A new concept in e-learning solutions
iQuest Presentation
Presented by: Debbie DeLucia and Jamie Hagen-Holt. Resources provided by: Dr. Katherine Hayden and Donna Markey What is Web 2.0? The Secret Life of a Scientist: This site hosts interviews with over thirty different scientist and engineers. Some Web 2.0 Tools to enhance the learning environment Animoto Animoto is a Web 2.0 tool that creates engaging presentations using pictures, text and video. Bubbl.us Bubbl.us is a concept mapping tool that allows students to brainstorm or create a visual of their ideas. Class Dojo Class Dojo is a class management system to reinforce good citizenship and class participation. Collaborize Classroom Collaborize Classroom (student link) is an online private learning platform where students learn how to collaborate and discuss ideas. CoSketch CoSketch multi-user online whiteboard designed to give you the ability to quickly visualize and share your ideas as images. Dipity Dropbox Fotobabble Fotobabble is a free Web tool that allows you create talking photos. Glogster
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Teacher Resources
This page is created for middle school science teachers. It has a collection of other science teacher's sites and content specific related resources. Teacher created sites STEM Resources 6th grade Content Resources This is the 6th grade content resources. 2011 Lesson Plans 7th grade Content Resources This is my page for content resources for 7th grade. 8th grade Content Resources This is my page for content resources for 8th grade. Science Olympiad Resources This page has links to help either a Science Olympiad club or class. Middle School Science This is one of the best middle school science sites. Science Spot This site is a great resource for both students and teachers. Mrs. This site provides teachers with lessons, PowerPoints, and terrific ideas to help anyone teach Earth science. Daryl Science Terrific science resources for teachers, and a super section on bad Hollywood science. Science Class This is one of my favorite teacher sites. Adventures in Science My Science Box Geology Resources
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