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Followthehashtag // Twitter Intelligence and Analytics

Followthehashtag // Twitter Intelligence and Analytics
Related:  Methodology

학술논문: 10.1633/JISTAP.2018.6.2.4 Content Description on a Mobile Image Sharing Service: Hashtags on Instagram Content Description on a Mobile Image Sharing Service: Hashtags on Instagram The mobile social networking application Instagram is a well-known platform for sharing photos and videos. Since it is folksonomy-oriented, it provides the possibility for image indexing and knowledge representation through the assignment of hashtags to posted content. The purpose of this study is to analyze how Instagram users tag their pictures regarding different kinds of picture and hashtag categories.

Dropbox: almacena y sincroniza tus archivos online de forma automática Dropbox podemos decir que es un gran almacén online como puede ser: Box, FolderShare o SkyDrive de Microsoft, pero su sencillez y compatibilidad total con: Windows, Mac (iPhone incluido) y Linux, lo hacen diferente. Tras haberlo instalado podrás disponer de una copia de tus documentos en un servidor online personal al que podrás acceder a través de cualquier ordenador conectado a Internet; bien sea instalando el programa en ese ordenador o accediendo a través de su versión web. Cómo funciona Dropbox (clic en la imagen para ampliar) Para subir cualquier documento solamente tendremos que arrastralo hasta la carpeta de Dropbox. En la parte de la derecha veremos una barra indicando en todo momento el espacio disponible y el espacio en uso, con opción de ampliar la capacidad de la cuenta contratando un espacio superior. It's the effect size, stupid: what effect size is and why it is important It's the Effect Size, StupidWhat effect size is and why it is important Robert CoeSchool of Education, University of Durham, email Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association, University of Exeter, England, 12-14 September 2002 Abstract Effect size is a simple way of quantifying the difference between two groups that has many advantages over the use of tests of statistical significance alone. 'Effect size' is simply a way of quantifying the size of the difference between two groups. The routine use of effect sizes, however, has generally been limited to meta-analysis - for combining and comparing estimates from different studies - and is all too rare in original reports of educational research (Keselman et al., 1998). The following guide is written for non-statisticians, though inevitably some equations and technical language have been used. 1. (a) (b) Figure 1 2. Equation 1 3. Table I: Interpretations of effect sizes 4. 5. 6. 7.

TweetGrid TweetGrid es una aplicación web que permite buscar en Twitter hasta por 9 términos al mismo tiempo, ofreciéndo los resultados en tiempo real. Uno puede buscar por eventos, hashtags, frases, gente, grupos y muchos otros tópicos. Luego de recibir la primer respuesta, a medida que se van publicando nuevos tweets, el tablero con los resultados se va actualizando, mostrando esos nuevos tweets sin necesidad de volver a cargar la página. Esta aplicación permite usar operadores lógicos en las búsquedas y también podemos configurar recibir resultados solo en un determinado idioma. Si uno quiere enviar un tweet desde esta aplicación lo puede hacer sin problemas, solo hacen clic en el enlace Tweet, en la parte superior de la pantalla. También desde los resultados podemos contestar tweets, hacer RT y hasta marcar un tweet como favorito. TweetGrid es compatible con los siguientes navegadores, Windows Firefox 2 and 3SafariChromeInternet Explorer 7Mac OSX Firefox 2 and 3SafariLinux Firefox 2 and 3

How do I know I’m coding well in qualitative analysis? | Nick Hopwood Coding. Yay. Eek. Ugh. Let’s face it, coding is a biggie. But coding can be incredibly valuable to us as qualitative data analysts. Why code in the first place? If you’re coding without knowing why, and without having made a deliberate choice to do so (rather than feeling you have to), it’s not a good start. Enabling you to retrieve chunks of data, or particular phrases, quotations etc, later when you need raw data in your writing, or if you want to check ideas that come up.Helping you ‘be with’ the data in a particular way, getting you up-close to the text. What does coding well look like? Coding is a slippery slope. Good coding relates to how hard you’re thinking (and helps you think harder). But good coding isn’t purely expansive and generative. Helping you decide what data or concepts or categories to focus on, and which to set asideConsolidating what used to seem disparate or unconnected into coherent units that you can work with in whatever follows. Like this: Like Loading...

How Do Research Methods Affect Results? Last week, for reasons best known to one of my clients, I was reading a bunch of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. A systematic review is a way of assessing a whole lot of research at once. A researcher picks a topic, say the effectiveness of befriending services in reducing the isolation of housebound people, then searches all the databases they can for relevant research. That usually yields tens of thousands of results, which of course is far more than anyone can read, so the researcher has to devise inclusion and/or exclusion criteria. Some of these may be about the quality of the research. Does it have a good enough sample size? These decisions are not always easy to make. One of the systematic reviews I read last week reported an earlier meta-analysis on the same topic. Randomised designs are at the top of the hierarchy of evidence. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-RCTs. This is troubling me and I have more questions than answers.

Durham University Evidence Centre for Education (DECE) : DECE latest news 'A virtual free-to access journal of 20 years of research by Stephen Gorard' Professor Stephen Gorard has collected together open-access links to some of the hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles and research reports he has written so far with a range of valued colleagues, in recognition of the increasing number of peer-reviewed papers becoming freely and openly available to all, either because of new journal designs, or because research funders pay for ‘gold’ open access, or university repositories, and of the benefits of such availability of information for potential readers and consumers of research, such as policy-advisers, think tanks, unions and practitioners. The document can be found under 'Resources' on the right hand column of this page and under 'Resources' at the bottom of out our 'Publications' page. Expertise called for from DECE members on value-added measures research Diversifying the elite: the responsibility of universities? DECE December Newsletter now available
