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Habitat for Humanity (Age 8+)

Habitat for Humanity (Age 8+)

King Dork (Age 15+) This debut novel by East Bay punk rocker Dr. Frank has so much going for it that it may be the literary find of the year. First, it's laugh-out-loud, still-chuckling-10-minutes-later funny, the kind of clever, sardonic, intelligent humor that will have your teens calling up their friends to read passages out loud. The humor, though, is set in high relief by the story's depth, complexity, and sophistication. There's a realism here that goes far beyond most books, either for teens or for adults. All the characters, major and minor, are more than meet the eye, and the layers of their personalities don't always fit together as smoothly as they usually do in fiction. Very few ends are neatly tied up, but unlike most books that try this, it isn't frustrating at all -- in fact it makes perfect sense.

The Dunderheads (Age 7+) Older kids will love this story about how a motley group of students pool their unique talents to finally overcome their domineering, evil teacher. The aptly-named Miss Breakbone is not someone to tangle with, and she has "no eye for talent," and gives herself a gold star every time she makes a student cry. Of course, each of her students, whom she has labeled as "dunderheads" has a talent, of sorts: Einstein is the brain, Pencil can draw from memory, Clips builds amazing things with paper clips, and so on. Not only is the story rewarding, in that the innocent underdogs conquer the bully, but the writing is also entertaining and the artwork is packed with intriguing detail that will capture any reader's interest. The watercolor, pen, and ink cartooning is unique and expressive.

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