign a school administrator or classroom parent to collect funds. Product gallery Why use Storybird? “The difference between a Storybird fundraiser and the more traditional means of raising money (selling chocolate bars, magazine subscriptions, etc.) is that the product being sold through Storybird is personal and meaningful. Getting started FAQs Where are Fundraisers available?

UTellStory. Créer des diaporamas sonores UtellStory est un outil en ligne qui permet de créer facilement des diaporamas sonores. Véritable petit studio en ligne, Utellstory peut générer de véritables objets multimédia mixant son et images mais aussi textes et vidéos. Un des atouts de UTellStory c’est sa prise en main relativement simple qui le met à la portée de tous les publics. Un enseignant pourra l’utiliser pour créer une leçon inversée. Une fois inscrit, vous pourrez créer votre premier diaporama multimédia. Vous pouvez créer une diapo après l’autre ou uploader tous vos fichiers puis les réorganiser en ligne. L’outil UtellStory offre encore la possibilité de choisir une musique de fond et d’habiller graphiquement vos diapositives. [clickToTweet tweet= »Un bon outil en ligne pour créer des diaporamas multimédias. UtellStory peut être utilisé gratuitement, mais le nombre de diapos est limité à 20. Lien: UtellStory Sur le même thème
