Teach with Blendspace | Create & Find Free Multimedia Lessons Save time by using free lessons & activities created by educators worldwide! Be inspired! Combine digital content and your files to create a lesson Tes resources YouTube Links PDFs PowerPoint Word Doc Images Dropbox Google Drive Blendspace quick start resources Save time by using free lessons & activities created by educators worldwide! Combine digital content and your files to create a lesson Tes resources YouTube Links PDFs PowerPoint Word Doc Images Dropbox Google Drive Blendspace quick start resources
Pounce! | PBS KIDS! Come play again later! Come play again tomorrow! Games, Activities for ESL Classroom Teaching Actions, Colors, Numbers Practice Vocabulary Related to Action Verbs, Colors, Numbers, with this ESL War Game. Animals, Colors, Clothes, Numbers Review Animals, Colors, Numbers and more with this ESL Vocabulary Dino Game Actions, Present Progressive Game Practice Action Verbs with the Present Progressive with this ESL Fun Game. Bathroom Vocabulary Game Practice Bathroom vocabulary with this ESL Fun Game. Bedroom Vocabulary Game Practice Bedroom vocabulary with this ESL Fun Game. Body Parts, Actions, Stationery, Zoo Practice Body , Actions, Stationery, Zoo Vocabulary with this ESL War Game Body Parts Vocabulary Game Body Parts Vocabulary ESL Game to review words related to the human body. Countries and Capitals Game Countries and Capitals ESL Jeopardy Vocabulary Game – Practice Geography Clothes and Color Zombie Game Practice Clothes and Colors in this Vocabulary Zombie Game Colors(Colours) Vocabulary Game Practice Colors (Colours) with this ESL Vocabulary Game, Catapult Castle Game Higher Level Games
Where to Find Good Educational Videos There’s a right and a wrong way to use videos in the classroom. Not all videos are primed for instructional use, and not all instruction lends itself to video. However, pairing a great video with the tools students need to engage with it can lead to a deeper understanding of or alternate perspective on what’s being taught. Check out the September Education Update article “Showing Videos in the Classroom: What’s the Purpose?” to learn three criteria for selecting an effective video and find tips for helping your students “make the shift from vegging out to tuning in for learning.” Once you have identified the criteria to look for, there are tons of places to find both instructional and supplemental videos on whatever topic you’re teaching. General Topics History/Current Events Science Art/Making To learn more about how to effectively incorporate videos into your classroom instruction, read “Showing Videos in the Classroom: What’s the Purpose?”
ESL Kids -Teaching English To Children HOME: house and furniture Roof, chimney, wall, window, door. Bedroom, bathroom, living-room, kitchen. You can each them words like: bed, chair, table, curtains, basin, towel…etc. First teach them basic words and then expand the vocabulary by making associations with another word class. In the kitchen: FOOD: FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Teach these words slowly (it's a big word class). Pick the words you would like to teach and combine them with the four seasons. WEATHER and CELESTIAL BODIES, FOUR SEASONS Sun, moon, cloud, rain, thunder, snow, snowflakes, stars. Repeat the words night/day and parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening. Autumn, winter, spring, summer. If the children don't know any of the words you teach them, teach them in their mother tongue first, then in English. Use the usual material and activities (drawings, cards; drawing and colouring). Teach them nursery rhymes such as "Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!" With the word rain introduce also the word umbrella.
Baby U: recursos en anglès per als més petits Seguint amb els recursos TIC, avui us presento Baby U, un espai web fantàstic per començar a introduir als més petitons l'aprenentatge de l'anglès. Com bé ens passa a molts altres llocs web, per tal de fer servir la majoria dels continguts que se'ns ofereixen ens caldrà fer un registre, no obstant, això no voldrà dir que sense haver-ho fet no puguem utilitzar aquest espai. D'entre els continguts que se'ns presenten hi podem trobar: vídeos educatius; activitats relacionades amb les àrees curriculars (matemàtiques, vocabulari i art i música); i, jocs educatius. És un espai dedicat als infants d'1 a 5 anys, perfecte per a tots aquells que estigueu buscant recursos per a l'Educació Infantil, on els infants puguin aprendre a partir de la llengua estrangera. Val la pena que en feu una ullada, ja que en podem extreure molts continguts que ens poden ser útils.
Home ESL Kids phonics,Sounds Word Building, Reading through Phonics Main/ Courses / Worksheets / Teaching Tips/ Songs/ Phonics / Flashcards/ Shop / Contact/Partners Phonics Materials for All Games In this section you will find a generous collection of the best phonics resources. Phonics Printable PDF Worksheets A to Z A To Z A to D - E to H - I to L - M to P - Q to T - U to W - X to Z Phonics>>> Site Search : Find stuff across our sites Store : ESL Ebooks, Kids Course materials, PPT & more 100 People: A World Portrait What is the best way to teach mixed age groups? | The Super Simple Learning Resource Center Teaching a group of mixed age students can be challenging. But there are many ways that you can work with this situation and have a fun and successful time for all of the students involved. Here are some ideas to get you started. Communicate clearly with parents Let parents know what the goals for the class are and what assistance you will need from them. With mixed age classes, students may be working with different materials, such as textbooks or worksheets. Allow the older students to lead If the lessons are created around activities that appeal more towards the younger learners, there is a good chance the older learners will start to tune out, even if they are helping out a lot. Give everyone a chance to participate When you do activities more appropriate for the younger learners, have the older kids act as the teachers or as teacher’s helpers. Use stories and songs Both picture books and songs are great for reaching kids of a variety of ages.
PowerMyLearning Connect Collaborate with teachers in your school Engage families in the learning process Mix and match educator-curated activities Design your own flexible playlists Provide targeted professional development Ignite student curiosity to create joyful, personalized learning experiences. Learn how PowerMyLearning Connect can transform your school community. A Powerful Way to Personalize PowerMyLearning Connect is a collaborative schoolwide platform that propels personalized learning by enabling K-12 educators to discover, adapt, and share quality content, engage families as learning partners, and accelerate their own professional growth. Learn More Flexible, Carefully Curated, K-12 Content Our team of educators curates the best content from renowned publishers, and assembles high-quality playlists for students, families, and educators–so you can spend more time delivering personalized learning experiences. Learn More Single Sign On Ready to bring PowerMyLearning Connect to your school? Learn More Elsbeth Grant