Test Your Site Multi-Screen Resources Skip to content Make Your Website Work Across Multiple Devices Build a website that showcases your business on every screen from smartphones and tablets to computers and TVs. Your customers expect a great browsing experience regardless of what device they use. Whitepaper Building websites for the multi-screen consumer Learn about the most typical structures for multi-screen websites, with tips on how to create a great user experience and avoid some of the more common mistakes. Learn more. Case Study American Cancer Society mobilizes 7,000 web pages in one quarter The Society increased mobile visits by 250% and trippled mobile donations with a smart content strategy and deep understanding of visitor needs. Read more. Case Study Baines & Ernst’s new site increase mobile conversions Baines & Ernst launched a Responsively Designed Site. Read more. Case Study Beyond the Rack’s mobile conversion rate doubles Read more. Case Study Plusnet sees traffic grow 2x and sales 10x Read more.
JavaScript Tutorial Useful Resources, Tools and Services for Web Designers - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Meet the new Sketch Handbook, our brand new Smashing book that will help you master all the tricky, advanced facets of Sketch. Filled with practical examples and tutorials in 12 chapters, the book will help you become more proficient in your work. Get the book now → Productivity is a crucial asset of professional Web designers and developers. Please don’t hesitate to comment to this post and let us know how exactly you use these tools in your workflow. Useful Resources and Websites Link Method & Craft1Describing itself as “the DVD extras of design,” this site offers a behind-the-scenes look at different designs, including how they were achieved, the techniques used and how the designers have grown in their professional careers. DesignersMX3This site is dedicated to finding out which tunes keep designers around the globe rolling and get their creative juices flowing. An Illustrated Guide9This project reviews some of the notable picture books. Where Do You Want To Work Today?
Codrops Introduction to the Document Object Model The Document Object Model, or DOM, is the interface that allows you to programmatically access and manipulate the contents of a web page (or document). It provides a structured, object-oriented representation of the individual elements and content in a page with methods for retrieving and setting the properties of those objects. It also provides methods for adding and removing such objects, allowing you to create dynamic content. The DOM also provides an interface for dealing with events, allowing you to capture and respond to user or browser actions. This feature is briefly covered here but the details are saved for another article. For this one, the discussion will be on the DOM representation of a document and the methods it provides to access those objects. DOM Levels and Support A short history lesson in order. For example, most browsers used an array of Image objects to represent all IMG tags on a page. document.images[3].src = "graphics/button2.gif" These early models were limited.
Website Planning Guide As a veteran designer, developer and project manager for more websites than I can count, I’ve identified a common problem with many Web projects: failure to plan. The same issues come up repeatedly in my work, so I’ve written this guide in order to help clients, other designers, businesses and organizations plan and realize successful websites. This guide is written in relatively non-technical language and provides a broad overview of the process of developing a website, from the initial needs assessment through the launch, maintenance and follow-up. Small and medium-sized businesses;Organizations;Institutions;Web designers, developers, and design and development firms. If you’re building a four-page website for your family reunion or a 5000-page website for a Fortune 500 company, then this guide might not be for you; it will either be too detailed or way too short, respectively. Why Plan? Planning is essential for most businesses and organizations. The (Lengthy) Deck Example Link As Ms.
20 Methods for Upping Your Current Web Design Skills Design All great designers are constantly improving their skills. There has never been a successful designer, or anyone of another profession for that matter, that has stopped at a certain point and said, "Good enough". Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to always be learning new things, and to always be improving. In this post we're looking into 20 different ways a web designer can improve their skills at any time. 20 Great Improvement Methods 1. Check out websites like UI-Patterns.com to explore the best user interface patterns for the web. User Interface Pattern Websites: 2. Look at the detail in everyday objects, and actively look at detail in other web designs. 3. Many clients love a designer that offers SEO services. 4. Trends are never something a web designer should solely rely on, but learning new trends is a great way to keep up with technology, and to keep you as a designer out of a rut. 5. 6. Image credit: Dey 7. 8. 9. Image credit: Jakob Montrasio 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
The DOM Event Model Review the W3C DOM2 Event standard recommendation. One of the keys to creating dynamic web pages is the use of event handlers. These allow you to execute specific script code in response to user or system initiated actions. Most events relate to the browser GUI, such as mouse movements, button or key clicks and updates to form inputs. These are usually tied to a specific page element. Some objects have default actions defined for certain events, such as clicking on a hypertext link. In any case, all events follow the same model. Browser Compatibility Some examples in this article will not work in Opera due to errors or lack of support in its CSS and DOM implementations. Assigning Event Handlers There are several ways to set up the capture of an event on an object using either HTML or scripting. HTML Tag Attributes Many HTML tags have intrinsic events associated with them. You can try it out on the text below: Sample element with mouse event handlers. Browser Compatibility Scripting
Javascripts by Java-Scripts.net: Free javascripts, tutorials, examples, and resources. 15 Design Tips to Learn From Apple There is no shortage of companies that follow popular design trends to appeal to a mass market. Much more rare is the breed of company that actually sets design trends. Today we’ll examine the techniques of a company that occupies the top of the design food chain: Apple. Below you’ll find 15 practical ways to follow Apple’s example in creating beautiful interfaces. #1: Keep it Simple Take a look at Apple’s homepage and don’t think about what you see, but what you don’t see. Apple’s homepage simply shows off their most recent work and provides you with a few easily understood categories to help you get to the information you want to see. Imagine you’re driving up to an airport. Apple takes the same approach to interface design. #2: Use Amazing Product Shots One of Apple’s principle reasons for cutting back on superfluous graphics on their site is to really showcase what’s important: their products. There are several things that make these products look so incredible. #3: Contrast is Key
LINQ to JavaScript 80+ AJAX-Solutions For Professional Coding Advertisement Web-developers can create amazing web-applications with AJAX. Stikkit1, Netvibes2, GMail3 and dozens of further web-projects offer a new level of interactivity we’ve used to give up the idea of. Modern web-applications can be designed with enhanced user interfaces and functionalities, which used to be the privelege of professional desktop-applications. AJAX makes it possible to create more interactive, more responsive and more flexible web-solutions. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML isn’t a new programming language, as it is often mistakingly called. In this article we’d like to present a list of over 90 useful AJAX-based techniques you should always have ready to hand developing AJAX-based web-applications. You may also want to take a look at the article 60 More Ajax and Javascript Solutions For Professional Coding9. AJAX Auto Completer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. AJAX Instant Edit 6. 7. 8. AJAX Menus, Tabs 9. 14 Tab-Based Interface Techniques18 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.